Making a promise to all of you on here, if i dont keep it i will eat a can of dogfood and record it

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Guys call me a philosopher or anything but i sincerely believe that me no pmo attracks good things to my life. My bell rang thiss morning and there stood a really beauty full girl to deliver the package that i ordered i had zero anexiety or anything just smiled and had coversation it was so nice this feeling i havent had for over 4 years... i am happy guys this was the conformation for me that i am on the right track!!!
    Deleted Account and embl like this.
  2. Bin to the gym again and the stares are real.. not oogling is hard my vidion lingered a couple of times but didnt give in and looked on purpose....

    Couple of people told me that i look bettet already :D
  3. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Well, I didn’t make it. My streak left 8 days short. Well I’m really disapointed in myself, but still feeling little joy from my 22 days streak, which was my longest in ages.

    I failed and Orgasmed without P or M. Wasn’t any accident so it’s time to eat my cat food.

    I hope I will learn from my mistakes and make my streak last next time.

    Well, good luck to you all with this challenge! Unfortunately, I’m out.
  4. Thank you for responding my friend

    a relapse is not the end of the world IF you jump right back on the wagon.

    i found out that whitin one or two weeks you feel better.

    just dont look at that shit man why are we even doing it?

    it gives us nothing absolutely nothing other than pain and suffering in our daily lives

    its the same as when eating junk food every day, you dont know what it is to feel good as someone who doesnt eat junk at all and eat bad for a couple of days.

    and the addiction is just in your head man if i put you in a cage whitout a tv or computer for 90 days you make it easily so why cant you make it this time on your own?

    You have to see this p addiciton as a waterslide, you are standing at the top and everything is fine, but one look, one picture, one hot girl on the tv can make you go down the slide and gues whatss on the bottom? YES pmo

    it is really hard to climb back up the slide when you already slided in

    remember this, if you dont get on the slide you have not a single pain or difficulty, but if you go on and slide down, yes you will have a very very hard time abstaining and quitting

    hope this helps
  5. Thank you for responding my friend

    a relapse is not the end of the world IF you jump right back on the wagon.

    i found out that whitin one or two weeks you feel better.

    just dont look at that shit man why are we even doing it?

    it gives us nothing absolutely nothing other than pain and suffering in our daily lives

    its the same as when eating junk food every day, you dont know what it is to feel good as someone who doesnt eat junk at all and then eat bad for a couple of days. guess what he will feel like shit

    and the addiction is just in your head man if i put you in a cage whitout a tv or computer for 90 days you make it easily so why cant you make it this time on your own?

    You have to see this p addiciton as a waterslide, you are standing at the top and everything is fine, but one look, one picture, one hot girl on the tv can make you go down the slide and gues whatss on the bottom? YES pmo

    it is really hard to climb back up the slide when you already slided in

    remember this, if you dont get on the slide you have not a single pain or difficulty, but if you go on and slide down, yes you will have a very very hard time abstaining and quitting

    hope this helps
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2018
  6. Also, if your using zinc supplements this can be a real problem

    it increases urges a 100X fold for me at least
  7. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply! Now I'm focusing on stopping it here and not starting a binge, possibly I can still save some of the benefits.

    Just ate that cat food (damn that tasted worse than I thought, especially when it was one of the cheap brands :p) and I'm ready to start again!
  8. Bizzle

    Bizzle Fapstronaut

    I'm not a doctor or anything but this sounds awful. You gotta understand that something you have been doing over and over creates patterns in your brain that can't just be broken cold turkey. Thats why most cigarette smokers use patches, its about slowly making the urge less and less. I know there are skeptics that say cold turkey is the only way, but dude, dont punish yourself like that for something your brain is wired to do. Hell celebrate with a cake that you made progress and went a few days. Sorry I wish u all the best of luck, and hope i dont spark a large debate on your mostly positive thread
  9. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    Hey I guess it depends if we can trust a fellow addict to not lie to us or himself or maybe move the goal posts for himself.
    But at the end of the day if you don't keep your promise which is in reality a promise to yourself then perhaps you really should carry out your forfeight.. for added incentive opt for some butchers tripe.. smellsprettt mean that stuff!
  10. Sleepingbadger

    Sleepingbadger Fapstronaut

    No offense taken here :)

    Well, I've tried quitting this addiction for so long, and progressed to around 20-30 days with going step by step, over 6 months. Now I've fallen back to mostly max 5-7 days streaks and that's why I decided to pick up this challenge and try to catch up to my former streaks a little. Myself I really liked this challenge, since it got me to try again, when I was almost ready to give up. Even though I didn't make it to my goal, I still feel joy from my 22 streak that I achieved with this challenge, and I'm now motivated to keep going!
  11. Daydreamer01

    Daydreamer01 New Fapstronaut

    Wow what a great Challenge!!
    I have had few challenges like that in past but this seems to be a daring one..I can feel pain from your words that how much you hate PMO, and love your life.
    I hope you will succeed.Keep it up buddy!!!
    Sleepingbadger likes this.
  12. rather than eating a can of dog food just adopt a stray,,,much better for you both
  13. Bizzle

    Bizzle Fapstronaut

    glad u didnt take offense to it @Sleepingbadger :) and congrats on starting up a new streak. It's just when I picture that punishment in my head i imagine you having these shameful self-hate type thoughts while doing it. So hopefully thats not that case. Know you're worth. I think we are all great people here that deserve the best that life has to offer. Maybe block social media every time u mess up, thats like a win-win ;)
    Sleepingbadger likes this.
  14. Proud of you my friend. I can tell yoy that the diffrence beteeen new and old me is night and day.

    Girls are checking me out i dont know how to cope with it haha

    Good luck i know you will make it just remember dont peek!!!!

    Re administration of the drug to an addict causes immideate dependence upon the substance

    Thiss is with all addictiions
    Sleepingbadger likes this.
  15. Still alive guys and going on .. kinda in andepression overthinking things but gettting stronger also mentally broke al my gym prs and got more in contact with people.. nothing much to report so far about the magic attraction to women or anything gut lets hope for the weeks to come
  16. Grapejuice69

    Grapejuice69 Fapstronaut

    Some dog food is tasty. Thats not enough