NoFap challange of 90 days

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by vjeko1, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. vjeko1

    vjeko1 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I am a newbie in this great community. I decide to cut down self destruction habit.
    I am 29 year old guy and masturbate since 12, use internet porn since I was 18.

    My longer streak was 61 days and then I had break up with my girlfriend and relapsed, since then strugle to beat my record and continually destruct my gifted life.

    Hope that this great site and community will help me to overcome my addiction!! :)
  2. vjeko1

    vjeko1 Fapstronaut

    Day 5

    Last few days was pretty good with no urges, have few small talks with opposite sex with little or no anxious .. Today feeling more anxious but workout session in gym fix the problem :).. Reading other members post/experiences and replying on them is great help to me.
  3. You_Can_Do_lt

    You_Can_Do_lt Fapstronaut

    I'm having the same experience. Reading and responding to others has helped a ton for me. Stick with it. There are a lot of folks here with great experience and a lot of days stacked up. Listen, learn, and implement their advice. I highly recommend finding an accountability partner to email with if you don't have one yet. You can't do alone. We've all tried.

    Good luck and keep up the good work.
  4. vjeko1

    vjeko1 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your suggestion I will search someone..
  5. vjeko1

    vjeko1 Fapstronaut

    Something I note that we all on porn addiction are some kind of coward no ofense. We loose our manliness becaue of that m.. f.. thing. When I look to Nick Vujcic example or other physical disability and theirs struggle and will to life then we have no excuse to keep porn in our life..
  6. aron

    aron Fapstronaut

    I know it might be a little late but I just reached your journal. I just wanted to say hi and welcome you. You will find a lot of good and supportive people here that will help you along the way. I would love to hear how you reached that 61 days. That is pretty impressive.
  7. vjeko1

    vjeko1 Fapstronaut

    It's not late because I have not use PMO :D..
    I had reached the 61 days when I had a girlfriend. My relapse happened when the things go bad with her bilaterally, I was on bad mood and little depression most of the time but many years of PMO took part of my manliness and I behave in that relationship very inferior, insecurity of course with mild ED. I didn't told her that i was addicted to PMO and that was crucial part of bad relationship communication.

    Since then struggle to recovering from breakup and of course going deep in my PMO thing.

    But now I am recoverd from that relationship with more knowledge of porn addiction and tools that help to overcome.
  8. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome!

    This might sound a bit trite but this is a copied and pasted message because I think its important to greet people but don't have to time to type out the same message every time. So rather than just ignore people I figured it would be good to do this?

    Just to get you started can I just make the following suggestions (and they are only suggestions)?

    1. Head over to the forums at the top of the main page. Don't be shy. Wade in and see what grabs your interest. Start a thread. Help others and be helped just by getting involved. Plus its the PERFECT antidote to fapping!

    2. Check out the website yourbrainonporn if you haven't already and make use of the brilliant resources there.

    3. Consider doing a 90 day reboot and get yourself a tracker (see bottom of this post)

    4. Lighten up! Humour really is the best medicine and can really help you see things from a new and and helpful perspective. (And you need that more than anything right now. Right?)

    5. Consider reading the book 'Changing for Good' by James O Prochaska. Is a particularly helpful tool for those who want to make positive and LASTING change in their life. Several of us have found this to be an indispensable tool.

    7. Don't get into arguments (especially over the usual politics/religion stuff) We are all human here and we are in this together regardless of our chosen 'path' (even if you believe truth is a 'pathless' land!)

    6. Thank the founder of this site Alexander. It really is making the world a better place (I truly believe that!) And credit where its due I say!!

    7. Greet and encourage newcomers...;-)

    All the very best to you :)
  9. vjeko1

    vjeko1 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for tips, yourbrainonporn is brilliant site and was my first helping site on web, I never heard for James Prochaska and would definitely resarch him and his book.