Depression and Weird Benefits

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Briar, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. Briar

    Briar Fapstronaut

    Some weird stuff has happened to me in the last few weeks and you guys might want to know about it. A couple weeks ago I was PMOing every day or every other day. Now I'm past two weeks. I just want to explain what's happening to see if you guys understand it.
    Day 1: Looked at porn, didn't get hard, just went to sleep, didn't feel anything.
    Day 2: Had some urges, but I didn't look at porn. Just felt bored and sorta depressed
    Day 3: Super bummed out. Felt like nothing in life meant anything. To sad to even think about porn. For the first time in months I didn't just run to porn to escape my feelings.
    day 4:I work out for the first time in weeks to try to pull myself out of this slump
    Working out helped a lot, and after that a lot of weird benefits started to kick in.
    1-I work out harder and have more energy
    2- I start to wake up before my alarm every morning when I hear my parents are awake. I'd usually sleep through this and still be tired. I seem to need less sleep, I also no longer stay up late to look at porn
    3- I can breathe easier. Usually I get exhausted really easy when I PMO regularly
    4- I smell stronger/worse/better. This is probably the weirdest thing, I notice when I'm working out that it smells a lot stronger. It's not like normal sweat, it smells like when I have sex. If there's a medical explanation for this I'd love to hear it.
    5- Zero anxiety. I'm usually a nervous person when I'm on PMO but now I don't worry about school, money, girls, etc. I usually never talk to somebody I don't know but a few days ago I was eating at my college and sat with a girl who was alone, we talked for about half an hour and somehow it didn't scare me.
    6- I can work out harder, I've gained a little muscle mass in the last two weeks.
    7- I have confidence that I have no reason to have. A friend of mine is trying to date a girl I've known for a while, instead of just giving some regular advice of something like "try to communicate, follow your heart, bla bla bla" I told him that if he didn't man up and ask her out I was going to. it's weird because I know she's out of my league, but I'm not scared to ask her out or get rejected. I only have this much confidence when I'm off PMO.

    I'm only 18 so if some of you older guys have explanations for any of this I'd appreciate it.
  2. good luck dude
    keep up the winning streak
  3. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It seems pretty normal to me!
    You got off PMO, you're not spending your precious semen (life energy) and focus---> you get more energy.
    When you got a lot of energy , you'll feel good, it'll boost your confidence,health etc...
    Read about traditionnal chinese medecine and PMO it is well explained.
    Congrats on your streak, keep studying rebooting daily : )
    Aloha and jobbyj like this.
  4. zakes

    zakes Fapstronaut

    Nice, all the best!
  5. Kassogi

    Kassogi Fapstronaut

    Good to know.. keep up the good work mate
  6. Piotr2000

    Piotr2000 Fapstronaut

    Well done dude! Now don't give up. These benefits are very jusefull in life and the longer you hold on to them the more benefits you get from them. Congrats!
    jobbyj likes this.

  7. how are you now?
    hope you are doing great buddy