Thoughts on Virginity?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by pranav02, Nov 28, 2017.

Are you or did you stay virgin till marriage?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    KLPS24 likes this.
  2. KLPS24

    KLPS24 Fapstronaut

    Interesting article!! I was raised Roman Catholic, from a very religious family that pushed those "rules" on us 24/7. Being a victim of childhood sexual abuse, my views had changed. I felt like I had no say in my purity and that rules like this wouldn't define me. As long as I DECIDED to connect with someone on a deeper level, I was pure.
    **Didn't mean to bring religion into it so much, but just my view on the whole Virginity topic.
    Hitto and pranav02 like this.
  3. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    You can stay virgin as long as you want. Believe it or not there are people that want a good connection with a person before they have sex

    Woman don't find it repuslive. They only find it wierd if you find it wierd. If you thinx its a big deal you are a virgin then it will be a big deal for her. Sounds cliché but it is.

    One of my friends is a 30 year old virgin and now has a girfriend who he likes the girl even knows he is a virgin.. But that guy is so confident he doesn't even care if he has a relationship or not he is just happy at his life.
    Knighthawk, Hitto and pranav02 like this.
  4. The Dustbin

    The Dustbin Fapstronaut

    PMO destroyed not only my relationship with people, but with God.

    I was raised Christian and always believed that sex before marriage is a thing to not do.

    However i really struggled from a porn addiction when i was in middle and highschool. I was addicted to prom before i even knew what masterbating was. I was addicted to porn for about four years and then my buddy invited me to church camp. I went and really found Jesus. It was awesome! From that moment on pron had nothing on me! Inwas completely free!

    Unfortunately thats not where the story ends.

    Many years later i started dating a girl. I was super involed with my church at this point, but things went.... down from here. A bit into the relationship we started getting really physical, pretty much anything but actual sex. Basically thats what that realtionship devoled into.

    During that time is when pmo entered my life.

    Pmo ended my relationship and pretty much ended my life at that point. The girl left, i left my family and lived alone in depression for over five years. I started dating a mew girl and sadly it went physical fast. This girl had never dated before and she had mever done anythig before. She just thought that was what was normal in a relationship, and by how damaged i was by pmo.... i thought maybe that was normal as well.

    I was juggling a girl and a severe pmo addiction, it was NOT good.

    After some time i saw not only my life crumble but hers as well. I began to hate myaelf for hurting her in this way.

    I realized things needed to change.

    So i got help, found this site and have been fighting like hell to overcome pmo. I am doing my absolute best to help my girl and build her back up.

    I say all this to say this

    I have seen pmo and sex addiction and whatnot destory my own life and others. I choose now to stay a virgin til marriage. The more i think about it, i think that is why the Bible says no sex til marriage...

    Cause we will just screw it up. Sex is meant to be one thing, but it has become something it was mever intended to be.

    I don’t want to preach at you, and i know plenty of people who have sex in their relationships. However i wanted to speak from the heart and let you know why i choose to wait.

    Stay strong in whatever you do.

    - The Dustbin
    pranav02, Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  5. Chastity is the manliest of virtues. What can be harder for a man to give up than sex?
    lantti, Wazzai, Knighthawk and 2 others like this.
  6. This probably true if you have already tasted the pleasures of sex. But chastity doesn't mean crap if you also don't give up MO. For virgins, giving up sex doesn't require any effort (no sex by default), but MO is not so easy to give up. I write from experience as a 40 year old virgin.
    SolitaryScribe likes this.
  7. Chastity applies to PMO and MO.
    lantti and pranav02 like this.
  8. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    PMO technically is also MO
  9. Yes if we want to split hairs. My point is chastity is typically considered abstinence from ANY kind of sexual activiry.
    pranav02 likes this.
  10. People like to think God is a huge buzzkill that hates sex. Wrong! He created sex! Like anything else, in the right time and place, sex is wonderful. Of course we twist it to fit what we think is best and that's when it becomes destructive.
    Roady, pranav02 and Deleted Account like this.
  11. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Sex outside of any formal commitment is just asking for trouble.
    Roady, pranav02 and Knighthawk like this.
  12. Was thinking of chastity not as a religious virtue but more in the sense of a personal one.

    For the record I totally believe God, Yahweh, Allah whatever you want to call him is down with some good lovin’.
  13. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    This begs the question... are "sins" that are written in the bible or any other religious book just merely a bunch of rules imposed on us by religion? or are they there for a practical purpose outside of what we hold as our religious views. hmmmmm
  14. Religion is basically the oldest set of laws, ethics and moral code humans have had.
  15. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    You're right... In fact today's society and societies in general are based off of religious moral laws and principles. I guess this begs another question, can society function if it were to completely abolish religion? or would that lead to a moral collapse over a span of time?
    pranav02 likes this.
  16. Look at USA as an example: many different religions but a single federal law code. Laws govern the society but religion governs the individual. For some nations, this isn’t as simple.
  17. Worth the wait: source - multiple happy lasting marriages I've had the privilege to witness that have encouraged me in my own walk. Waiting has never been the direct cause of misery in marriage from what I've witnessed, but the opposite has. Not to say that waiting will guarantee success but it will help. You'll have plenty of time to become to become a pro once you are married.
    pranav02 likes this.
  18. Wazzai

    Wazzai Fapstronaut

    I have only been healthier since I stopped using sexual outlets.

    Yes I am a virgin,but I feel that releasing my semen is a big mistake in terms of physical and mental prosperity.

    I will stay a virgin till marriage and possibly until after as well.

    I have made celibacy and semen retention my goal. I do not feel I want to throw away years of work(when I get there) just because of some petty overrated physical act.

    And none of this is religious. I have seen what indulgence in this matter does so I will do with this what I did with alcohol. Stop wasting my time and energy and start being a productive and powerful entity.

    We as humans came out on top of the food chain for a reason and it was not because we sat around with our dicks in our hands.

    As for marriage my plan is to do it with my wife but once.

    The rest will consist of cunnilingus and stimulation with my hands(which will also be fairly rare).

    Some might say that this is unsustainable, which I respect as an opinion. I will obviously communicate all this to any partner I see potential in becoming a lifelong helper. If they don't want this they may leave.
  19. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Federal law can always change. Society is fluid and is only held up by what the majority holds to be ethical and moral. This is why you have 2 sides constantly fighting each other as to what is moral/ethical. Say that the majority dropped all religious view's, what would be the standard as to what is ethical or moral?

    If we were to take Canada for example, you have a very small minority which insists that if you do not call them by their preferred gender pronoun that this constitutes as hate speech. Canada has actually put laws in place against any form of "hate speech" and discrimination. Yet this term is very vague and is leading many to be persecuted for just merely having an opinion or refusing to abide by these laws such as Jorden Peterson.

    It seems to me that the structure of society isn't as stable as it seems to be. Radical ideologies can hijack any form of government or federal law, and why shouldn't it if there is no standard to abide by.

    Luckily for the united states they have the constitution which gives them a standard... however I can only wait to see how long it will take before that too is gone or altered.
  20. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    i'm not virgin, but i would agree with someone who is virgin and don't masturbate at all. If you choose to stay virgin but you masturbate you are just stupid (don't want to offend anybody, just my sincere opinion).
    pranav02 and SolitaryScribe like this.