Ruining a two month streak feels awful

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FutureDoctor, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. Hello fapstronauts,
    here is the situation, I was studying at home like usually and I somehow started to think about erotic stuff. But at this point, instead of focusing on my work, I kind of started to M but not like a real fapping. I just put my hand in my jog and touched myself during something like 20seconds and when I told myself than I needed to stop, I reached O but it was very strange, I did not experienced any form of pleasure and what came out was pretty much just a bunch of seminal fluid.
    So I know well that just 20 seconds of M means that I need to start a new streak but for God sake the fact that I relapsed after 66 day of no PMO with pretty much a premature ejaculation and that it did not even felt good really pisses me off.
    But anyway it was at hundred percent my fault for being a weak piece of crap during one minute and after all, I still avoided to watch P. I am starting a new streak and this time, i will reach at least 100 days for sure!
    Good luck to all of you on your journey
  2. powerful096

    powerful096 Fapstronaut

    All the best comrade
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  3. AtTheEdge

    AtTheEdge Fapstronaut

    I feel your pain brother, be strong ;)
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  4. At least you didn't PMO! That's what matters most.
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  5. fan_of_all_might

    fan_of_all_might Fapstronaut

    Keep at it. I think that's a great reminder that porn isn't satisfying and will always leave you feeling worse after.
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  6. PhdPunk

    PhdPunk Fapstronaut

    I admire that you lasted for 66 days! I'm struggling with reaching 10, don't see it like you are back at square one you are becoming stronger at dealing for this and there's is no counter for that :) . My advice is to set up a plan so you don't do that again i.e. have an exit strategy for when you think about it, and for when you touch, go running, take a cold shower, call a loved one, do something! The temptation will pass and you will feel like you won a battle in this long war!
  7. Frank884

    Frank884 Fapstronaut

    You're not back at square one or day zero or whatever... keep that in mind :) good luck bro
  8. Hufflekid

    Hufflekid Fapstronaut

    This is going to sound very anti-NoFap, but I think I'd encourage you to be less attached to the number. Sure, they're helpful for measuring your streak and seeing what progress you've made, but numbers are not all-encompassing.

    You had 66 DAYS! That's incredible! So many people struggle to even go 3-4 without turning to porn or their hand. You're not the same person you were before.

    It's up to you to decide if that experience breaks the streak, but if it was me, I'd let it go. After 66 days of nothing, it's very very easy to slip up and orgasm.

    But hey, if starting back at 0 makes you work harder, then go right ahead. Either way, don't punish yourself too much!
    FutureDoctor, PhdPunk and Frank884 like this.
  9. As relapses go that's not too bad. You're like a recovering alcoholic who had a few beers and then stopped.

    I recently broke a 52-day streak. My relapse and subsequent chasers were more like a recovering alcoholic guzzling on large quantities of absinthe. And then doing the same thing on a whim shortly after.

    Let's get back on track.
    FutureDoctor, Frank884 and Hufflekid like this.
  10. Thank you very much brother, I will be doing my best to reach an even longer streak but the main problem I am facing is that my studies takes a looot of my time (like 9-10 hours a day since september) so sometimes it is very hard to both keep on working hard and managing the urges. I am not complaining though, I think that it is this kind of challenge that makes you better in the end.
  11. Thanks for your support man I really appreciate it. And about the streak, I know it is just a number, i do not this relapse that much but if i chose to get back to day 0, it's only because I feel like I need as much self discipline as possible to avoid P. In fact, I do not personally think that M is that bad but I am convinced that P is totally a drug. What I hated the most about relapsing is that I started to think things like "you relapsed anyway so why not do it once again while watching some P", so I needed a new start to put all those thoughts away.
  12. Well to tell you the truth, i almost f*cked up everything after my relapse cause I started to want to do it one more time while watching P and I think that if I had hesitated one more minute then I would probably have done it. But while I was struggling to avoid a second relapse, i suddenly felt very angry about myself and that anger made me avoid a second round.
    I am sorry that you broke your streak too but as long as you are motivated to start over, I believe you will be able to do it. I wish you the best!
  13. That's good. Yeah after the relapse I gave in to silly thoughts like "Oh just take one last quick look at a certain video or briefly look at a chat room." Then of course I had no control whatsoever, apparently. It's weird because the streak was really strict, and so was the streak before it, which was a similar length. So why was I so lax after the relapse? Well I guess I wasn't quite so strict about everything in the day or two before the relapse either. That was a bad time for me emotionally. Anyway, being strict is the only way to do it.

    I am very motivated, thanks! All the best to you too!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2018
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  14. Happened to me at day 62 and I was DEVASTATED, I feel for you. And at my case, it also came out of nowhere.. just BAM and streak was over, only thing left was dirty carpet and the worse feeling ever. I described it as the worse orgasm known to mankind
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  15. stewie19

    stewie19 Fapstronaut

    i wouldn't consider it a relapse because you didn't actually feel any pleasure.. its like a smoker who smoked a cigarette without nicotine. i would consider it a small step back and move forward.
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  16. NicoRobocop

    NicoRobocop Fapstronaut

    there will be always a bad day that can break a long streak. i broke 1 year streak and some days, after a bad date... so always learn. that' life... no expectations. just working hard
    FutureDoctor likes this.
  17. Yeah dude that is the same for me, in fact, the only thing I felt from orgasm was a pain in the nuts :/