Need advice on giving up smoking

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Andriy91, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Andriy91

    Andriy91 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. recently I started nofap, It's been 15 days that im clean but my dependency on smoking has increased a bit. I want to give up smoking because its getting out of my control. these days I'm trying new things in my life so i have a fear that maybe i cant handle these new changes if i push my self hard. because of that im doubtful about quitting smoking. I tell myself that it's soon you dont need to stop it now. Do you have any advice on this? Thanks
    Mankrik likes this.
  2. I believe you can apply the same logic, it is after all, also an addiction, but for smoking it can be trickier because of the nicotine detox that your body will have to go through, my advice would be, low the dosage then finally stop or go cold turkey, but be prepared for some tough nights. I used to smoke aswell and stopped at almost the same time of starting nofap, it was a really great decision, and you should really try to change not only these addictions but improve your life as a whole. Don't be afraid of changing,bbe afraid of NOT changing and when you feel that pain and stress start kicking, try to aknowledge them instead of repressing, meditation should help with these. Anyway, good luck friend!
  3. kayesem

    kayesem Fapstronaut

    I used a pdf of alan carr's easy way to quit smoking book. That lasted 7 months or so.

    Last time i stopped and switched to vaping dry herb, then liquid, a slowly cut down to 0 mg.

    Best things to do to help with cravings: Eat an apple, drink water, have a shower, lift weights, walk / run, work on the car, just stay busy in general. The first day or 2 are the hardest, if you can get through those just keep going.

    It takes a long time to clear the system, in terms of cardiovascular disease, which I was starting to develop in my ankles / feet / lower legs. I smoked for about 15 years, yeah. Otherwise, within a week of not doing it, the best benefit is improved sleep, by heaps.

    My neighbour across the road was sitting there the other day with a nicotine patch on, smashing a vaporiser and then still came for a walk to buy tobacco and smoke again. You have to want to stop. Like really want it. He says he does, but he doesn't act like it. You need to replace it, not just cut it out. That's why vaping can help so much to begin with, and it's far less damaging.

    Last time I stopped I got sick, which is normal, but i have not been sick since then with a cold or a flu. That was 2 years ago. I relapsed for a month but got back out with vaping.

    Smoking weed can help, but it can also cause other issues and become a problem on it's own.

    Good luck. It really is a nasty habit. I used to smoke rollees and loved it, but the health effects were not fun, gum disease among others, no fun at all. You tend to eat more and put on some weight if you keep off the tobacco, but what with being so light to begin with i don't mind that at all.
  4. I gave up cold turkey 4 or 5 years ago, one day on new years eve I finally said thats it. I did drink sugary drinks everyday, coca cola. In the past prior to this I used to drink a lot more until I had to stop. In a way coca cola helped through quitting, it was still an addiction in some way, though it didnt help any of the physical symptoms, but probably helped the mental side. A little while I gave up drinking anything but nice cold filtered water, which as you would expect is the best tasting thing to me now hah!

    So when I quit:
    I was around smokers all night on new years eve, didnt bother me at all. Got through the next 3 days, three weeks, three months, then no problems at all since.

    I smoked one benson and hedges red every hour, for about 10 years. I tried to cut down to quit but that didnt work out for me. Everyday, every smoke I had, I asked myself why I was smoking and that I wanted to quit. I soon didnt even enjoy it. In my view, over time it changes your brain when you do this, then your mind and the addiction feelings in your body become separate, which is what I believe happened on new years eve. So your committed to quitting and staying off it, while the body is doing its thing, craving nicotine. Once that day comes, the cravings are pretty hard to begin with, but because your mentally aware and comitted, its easy. After 3 days things calm down a bit but stay the same for the next 3 weeks. Psychological tendancies shine in this time, all the habits, getting in the car grabbing for smokes.. oh yeah I quit haha. After 3 weeks you will be fine, I couldnt stand the smell either. Most things mentally were the polar opposite, so once the cravings left, there was no reason to think about smoking.

    Hope it helps you a bit, good luck quitting!

    Stay strong
  5. you just stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting them

    however much money you save by not buying cigarettes

    give to donkey sanctuary

    Go and see the happy donkeys

    You will never want to touch cigarettes again

    my stepdad and a friend of five years are now donators to donkey sanctuary who do not smoke
  6. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    i found the hardest part about quitting smoking, was being around friends that smoked, or resisting after drinking.

    You have to make the choice to stop doing those things that trigger you until you can get control. Its been 10 months since I quit and I have never felt prouder.

    It was super hard, and the fucked up part is NoFap is way harder
  7. Andriy91

    Andriy91 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, thank all of you alot for your advices. Its the second day i stopped smoking, im a little anxious and i can feel the cravings. I dont see my smoker friends and every time im leaving home i remind my self what's my decision (i cant smoke at home). Thanks again for your support guys. I'm lucky i met this community.
  8. Took me about seven attempts but I quit by abstaining from recreational drugs, alcohol and partying in general for 3 months. During that time I exercised religiously, ate as clean as possible, drank lots of water, read a lot of books and hobbied.
    Andriy91 and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Emancipator

    Emancipator Fapstronaut

    Switch to a cigarette that doesn't have all the addictive added chemicals in them, like Indian Spirits or maybe start smoking clean pipe tobacco.
    Andriy91 likes this.
  10. Prag21

    Prag21 Fapstronaut

    Why dont u replace your smoking habit to another habit or addiction.
    Kinda drink black coffee (too hard to take in) when u need a smoke.
    Or eat any custard fruit.
    This will make feel worst and angry. Try it.
    Andriy91 likes this.
  11. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    LSD microdosing is the best tool for quitting smoking, so is a IBOGAINE trip.
    Andriy91 and kayesem like this.