Feeling proud on little victory

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Samung, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Samung

    Samung Fapstronaut

    Day 03 completed without fap.My longest streak is three days . Last night was hard for me to control myself So I started motivate myself by listening motivational songs and watching disadvantages of masturbation addiction. I found that weakening of body, Social anxiety, depression, erectile dysfection and Destruction of sex life with partner. All above disadvantages are for masturbation addicted. Then I search signs for masturbation addicted people and I found those signs in me like as masturbating more than 5-6 times in week. I am feeling proud of myself that i have been cleaned for three days. I guess real challenge start for me now it's 4th day and i never been clean for 4 days.so today is important day for me I hope I can control myself.
  2. Aar0n

    Aar0n New Fapstronaut

    Hello there, i guess we started nofap around the same time. Today is my 4th day too and for me as well last night was hardest. However I realized taking a walk helps. Im planning to start working out as well.
  3. Vu1k

    Vu1k Fapstronaut

    I suggest you see this movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0253040/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 it is not the best movie ever, but it is very tough for people as us who can't stop fapping and who can't see in our minds the effects of that behavior.
    Samung likes this.
  4. SanSolo

    SanSolo Fapstronaut

    Well done. I like to celebrate my little victories. Because it's the accumulation of little things done wrong that usually does me in.
    Samung likes this.
  5. Samung

    Samung Fapstronaut

    Little things are most important.