Interesting that the Pope was mentioned.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mike Hastings, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Hey Mike here. My journey started after my first marriage was ripped apart by faults of my own and my ex-wife’s. I was very addicted to porn from about 13 to 27 years of age. I’ll never forget the first time me and my buddies stumbled upon our first website when the internet was new to everyone.

    We got mad that we couldn’t find a website that we wanted so we typed in an insult followed by the dot and the com and my life was changed for the worse. I saw things that a teenager was not ready for out of context. (Marriage)

    I know NoFap is supposed to be secular but my journey toward Victory had everything to do with my Faith in a higher power, specifically Jesus Christ. If there are any Christians or non-Christians that wish to have a non-secular discussion about NoFap this blog may hold some tools that may help you not only in your NoFap journey, but your overall journey through ALL of life’s less ideal situations.

    Because that is what life is 70 percent of the time we are on this earth, less than ideal. The percentage isn’t concrete either. Some poor souls poor souls go through life with no face cards the entire time. Some seem to be dealt Aces every damn time.

    The title of this mentioned the Pope. I say that because I noticed lots of folks on here had accountability groups which is a great thing. The Catholic Church has a version of this for every act that men may be less than proud of. It’s called the confessional.

    That is where my journey really started. That is where I was really able to gain the most understanding of “why” porn and masturbation are intrinsically evil/harmful.

    Porn is evil because of the useof another human being as a source for ones own pleasure. This is a violation of mans Godgiven dignity.

    Masturbation is the violation of your body’s own divinely created dignity. Your using yourself solely as a pleasure seeking device.

    I say these thing bluntly and am open to debate but everyone knows this to be truth. Unfortunately we have developed into a society that feels the need to shield everyone from a little bit of shame and guilt. God also gave those emotions to us as an act of mercy and way of leading us back to him.

    If you have ever relapsed and felt shame or guilt you know exactly what I’m talking about. Shame and guilt isn’t designed to totally defeat you but to urge you to go back and reboot. If your a Catholic Christian that means going back into the confessional and confessing the same sin over and over until something finally sticks. That is the only thing that was able to help me.

    We have to keep in mind that God is all knowing, all powerful, AND all Merciful. God isn’t a socialist though. You don’t get to willfully sin decide not to fight, make excuses, your entire life AND get into heaven with those few brave souls who fought, scraped, sweat, cried, and bled for an ounce of grace their entire lives. It would defeat justice.

    It’s the same as the able bodied beggar who askes you for a dollar while you drive your used piece of shit car to the job you really don’t like to put food in your family’s mouths. Screw that guy, we used to have a word for beggars that were able bodied and chose not to try. “BUMS”

    If you relapsed today acknowledge your shame and guilt but don’t dwell on it. Get back in the fight, your soul or maybe somebody’s else’s soul who looks up to you is at stake. The devil has had eons to think of ways to torture you...for eternity. It’s entirely fair cause Christ warned you.

    Call me extreme but truth and reality usually are. In thirty years iv done a lot. I was the child of divorce, high school homecoming king, college drop out, special operations vet Iraq/Afghanistan, married man, porn addict, divorced man, college honors graduate, cop, father, and soon to be proud husband again. Nothing I did, saw, or learned helped me more than Christ and his Church, specifically the confessional.

    God Bless You All In Your Fight For Salvation and Redemption.
  2. GeeWhizz

    GeeWhizz Fapstronaut

    What's your point, Mike?
  3. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Sorry I tend to ramble. Been up late. My point is there are dire consequences of P and M. Catholic Confession helped me out a TON. It’s sadly one of the sacraments Catholics don’t hardly participate in anymore but it can help tremendously in this particular struggle.
  4. Hey @Mike Hastings ,

    I'm just a normal ordinary member. No moderator super powers and no special insite. I share my ESH (Experience, Strength and Hope) of what works for me.

    Just another warm welcome and a heart felt hello. This community has helped me so much.

    What worked for me was "working" it. It took hard work for me to complete a hard reboot (No pmo) for 120 days, then move into a Sex Positive mode.

    First, reading the literature published by NoFap itself along with reading journals.

    Then, doing the work. Writing in my journal and replying to introductions and other's journals.

    Finally, but not least, getting involved with the fellowship. I found it on the forums, but also in people's profiles. The forums tend to be longer posts, where the profiles tend to be more "conversational".

    That is what has worked for me. I like to remind myself that this community was here waiting for me with the lights on when I arrived. Now, I have to do my best to be there when someone comes to the community.

    * L

    PS: Say Hello to a few members. Just open their profile and say "hi" and introduce yourself. You'll find a great community. This is only a short list. There are many many more great people on here.

    @GeeWhizz Journals at:
    @Sunshadow Journals at:
    @Tomoya Okazaki Journals at:
    @2525 Journals at:
    @Visor Journals at:
    GeeWhizz likes this.
  5. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    We are all inflicted somehow by sin. Specifically pornography in this context. I would say the infliction comment you made was accurate. Boys generally under the age of 16 have no clue what kind of can of worms they are opening when they find dad’s stack of nudies under the bed.

    It was no accident though. Somebody put that stuff out there. They didn’t care who might open it. Porn is Lucifer’s sneak attack on men. Sex is a great amazing thing within its context. God made us sexual beings so we would fill the earth. “Be fruitful and multiply.” Sex is supposed to be great. We were made to like boobies.

    Satan hijacks the purpose and makes it all about the act instead of the purpose (multiplying and being fruitful.” Casual use of porn never hurt anyone. “Downplaying” “lier”

    He’s the voice saying how hot she is “objectification” “temptation.”

    Then when she does her thing on screen with whoever she’s getting paid to replicate the sacred act with and then you do your thing on your media device. Afterward, when your cleaning up he’s now the voice telling you what a disgusting loser you are, how could you do that, get a life and a real girlfriend. Jesus no wonder your wife can’t stand you. Satan shames you, why they also call him the “accuser.”

    He’s now lied to you, tempted you, overpowered your will, corrupted, accused, and shamed you with the act he talked you into.

    He knows you’ll be back for more. He knows your passions like God does. He knows your still in a body that wants to multiply.

    The one thing he absolutely doesn’t want you to do is go speak about it, especially with a priest. That is the reason Satan shames you. He doesn’t want you to be able to speak plainly about it because you might figure out the pattern that keeps you in the cycle of damning yourself.

    You were lead to believe wrong. God created all things including free will. God gave men and angels including Lucifer free will. Thus men have the ability to create. Porn was certainly man’s creation not God’s. God’s mercy/second chances x 1000 are available as long as you hold breath. Once your down though, your at his mercy and/or justice and it won’t be your place to determine what is fair. It was written long ago. I’m not here to judge any one person in particular I don’t have that authority. I can judge the acts that all of us, including myself, have committed though. If my words make you feel condemned I assure you none of this was inspired by me I wasn’t smart enough to figure it out until it came to me little by little after dozens and dozens of trips into the confessional and Mass.

    As for the bums. There is a difference between bums and the poor and needy. Christ in no way intended for society to enable the servant who took his talon and buried it.

    Context is everything.
  6. I'm spiritual and have a Higher Power or HP that I call God. But, I don't believe God controls the flow of every drop of water in every stream and river nor to I believe God controls the color of every flower nor the wag of every puppy dog's tail.

    I believe God is perfect. That God is a gold standard that does not change. Therefore I pray to change myself, not God as my HP is already perfect.

    I don't think my Higher Power's will for me changes - ever. I believe that His will for me is exactly the same now as it was the day I was born. It's my choice to follow god's will for me or to do my own will.

    I don't follow any organized religion. Frankly most of them I find very scary, judging and not very spiritual. Well, at least the one's I've attended.

    I say this too often on here, but I say it because it is true: I've heard it said that religion is for those afraid of going to hell and spirituality is for those that have already been there. I've been to hell on more than one occasion and for more than one reason, which is why I'm spiritual.

    * L
  7. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    So why are you doing nofap? Is it purely for the scientific basis that PM may create physical or psychological problems? Why are you here? I’m not trying to be a dick I honestly like hearing others motivation?
  8. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Definitely from the heart. Sorry for whatever it was that you experienced that left you with a bad taste in your mouth towards organized faith. Not saying this is you, but too many people make the emotionally rushed mistake of immediately jumping into defense mode when someone points out an area in their life that really does need housekeeping. That is why Christ created a Church. To keep his flock accountable. He stated to remove the board from your own eye before pointing out a sliver in others. That is why I love Catholic Priests and Nuns. They have my utmost respect. Men and women taking vows of poverty, chastity, and service for LIFE. I’ll take their criticism any day. Someone like that has the right to judge my behavior because even if it doesn’t come out of their mouth like a rainbow they are saying it because they truly do care and believe in the salvation of souls. It truly humbles me what they sacrifice.
  9. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Sorry still getting the reply’s and stuff figured out on here.

    So why are you doing nofap? Is it purely for the scientific basis that PM may create physical or psychological problems? Why are you here? I’m not trying to be a dick I honestly like hearing others motivation
  10. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Why was the PM negative for you? Why is the prison you mentioned negative?

    If you want me to leave you alone just say so but I try and help people dig. Kinda like Hannibal Lector.
  11. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Sounds a lot like slavery.

    I have a friend who works for the US Postal Service as a criminal investigator all he does is child porn cases intercepted through the mail.

    He has to watch that shit. He says the porn that is out there on the dark web is insane. Burns his eyes. Pornhub and Youporn is where I ventured too but my curiosity did start to roam into genres where I eventually had to be like....what are you looking at.

    Genital mutilation, infant rape, snuff films, it’s out there.

    You said uncontrollable. Is that what scares you the most the fact that you started to lose control?

    I gathered homelife sucked but did you have any other activities you enjoyed besides PM?
  12. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    By the way I like your dictator quote. Charlie Chaplin right?
  13. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    Not to be a bugger on the religion again but don’t you think there is some sort of cosmic justice out there some where?

    As a cop I know there are criminals, very smart ones, that will never be caught. I have to believe that one day there will be an reckoning.

    You said you were raised Catholic and you fell away from it. Was there something in particular that made you leave?

    And I asked you what else you did? Job, hobbies?
  14. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    This one still gives me chills! On badass speeches.

  15. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut

    I appreciate the compliment. It’s tough out there these days on all fronts. I’m always somebody’s bad guy.

    People make the laws and then hate you when it’s time to enforce them. Balancing discretion makes anyone with a conscience constantly question themselves on whether they are truly making the right decision.

    It’s an incredible feeling to put someone in handcuffs and take away their autonomy. The self assessment never ends.

    I could never do this without some kind of faith. To think that a gang banging drug dealer gets to essentially do whatever the hell he likes his whole life and end up the same as someone who makes an effort to really help people and follow the rules his entire life doest make any sense in my core.

    As for activities I work a ton, I love the outdoors as well. Also a big movie buff.

    Music and movies these days are pretty crummy though.

    News is crap, politicians are crap, entertainment industry is crap.

    At what age did you conclude atheism was the way to go?
  16. Mike Hastings

    Mike Hastings Fapstronaut


    I fish and hunt enjoy good music and movies. I work a lot and have a seven month old. Cigars are my new thing. Not the healthiest interest but I’m far from perfect.

    Movies and music that are worth a damn are rare these days.

    I agree with your notion that media has become more of a voice for harm than good. Broadcasting the bad is always what grabs attention and money though.

    I always find it sort of comical though when I speak with an atheist who can acknowledge good and evil. No disrespect intended. But seeing something as evil is self defeating to the atheist cause the antithesis of evil is good. Evil therefore cannot exist unless good does also.

    Like light and darkness one cannot be acknowledged without the other. It forces one to question what is good? Who decides? Is it all relative? Of course it isn’t, we know that.

    I don’t think it can be found with the human understanding of science either.

    I was close to being in your shoes not so very long ago when I was in school.

    When I read about the epic of Gilgamesh my notion of the Bible, God, and truth were crushed.

    If Gilgamesh had a flood story and was as old as scientists say it was it made my Bible see irrelevant.

    Turned out I was reading the Bible incorrectly. The Bible isn’t a novel meant to be read from beginning to end and memorized. It is simply a collection of literature exposing Gods work through time. The type of literature the book of Genesis was would be more of a creation myth than a historical text documenting facts to be taken literally.

    If one doesn’t know that they become confused and irritated when science proves the earth is really millions of years old, not thousands.

    This helped me tremendously and brought me out of my faith doubting depression.

    You stated you were raised Catholic. Would you be open to giving it one last shot as an adult with a more critically thinking mind? I feel like your missing out on the best years of your life because like me you were not introduced to Faith properly.

    I blame mostly the Protestant influences on America where most of them wind up looking like idiots when trying to defend their faith with “blind faith.”

    Catholics have a politically incorrect word for Protestant Theology....heresy. It damaged lots of folks faith.

    I’m not saying Christianity is all logic and reasoning but I would say 95%. There comes a time in your study of it when you eventually have gathered enough CREDIBLE evidence where you can comfortably make the conclusion Christ is God and God is all loving and all good.

    I have found that every other religion puts up barriers and taboos to keep the mind from exploring other options. Whether it’s threat of isolation, ridicule, or straight up death. Which is the punishment of Apostasy in Islam.

    These faiths are propped up by fear and intimidation whereas genuine Catholic Christian Faith is not. The Church says here is our Book, here are our traditions that aid in the context of our book. If you disagree that is fine we mean you no harm.

    Have individuals distorted that notion. Bet your sweet ass they have and greatly scandalized the Church’s teaching in the process.

    Lots of Catholic leaders have fallen into the trap of allowing their ego to get involved with their evangelization. This has allowed too many people to fall away. The theology is solid as a rock though.

    I beg you to give it a try. I can tell just by talking with you over the last week that you’re smart. I think you have come to some conclusions without exploring deep enough it’s right there just a few more hours away I promise. It’s the only promise I feel comfortable saying to anyone who has the integrity to actually look into this stuff with an open mind and an open heart.

    God Bless You and good luck. I’m here for any questions. If I don’t know the answers I’ll hit the books and find it.