HELP - I'm home alone for 3 days

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by secretovmicho, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. secretovmicho

    secretovmicho Fapstronaut

    I am going strong with the NoFap however I am home alone now for 3 days. I was really just coming on here to tell someone, and hope to find some positive encouragement really. It's a struggle this NoFap and I really don't want to relapse.

    Any advice....Any.....greatly received
    noonoon likes this.
  2. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    Stay busy. If you have any projects you are working on, focus on that. Get exercise. Watch a movie. Cook an elaborate supper.
  3. Set an alarm. Every hour do a set number of specific exercises. Like x pushups, some pulls, or horse stance, or plank.
  4. Hufflekid

    Hufflekid Fapstronaut

    Once you're done with whatever work you have to do, find another activity. Take a walk, work out and write done some affirmations.
  5. Slash543

    Slash543 Fapstronaut

    Dude its not a big deal, I made it to 41 days While i was home alone......... Relapse depends on you honestly..When you fool yourself.. Other then That Its really hard to relapse..! Trust me Relapsing is what you do..! And if you don't trust yourself on not making it then try to put on Some Papers on you'r room, Some sticky notes.. Reminding you some serious things,why want to nofap,Why you are doing it.. ETC!! Also Set alarms for excercises & FOOD! Life Is Awesome :)
    secretovmicho likes this.
  6. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    Just let it continue to "be a struggle and accept your resistance to this change. You are probably very restless and irritable so I also recommend some kind of daily exercise routine, either a few times a day or one big trial per day to keep you in a good spot with your emotional and hormonal balance.
    secretovmicho likes this.
  7. Honestly when I turned out to be alone, I went far in nofap. I guess Im living in a toxic environment :/.
  8. Warren_Beatty

    Warren_Beatty Fapstronaut

    Man see this as a blessing. Sometimes life conspires to give you exactly what you need at the right time. Maybe you're ready for this test. And it is a test. Embrace the challenge, dont resist it, dont wish it were any different. I would go against the grain here though and advise you not to stay busy. In fact give yourself time and space to just sit with this and whatever feelings come up. From my own experience with this I found that when I stopped chasing my own tail and trying constantly to distract myself from the urges and feelings, that I made serious progress. When youre not distracting you're being with yourself in a way that forces you to face up to what exactly whats driving all of this. When you have to stop and sit with yourself you'll start to feel things going on in your body. At first they feel very uncomfortable, like all you wanna do is get up and watch tv, or eat, or tidy the house, or mow the lawn or whack off and watch porn. But the thing is if you stop and allow the discomfort to be, without trying to make it go away or escape from it, magic happens. Those feelings and sensations start to work themselves out and the more you do this and the more you allow it, you'll find that the urge to fap and look at porn is gone. Resist it and it will never leave you, but if you stop and allow it then it dissipates and is gone, for good.
  9. "if you stop and allow the discomfort to be, without trying to make it go away or escape from it, magic happens."

    Excellent quote! So true.
  10. secretovmicho

    secretovmicho Fapstronaut

    Hey dude no, I don't have fear of people or feel ashamed (should I) I just got too used to porn every time I was alone. However, this forum is really helping me and the support is awesome and something I really appreciate.

    The thing is being at home alone and not watching porn is, to me, not 'normal' environment. Therefore, I am trying to change this mindset, by doing the reboot.

    As it happens, I took the advice of the first persons to reply yesterday and put a film on, all was going well until it came to the sex scene so I fast forwarded through it (a first) and then carried on watching it again. It was a crap film but it did the trick, as yesterday was the first time ever I have not watched porn whilst being on my own (wife is away)

    Here's to 10 days....Thanks
  11. PSC94

    PSC94 Fapstronaut

    Set up an elaborate maze of traps around your house just in case robbers show up.
    Themadfapper and secretovmicho like this.
  12. I like what @Warren_Beatty wrote about it being a test. Next time this happens to me I think I'm going to combine meditating while at home and trying to get out of the house a lot.
    secretovmicho likes this.
  13. secretovmicho

    secretovmicho Fapstronaut

    I didn't say nothing was wrong, quite the contrary. I said that I am not afraid of people or feel ashamed. I wrote the thread because the environment I am in is unfamiliar and I turned to people on this forum for advice. You must understand that I do not want to relapse and to sit here and not reach out to you guys wouldn't end well. I read the comments posted by others and look at their NOFAP DAY BADGES and it gives me a sense of solidarity and hope. I am only on day 10 still a long way to go. That said I have just watched a film and now off to bed AND I haven't relapsed.
  14. secretovmicho

    secretovmicho Fapstronaut

    I already have not so elaborate traps scattered around the house, courtesy of my son. Its called LEGO
  15. secretovmicho

    secretovmicho Fapstronaut

    Sound advice dude thanks :)
  16. secretovmicho

    secretovmicho Fapstronaut

    Day 11 nearly had a relapse about 10 mins ago but instead I come here to write it down for all to see. I am NOT weak and I am in control. I write this here now to say fuck you urge! I am writing in this forum instead of viewing P. On to day 12.........
  17. Workout man EVERY single DAY
  18. wake_up

    wake_up Fapstronaut

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