
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by condesq, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. condesq

    condesq New Fapstronaut

    I have significant question, at least on my end, as I have consistently resorted to PMO as a means of relaxation before bedtime. Now that I have been trying to stop (a very rocky start indeed) I have had a couple of instances on days where I refrain completely of basically being up until 3 or 4 in the morning. I'd love to just sweat it out, but my job means I need to be in the office, sometimes 6 days a week, by 7:30/8:00 am. I am worried that it will start affecting my production, and I know it has already made me slightly edgier with clients.

    So, I guess my question is this (I have tried exercise): what are some methods that those of you in similar situations have found to work well. I am absolutely positively truly thankful for any help in this area, and I apologize if this has been covered before.
  2. gohawks29

    gohawks29 Fapstronaut

    Try some exercise like an hour before bed or so... Do as many push-ups as you can, or cardio or anything you can do to make yourself physically exhausted. You'll be tired from the workout that you can just show let and hit the sheets and hopefully fall asleep quickly with an added benefit of getting more in shape!
  3. You_Can_Do_lt

    You_Can_Do_lt Fapstronaut

    Turn the lights off or dim the lights at least an hour before bed. I take sleeping pills as well. If you're not into sleeping pills, melatonin supplements 3 or 5 milligrams are a good natural substitute. Other than that, it's just gonna take some time. It make take a little while to get your new habit of NOT fapping before bed to be comfortable.
  4. SodiumAttack

    SodiumAttack Fapstronaut

    Keeping the lights down is definitely important. Also, I'd avoid staring at a computer screen (or any other glowing screen) for an hour before you want to go to bed. Your circadian rhythm is set by light exposure, and artificial light can mess it up. If you have a late-night (P or non-P) Internet habit, try reading a book (paper, not e-book) instead.
  5. TenderTalons

    TenderTalons Fapstronaut

    Be careful here. I found when I took a dose of 2mg melatonin that I woke up after the full 8 hours feeling very disoriented, confused, and had poor motor function control. Basically, I felt like I woke up drunk. To test it for yourself, be sure you take it on a night where your next day is relatively free from responsibility.
  6. antiquatedlife

    antiquatedlife Fapstronaut

    I'm dealing with the same issues, my solution has been taking two 5mg melatonin about an hour before I want/need to go to bed. I don't stay on my computer and I get up and go to bed when my wife does, instead of sitting up wandering the internet and ending the night hours and hours later by PMO. Good luck to you, there is no surefire answer, what works for me might not work for you, but your making progress, good luck!