100 Days!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    I don't know what to start with! I'm here, Day 100. It's been a long time, but it also feels like it hasn't been long at all. I don't want to take up much of your time, so I'll go through the basics and hopefully you can be inspired.

    I got into porn at a young age, but I think I was already predisposed to sexual problems. What I mean is that before ever seeing porn, I would fantasize about naked people. This happened from a young age, probably as early as 8. The odd thing is that I hadn't even hit puberty yet, nor did I suffer trauma as a kid, much less anything that would have led me to think about dirty stuff. I saw porn first in picture form, then in video, and eventually learned how to masturbate. From there things got worse and worse. Instead of being willing to fap to anything, I would take my time, searching through videos trying to find the hottest one.

    I always knew that porn was wrong, and also masturbation. I know some will say that both or the latter is healthy and normal, but it's not. I was never told, "Don't masturbate," by anyone, but my conscience told me from the very first time. Porn is like being a virtual peeping tom, and masturbation is a self-serving act, wasteful by its very nature.

    I tried to stop off and on for a few years, never really getting very far. A week, two weeks at most probably. One evening I masturbated while watching porn in my bedroom. The feeling afterwords was horrible as usual. I looked up "porn addiction" or something like that on google, and came across NoFap right away. I made the decision to make an account and be active. It was hard giving all this personal information, but I felt it was worth it to join NoFap. My first streak went well, maybe 40 days, then relapse. This continued, the highest I got was maybe around 60 days, then relapse, then porn every day.

    The more recent time was late last year. I watched a porn clip, and as I orgasmed, I saw the video in its true light. It was like I could see how evil it was and what it really looked like. I saw the actress as an evil temptress, not a beautiful woman. It scared me so much, my heart was pounding and I thought I might die. I thought, "I don't want to die like this."

    The irony is that I PMO'd once or twice more before totally quitting. I don't remember the last times, but I do remember that other time, when I saw porn as truly evil. It scared me how demonic it seemed, and it does to this day.

    Since then I've still battled powerful urges, but Christ my Savior gives me rest. Here are some strategies I've used over the last 100 days.

    1. Know that you are a sinner and that Jesus Christ is ready to save you. Please talk to me if you are at all curious. Jesus says, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age," and, "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

    2. Know that the first week will usually be the hardest. It doesn't get easier per se, but the urges go away faster if you apply proper technique to them.

    3. Keep your mind away from sex in general. Don't look at a picture at day 50 and think, "I'm just appreciating the opposite sex, such beauty." NO! You are not yet able to do that, neither am I. Don't let your eyes check a girl out, (or vice versa if you are a girl). If you begin to be tempted, stop immediately. I guarantee you, if you truly say no to porn the first 5 seconds of an urge, you will succeed. If you wait a few minutes, it's near impossible to stop.

    4. Enjoy the new sights and sounds and sensations. Your mind will be clearing up when you heal, so enjoy it! It's wonderful.

    5. Expect some bad days. Stopping porn and masturbation won't give you a non-stop high or anything. If you are feeling sad, don't think, "Why am I sad? Shouldn't I be happy right now?" Expect normal human emotions, and deal with them in pure ways. Both times I reset when I was at 40 and 60 day streaks was when I heard someone died. Don't let sadness give you a reason to watch porn.

    6. Add some discipline to your life. I turn the shower water cold at the end of each shower. It will make you a better and more decisive decision maker.

    7. Find a good accountability partner. If your AP is not serious, or doesn't respond to messages, find a better one. My AP is awesome and has been with me through the best and the worst times.

    I will keep this streak going, hopefully for the rest of my life. (Notwithstanding real sex with a future wife perhaps). God will lead me all the way.

    "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen." Jude 1:24
  2. RecoveringFapaholic

    RecoveringFapaholic Fapstronaut

    Happy day 100! I'm going to hit 100 days for the second time next month. Those are some good tips you have.
  3. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    Awesome! Keep going, it feels like yesterday that I was at day 72 haha. You'll be there in no time.
  4. Congrats on 100 and thank you for the tips! I'm only one week in but reading stories like yours is really inspiring me to stay motivated. Best of luck to you and your life ahead!
  5. PurAbby

    PurAbby Fapstronaut

    1 Corinthians 10:13

    “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; beyond what you can bear. he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

    I’ve used this verse to kind of help me in my battle. I’m only 3 days in since my last relapse but I’m going hard. Your success has inspired me even more to resist. Thank you brother!
  6. Jacob Milburn

    Jacob Milburn Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Thank you for your post, as a Christian i felt the same when i watched porn that's truly evil. I started nofap again and hope that i will celebrate 100 days as well. God bless
    control your life likes this.
  7. Summer Son

    Summer Son Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this awesome post, congratulations! I share this link in my profile.
  8. jonny94

    jonny94 Fapstronaut

    Confirmed by own experiences!
  9. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    Wow! I'm glad you found it helpful, thanks for sharing it. I hope others can be blessed as well.
  10. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    You totally will! Rely on God, but also know your physical self. Walk away from temptation the moment it hits. Get past these first couple of weeks and then the weeks will slip by.
  11. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    You have a clean slate always with God, so begin your journey knowing that you don't have to prove anything. Jesus already proved it.
  12. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    Hey! 12 days is amazing! Keep going.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Iamworthit

    Iamworthit Fapstronaut

    Keep going, brother! This place is a beacon to the "heavy laden" as you said, so it's good that you found and it's great that you stayed!