Let's list where we have fell heh?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by OSU32, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. OSU32

    OSU32 Guest

    1)masturbation only (no porn... but eventually it turned into porn too)
    2)edging (yea.. cause this wont hurt nothing :) )
    3)stealing vicarious pleasure from various stimulis' (including fantasy in my head)
    4)not reaching out (I'm gonna think myself away from this urge.. bwhahaha)
    5)not being willing to be uncomfortable (chasing 'comfort' is the new drug.. haven't we heard)
    6)not helping others on here (only using my knowledge/experience for self serving purposes)
    7)thinking 'time' will solve the problem (if i can just 'stay clean' that will fix me - no other work is necessary)
    8)Justtifying a fab session with 'this time it will be different, bwhahaha right..', or when we get stressed, or afraid--> we think ' fapping will make it better. For example, it will make me richer (when financially stressed) , my self esteem better (i wont feel like a loser) , my cold will go away if i fap (we think about fapping when sick too), This ONE IS THE BEST--> i'm not getting what I WANT, so might as well fap (kind of like "MOM, Johnny wont give me the ice cream cone, I should cry now to get what i want")

    lets add to the list gentlemen!!! Everything I mentioned here is something I did, or fell prey too, and I eventually fell!!! Stay strong guys!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2014
  2. w-san

    w-san Fapstronaut

    Another lie we tell ourselves,

    "I deserve this fap session."

    No, you really don't. What that is, is making fapping the reward. How twisted it that? But our twisted minds will want to justify anything. Don't let it.
  3. Low Light

    Low Light Guest

    Here are a few ...

    1-I'll just watch a video without MO . ( It's surprising how many time I relapsed because of this )

    2-Nofap is not working ... I think I feel exactly the same so what's the point of taking away my pleasure .

    3- I'll just check for new videos ... just the thumbnails .

    4- ........... ( This one is just the worst , when you're feeling depressed and you don't even think )

    5- Innocent pictures .... just a few innocent pictures on google . ( These stuff torture you till you relapse )

    6- Am I really going to stop PMO for the rest of my life ? ( One day at a time ... even worrying about 90 days will get your spirit down . Days pass anyway . What's the point of worrying ? )

    7- I have .... an itch (this is already awkward . I'm not going to explain this one )

    8- When you browse the internet with nothing really in mind ...

    9- When you feel down or have a wet dream or search for an "innocent" picture ... I feel I've relapsed so might as well PMO .

    10- That scene that's stuck in your mind and keeps dragging your feet ... the more you think about it , the harder it will get for you to forget it . ( And trust me on this ... do not just try to watch it without MO , it's stuck up there for a reason )

    Maaan I relapsed a lot .....
  4. MichaelMichaelson

    MichaelMichaelson Fapstronaut

    Another one is giving in to the weakness after a relapse for some time before rebooting again. This really only puts you back to square one as I have noticed. As soon as you relapse, be aware of it and take the addiction by the balls straight away again.
  5. OSU32

    OSU32 Guest

    YOU guys are spot one!!!!! keep it up.
  6. OSU32

    OSU32 Guest

    2-Nofap is not working ... I think I feel exactly the same so what's the point of taking away my pleasure .

    THIS WAS HIT ME HARD!!!!!!!!!! Good 1