Quitting listening to music

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ypow, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    On one pre-exam test i had 9/10 correct answers. Just because of constant praying.
    I still can't believe music where problem, but who cares about past.. There is no more important moment than the present.
    * I hope this is going to be my last update about music.
  2. Alexceed

    Alexceed Fapstronaut

    Wait... I listen to music like 24/7, but not the same same song. Just the same 200 (more or less) songs. Though I don't think that music is my problem. Though I will note to listen to more music (just added like 88 more songs.)
  3. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    day 0 without music,started today at 17:00
  4. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I can understand giving up "using" music. In my youth I listened to some music but was never really into it like other people. It wasn't until my mid twenties until I bought my first album. As time went on I learned I didn't really care if I went out of my way to listen to music. I do feel I can enjoy a song. Where it wanes is going back and listening to the same song (or collection of songs) repeatedly. For me, it's best to occasionally come across those songs which stand out from the noise. Enjoy them in the moment and then move on.
  5. I listen to all sorts of music, and actually even more so than when I was younger. It helps me relax and concentrate on stuff when I'm grooving to my favourite playlists, I've seen no downsides to it and just positives personally.
    TheBigBadWolf and pezzer like this.
  6. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    Failed. Guys read my previous comments, it is problem for me.
    I gave up on porn and my life changed a lot, but thing that destroy my brain is music, and i won't risk to be in depression(now i am, lost motivation for everything). Recently i lost internet connection and it s great for many reasons, but it s not that topic right now.
    06.03.2018 7:45, New start :)
  7. agreed re this. try other music. i spent years depressed (still have symptoms), and the music choice made a big difference to my positivity and negativity, find what works for you

    currently listening to "summertime" by louis armstrong and similar music of that age, and its just got some positive feels that chills me out....

    my point being is there is a lot of good in music, if you find what works
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. I say go further and cut out all melodious stemuli where if you hear someone whistle or hum then it’s automatic grounds for a reset. No mercy! #MusicDoesntMatter
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Your post was not at all what the OP is suggesting. Obviously he isn't going to never hear music in his life.. that's not what he's talking about trying to do. He's talking about not listening to music on his own, which is completely doable and not unrealistic at all. Plenty of people don't listen to music.
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  10. This is a reminder to all users to remain respectful and stay on topic. If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, please don't post.
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  11. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    Every important goal for college is done.
    I read many important chapters from one book about my life and that is done too.
    And i can t explain how i m happy because i m aware of everything that i do.
    Just live in present moment,ignore past ignore future just write goals and make plan for that goal.. Reality is much more better than dreams,and my problem in past was that.
    And also i can agree with one thing: I don't know to listen music correctly. I always daydream when i listen to any type of music..And when i start to listen one song then i will play another and another and after 30min or more and i look myself in mirror and ask myself 'why why??! why i feel so demotivated' and then comes depression etc etc..
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. This is a hard road to be traveling, at least IMO it would be because I usually listen to music all the the but the OP makes a good point. Reality is much more better than dreams. Yes it can be, I can't remember the last time I lived in a moment without a song to accompany it.
    Deleted Account and Ypow like this.
  13. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    i don't force anyone here to stop listening to music,if it helps you then listen to it :D in my case it's different and i m much more happier when i face the world and problems. I always motivate myself with 'I NEED TO DO THAT' or 'JUST DO IT' because after hard work i m always happy, i can't explain feelings inside me..I wasted so much time on PMO in past and i can't get my time back and everytime i m in situation when i do nothing i change thoughts and remember that present moment is great and then i start doing something. In many cases its praying or relaxing my eyes or supporting brothers here on nofap :)
    I am in nofap lifestyle for 8th months and i don't need porn in my life anymore,simply.. My brain is different now i just think on improving myself every second..I m tottaly different person after avoiding laziness(fb,instagram you know the rest..)
    I hope everyone here will understand present moment(so easy to write i know),i wish you all the best.
  14. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    There was many fails before, but after every fail i m stronger . I m aware of everything i do. Hard to explain.. But every time i m in situation to daydream i immediately 'wake up' myself and i CREATE positive thoughts. Life is so much better without daydreaming. Think about things you know how to achieve and just focus on that.
    Read book: Brian Tracy - Goals
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  15. Mean Bean

    Mean Bean Fapstronaut

    Music is something that, for me at least, is an escape from any of my problems. It is for me because I am a musician myself.

    The best thing though is moderation. That is one thing that a lot of addictions have to deal with. You also need to find a way to stop yourself from totally getting lost and daydreaming as you say. Some music is suppose to do that by making you imagine a story behind the music. But, as said before, moderation is key.

    I myself used to have music playing 24/7 and would get in trouble for it whether at school for listening to it during lectures or at home for it being too loud while everyone else is trying to sleep. Finding other outlets is great, like your praying.

    With the praying, try not to get to wrapped up in that either. May sound weird, but praying may be an addiction too. I say that simply because you may get yourself lost while you are talking to God that you lose sight of everything around you.
  16. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    better is to be addicted to prayers than to be addicted to music. after every prayer i am aware and ready to work more and more on myself,and not just that.. while music do opposite. God is key for every my success. 8th on nofap,all credits to him.
    Btw welcome to nofap community :)
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