Pornstar who is to much beautiful

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by snowwolf0111, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut


    I know this might sound very familiar to many of you if I tell you that I have one really bad addiction. There is this pornstar and she is the typical type of woman that I completely like, and I am not talking about body only, the face and voice too. The problem is that I am addicted masturbating looking at her vids and all.. and I do not know how to stop. The thing is that I do not have this with other pornstars.. only with that one.

    Does anyone have any advice what to do about this ?? I am serious about this. It is really a problem for me.
  2. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    I dont remember exactly which one of the many porn stars my addict loves (theres a lot that immediately come to brain in general) but i used to feel like that before. But the same rule that applies to anyone applies to you in your situation: Youre still objectifying them.

    Yes you may be addicted to everything else aside from body, but youre still getting off to the actions being performed.

    Idk if what you meant is the way that they talk but the women in porn talk a certain way to attract and make it seem sexy or whatever. I personally have that problem too where i like the way they talk.

    But what i was trying to get at is: its all porn. Regardless if you get off to porn or a blank piece of paper, if it excites you and triggers you, and all the feelings you get, you need to stop doing it.

    REMEMBER that it messes up your mind and rewires your brain to be messed up, and in reality, you will never be satisfied with a real woman because youve been feeding your brain a fantasy, not reality. Plus, think of all the things you like about this woman. First of all, SHES A WOMAN. She has feelings and is human. You and we are all addicted to the SUPERFICIAL things that are completwly fantasized and in the end makes us view women as objects. What are you gonna do if you meet a girl like this in real life? Will you truly care about her inner person or are you automatically gonna start fantasizing about things youd do to her?

    I apologize if i went all over the plage and if this post triggered i apologize, but remember to know what porn is. Its fake.
    Citadelle, RobbyGo36, Shuraj and 10 others like this.
  3. I have this exact problem. What I’m doing currently is sort of treating it like a breakup. Sounds weird, I know...but it’s working for me. Yeah breaking up sucks...but this girl is no good for you. She is using you and cares nothing for you.
  4. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut

    - Yes you are very right. It is all fake. I have to keep thinking that to every time I feel tempted to fall back into it. It was just that with this one pornstar, I had extremely much difficulty. As we all do, we have a certain type of person in our heads we dream off ( blond, dark, big boobs, small boobs, long legs, face.. etc. etc. ) well this pornstar was very close to my perfect type of woman. That does not happen very often. BUT again, you are right ! She does not care about me, all they do this is use you !!

    Thanks for your advice !!
  5. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    They don't KNOW you they don't USE you you USE them.
  6. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut

    I use them ?? .. lol... how ? It is that the problem is very serious, otherwise it would have been funny.
    I do not pain them , I do not take advantage of them and even if it would be, then they would not notice it even.. but we have this addiction problem here.. the pornstar would not care about that. so who is using who ?
  7. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    The pornstar has simply done the job she was hired to do, got her paycheck and gone home and forgotten about it. while men continue to watch what she did months or years ago. She did it ONCE not the thousands of times you have watched it. Men use pornstars. Pornstars do not THINK about YOU, FANTASIZE about YOU, DREAM about YOU but you do all of that to THEM
  8. Without us they are out of a job. They use us.
  9. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    You don't pay them
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    There are lots of men that are not addicts- sorry
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. And there are probably even more that are...and just don’t know it.

    Sorry for what?
  12. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    Many men can watch and have no problems. Stop putting down Pornstars they didn't ask for your attention
    Deleted Account likes this.

    They have sex for the whole world to see! Yes...they are asking for my attention!
  14. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    Regardless of who uses who, we can all agree that porn is a very addicting COPING MECHANISM that weve found and have used and love how it makes us feel. The women are in the industry because the money is great and addicts and users out there actually do pay for it, although a lot is free. When we dig deep into how it all works, its pretty effed up and that should give is all the more motivation to quit, aside from the ones who actually have joticed a major problem becaus eof his habit and decided to quit on their own terms.
  15. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    How about I spoil your fantasy as I used to work behind the camera- the girls DO NOT LIKE IT and only do it FOR THE MONEY
  16. The fact that you worked behind the camera does not change my opinion or spoil any sort of fantasy that you might think I have. We are clearly not changing each other’s mind so agreeing to disagree seems to be the best option. Good day.
  17. I used to think that it would be interesting to work in the biz.
    I was always facinated with hearing how women really felt about working in the industry.
    (I wasn’t into porn the way most are. My addiction was really M mostly without P)
    How long did you work there?
    Did you like the job or hate it?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    I was behind the camera, I just used to laugh with the girls because they thought it was ridiculous. So much is fake and stupid. I didn't mind it. I worked for a year or two
  19. ArpitPandey9949

    ArpitPandey9949 Fapstronaut

    Well i was also once addicted to Eva Notty but soon i got enlightenment and i stopped watching porn.

    My achievement: Not watched porn in last one year. : )

    My failure: Relapsed several times even without porn :(
  20. Thx for the response.
    I tried to think of women in P as people with lives outside of their job to help me not fantasize about them.
    I saw a woman on Facebook that had some pics to try and get you to her website. The pics were strategically blurred but you got an idea of what her site had.
    Anyway I was reading her posts about flying back home after a shoot in LA and something about her kids and so on.
    It really helped me to see a person with normal problems and life even though she was beautiful and her job was to get people to pay to look at her.
    Really makes you think what kind of person is this vs what does this person look like...