Damn relapse

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Questosterone, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. I was doing so well, 8 days without PMO. Then I relapsed and remembered how terrible I feel because of it. I was making progress in some areas of my life, I was growing more confident, I was flirting with girls, I was on good form.

    Now I remember why I gave up PMO in the first place.

    Need some inspiration I think.
  2. Locust360

    Locust360 Fapstronaut

    8 days is great man, I wouldn't beat myself up over the relapse. Now you have enough information to weigh the pro's of eliminating PMO and a reminder of why you quit.

    That should give you an even stronger resolve next round.

    I'm struggling myself so I cannot say I am the expert on it, but an outside perspective from what you wrote looks just like that to me.
  3. Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm always hard on myself about this. 8 days is the best I've ever gone, and I know now that I can do better.

    Good luck on your journey too.
  4. marcosharko

    marcosharko Fapstronaut

    Dont worry about the relapse - focus on the 8 great days. You will keep trying and every day with the poison is a good day, and brings you closer to your goal. Think of this way - although you would rather have no relapse, if you keep going, having fewer and fewer relapses, soon the time you are free is greater than the time you are with the poison. Then soon enough, your brain will have adapted to the freedom. This WILL happen, dont doubt me!

    see if you can beat 8 days next time - and keep on setting new records. you'll be in the clear soon enough!
  5. Thanks for the advice. I'll do better this time. You're right about it being a poison, I feel better when it's out of my system.
  6. Thanks for your replies guys. I'm more motivated now.
  7. Agree with other posters man, focus on the 8 days and what worked during those 8 days. I've relapsed heaps ;-) and it's hard work.

    One comment: Be wary of relying on 'Motivation' to keep you going - For me motivation = willpower and it is hard to rely on willpower alone.
    There is some great info on here about setting yourself up with tools, guidelines etc that will help you when the desire to relapse comes on again.
  8. Sean5555

    Sean5555 Fapstronaut

    I tell you what-

    It's been 8 days for me so far, and today (day 8) I had some MONSTER urges. The first since my last relapse. It was tough to focus on other things.

    I've gotten around 3 weeks on hard mode- and day 8 was when shit got real.

    You have to love the resistance. Stay very strong. Preoccupy yourself. It will be for the best.
  9. Yeah. I have to remember the good stuff that happened in those 8 days.

    Keep the goal in mind.
  10. Low Light

    Low Light Guest

    "A seed must first fall to become a big tree." Cheesy ... but true .
    I hope you make it to 80 days , just believe in yourself and always keep the memory of how you felt back when you relapsed in the back of your head .
    You can do it.
  11. Thanks, I remember how good it was when I reached 8 days, and how bad I feel for relapsing. But I guess it takes a relapse or two to make you see its effects.

    I can't wait to get back on track, when I reach a certain number of days, I have more confidence, and that's why I started nofap.
  12. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Not only that but after like 20 days a new level of experience emerges. By the way you should not be worried so much because you don't go to ground zero totally. I noticed that I go to ground zero after relapsing but climbing faster to the lastest point. Either the case masturbating alone sucks.

    Btw I find your username pretty smart. Is it a addition of Quiting and Testosterone? Quiting porn for testosternone or is it just me?

    Either the case keep going. If you watch my journal (http://www.nofap.org/forum/showthread.php?17738-26-Years-old-Journey-Starts) you will find out my terible relapse posts that kept going for almost two weeks. Now back on track.

  13. Thanks. Yeah, I know what you mean. I can regain some of the former powers much faster the longer I abstain. Even after two or three days of nofap I find myself recovering faster.

    And the name, it's "quest for testosterone"'
