A QUESTION & POLL : Does SEX have a positive or negative effect on you ????

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Malty88, Oct 2, 2014.

Does having SEX take away the benefits or adds them

  1. No, I still feel equally or even more motivated

    6 vote(s)
  2. Yes, It takes my motivation, almost the same as MO

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut


    Really want to hear diffrent opinions on this...
    Do you think that by having sex, you basicly lose the motivation you had before or not ?
    Do you get a feeling that you lost the positive benefits you had ?


    Do you get more energy by having phyical contact with another human being ?

    This has been bothering me for days now...I would really love if people who have stoped PMO,
    and have had sex in the mean time, did it effect you positively or negatively ?


  2. jfats100

    jfats100 Fapstronaut

    You're going to have to be a little more specific.

    Sex with a girlfriend? Sex with strangers? Sex with hookers?

    What kind of sex? Handjobs, blowjobs, anal?

    How regularly are we talking? Everyday sex? Once a week? Whenever you can get it?

    My answer would be different for each of these.
  3. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut

    Hi Jfats,

    Precisely why I made it an open question and not specific, so that diffrent people with diffrent sexual patterns would reply...some who are having one-night stands 2-3 a month...to people with girlfriends who are having sex 2-3 times a week...to even people who have sex with hookers...

    I personaly think that having sex with hookers is the same as PMO, since hookers are just porn incarnated in flesh. I also suspect that having sex everday, must have a negative impact on staying motivated ( I'm coming from Napoleon Hills " Sex Transmutation " )

    Man if you can give feedback, it would be awesome.


  4. A.W

    A.W Guest

    I have been having sex with my wife every 3-4 days and I have found it amazing. O is completely different, I am more attracted to her, she is more attracted to me. I do have difficulty going the distance now though, but so far no complaints. I don't think I could quit PMO without sex.

    Afterwards I don't think about it or worry I have lost my new powers or anything and I feel fine. I feel better about myself, don't feel the need to look at every woman and judge them on their screwability, in life and on TV. A burden is gradually being lifted off my being all thanks to quitting PMO.
  5. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut

    Great feedback A.W. Thank you very much.

  6. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    Hmmm I started to lose focus because I started to focus on this one girl. But I suppose its because I felt that a relationship was coming and sex I don't think so. I feel its because I was so head over heels to soon. See all my relations have been one night stands to fwb so I thought this was it. Afraid to say the more I learned the less interested I got but thats just my life. The relationship part when your focused on it can distract you a bit until you realize to refocus but sex by itself I would say no unless thats all your focused on than maybe.
  7. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut

    Hey FinalFight, thanks for your input, its great to gather diffrent thoughts on this.


  8. jfats100

    jfats100 Fapstronaut

    I believe having sex with your partner, someone you love, is a healthy thing, especially if you are able to retain your semen. More than once a week, though, is enough create dopamine respose problems in both partners, and therefore should be practiced less than that. Karezza would be the ideal sexual practice between two lovers. Any sex act that could not result in a child (ie blowjob, anal, etc) should be avoided. Sex for pay (ie hookers) and solo sex are off limits.

    This is my opinion, and so you see, the answer to your question is not yes or no.
  9. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut

    Hi Jfats100,

    Thanks for your feedback man. Yes I see your point.
  10. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut

    So basicly,

    What I see here is that, mostly people here agree that:

    - Having sex with hookers is bad ( human version of P )
    - Any kind of sex that is without emotions, or doing a position ( anal ), just becuse you don't get off any other way is bad
    - Having sex every day, be it your partner, or one night-stands is going to take the motivation and energy
    - So what I see is, somewhere around 1 time a week would be a perfect balance to maintain focus and motivation while also experiencing emotional and physical closeness with your desired partner

    Do you agree ?

  11. Performance

    Performance Fapstronaut

    Woh Woh Woh!!! Hang on a second...

    I thought it was just wanking that is bad. Now people are saying hookers are bad as well? That doesn't sound right. Sex with hookers is still sex with a woman. They are human beings too... I think it's a bit degrading to think of them as if they aren't human.

    What does it really matter, if it's a hooker, one night stand, girlfriend, etc? They are all still women! As long as the frequency is kept reasonable, and not every single day, I don't see why this would be a problem! It is way different than wanking!! This is NoFap! Not NoSexUnlessYouAreMarried!

    I feel like there is too much holier-than-thou religious attitudes on this forum.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Statistically, the majority of people on this site are atheists. You and others are entitled to your own opinions about prostitutes.
  13. Basically, I have nothing againt one-night-stand. The only problem is what motivate you to your one-night-stand. I feel that this can be a "form of escape from the reality" - something like wathing TV and don´t know, why. Or something like overeating like crazy, just because you have eaten too much and it doesn´t matter now. Something like masturbating when you feel terrible... :)

    But if you feel that this the women, you really want to have sex with, but nothing more. You feel, that this wouldn´t work as a relationship; than I think it can be really uplifting experience. The other point is if you are in some long-term relatioship or not in that time... ;)

    Just my opinion, nothing more.
  14. Malty88

    Malty88 Fapstronaut

    Hey Performance,

    No I'm not saying at all that that prostitutes are less than other people.
    But your going to tell me that hookers arent Porn incarnated in flesh ?
    Your just using them, like paying for a product becuse you just want use her, you don't care that she doesn't find you attractive at all, you don't care that she cries herself to sleep, becuse she is in hell, maybe she is being forced in this, maybe she has to feed her children.
    But you don't care, you paid 50$....you just want your blow job...
    The whole sex with hookers is for the wrong reasons, with wrong energy, and just to satisfy empty lust, the same way why many of us watched porn for hours and M multiple times a day....
    ( When I say " You " I didn't mean you personaly Performance, just making a point, not trying to offend you or say that your view is wrong )

    I myself agree with MistrGalvanickeho Pokoveni about one-night-stands....its all about the context...why are you using that one night stand...

    And yes, I'm an atheist, but respect all people who belive in whatever religion they wish and that brings them joy.
