Relapsed, but perseverant to get clean.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by randompatriot, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. randompatriot

    randompatriot Fapstronaut

    Hello all,

    I joined Nofap a long time ago when I was having serious trouble with PMO addiction. When I finally cracked the addiction and was clean my life improved substantially for the better. From being a guy with no romantic relationship, an uncertain professional future, and constant self-loathing (due to the addiction) I managed to change and begin to appreciate and love myself healthily, enter a stable relationship with a woman I love and find an exciting job opportunity.

    After over a year of being clean, I relapsed during one of my toughest and most stressful moments in my life, and having my girlfriend currently in a LDR did not help. I am not proud of it, but I will not be ashamed to admit my fault. It was with great effort that I pulled myself back to Nofap to remind myself why I fought against PMO addiction, and am now fueled to break this vice once again, hopefully for good.

    So I am rebooting, and this time I have learned a valuable lesson. It is not enough to simply clean yourself, but it is crucial to generate a constructive activity to do for when the bad times hit. I found fulfillment in writing when my low moments came, and slowly I began to strengthen my resolve to the point that I completely cleaned my computer from any links, images and videos I downloaded during my relapse.

    I am by no means the shining beacon to tell everyone how to be clean, as I am struggling like many here, but I wish the best for all who are also battling to eliminate this habit from their lives. Remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

    Nofap reminded me of this fact. It reminded me of the existence of this very supportive and kind community for us undergoing PMO addiction. I owe this place so much. Thank you for being here Nofap. Thank you to all the moderators and people who have created and maintained this safe haven for us to improve our lives.

  2. Congrats on your resilience and determination. Great to hear you took something from your relapse. Sounds like you learned to "fail better."

    The more comprehensive your support base is, the more likely it is that it will hold you up when things go sour. Sounds like it needs just a touch of either building up, or reinforcement of what's already there.

    Regardless, it sounds like you've got a great approach. Good luck!
  3. randompatriot

    randompatriot Fapstronaut

    Thanks BreatheDeeply!

    Yeah, as rough as it sounds I've learnt to "fail better". I knew it wasn't going to be easy to stop the addiction, but the fact that I could go over a year un-addicted to it showed me its possible. As you say, gotta reinforce myself and keep going for a better life.
