This is our global society, it's disgusting

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Goo, May 5, 2018.

  1. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Life is like a box of gmo free gluten free msg free chocolates.

    Forrest Gump isn't even supposed to be a Caucasian male....

    From the celestial plane that I'm from that is....

    My frequency is off the charts right now.
  2. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Ikr! I'm at least operating thetan level 12. Suck it, scientologists

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    The idea of a multiverse is scientism, not proven science.
  4. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I would really like citation where you find that "most modern day scientists reject the notion of a multi-verse" because it is simply not true.

    True scientist dont reject something until it was proven that it is invalid.

    As far as I know M-string theory with multiverses is the only theory capable of explaining how our universe could be created the way it is , having sophisticated "design" without any god or any kind of intelligence. Basically this theory makes god obsolete and totally unnecessary.

    It is just theory not proved or disproved, same as God theory that is neither proved or disproved, but at least it shows that there is a way how it could be done without god, making god theory just a theory as well, nothing more since there is another possible alternative.

    The idea of a multiverse is scientific hypothesis to explain observed phenomenons waiting to be proved or disproved. Scientism means something totally different.

    That's how the science works, first you formulate hypothesis and then you either approve or disprove it. Sometimes it takes time to do that.
    For example Einstein's theory of special relativity was firstly formulated in 1905 but the first time partly proven in 1918 and further proved in 1938 with very precise results in 1941 (after 36 years after publishing it).

    Nowadays without Einstein's theory you couldnt even use properly Google maps or Tinder (no joke!).
    Last edited: May 12, 2018

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Issue of semantics maybe, but you just proved my point either way of it not being proven.
    JustinX likes this.
  6. The Mandela effect is merely a convenient, and absurd, way to excuse yourself when you find out you were wrong about something. I, for example, was convinced until not that long ago that Queen Elizabeth had had two sisters, Margaret and Caroline. Turns out Caroline doesn't exist. Now there are two possible explanations: either I made a mistake regarding the family of someone I pay little attention To, or the Mandela Effect.

    New Zealand, incidentally, is East of Australia. And always has been.

    I would watch the absolute shit out of a movie about the Mandela Effect, where a group of characters are convinced something has changed and try to get to the bottom of it. It would probably not be clear whether they are right, or just nutjobs. But it would be paranoid. Real paranoid.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  7. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Well, reading the comments here... You guys are not ready.

    I mean I've learned so much, if you want to continue to live how you live fine. All I can say is the world is weird, yet beautiful, I don't understand it all completely, but I do know there is another dimension - a kingdom of pure imagination.

    I believe that our time on Earth is a metaphoris. Like a butterfly, we are in a shell. In this shell we are our own gods. A few days ago, using LSD, me and my friend have very real powers. We could open a door, and teleport, we could do anything because we are still in our shell, our egg, waiting to be hatched. I believe DMT is heaven and thats where we (or thoes who are ready) go to "in the end".

    My experience with DMT: I didn't "breakthrough" all the way, but I had a sense of pure peace. I know I'll go there when I'm ready or when I die. It's a land of pure imagination, peace, love, joy, and happiness. I hope you all find your way to that other dimension, eventually.

    Peace and love to all. And remember ~ existence/totality is ultimately playful! Everything will be wonderful in the end! Have fun!
  8. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    When I shoot up heroin into my veins................................... all is good again.

    You guys aren't ready for heaven until you pick up that used needle and join me in a random dark back alley.... I mean heaven....
    JustinX and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  9. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Lol, I'm not here to debate with you. Or even convince you. I just shared information.

    Also DMT is nothing like heroin. You know even less than I do (and I know almost nothing). But I challenge you to take LSD or shrooms and explain what reality is.
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    One time I took hallucinogenic drugs and had superpowers. That totally means I'm in an egg waiting to be someone's breakfast. Then I'll go to "heaven".
  11. sounds like shitty pcp to me
  12. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Bro, if you're going to just denounce my experience thdn why don't you go do something else besides crack jokes. Humor is a form of denial. I tackle the very nits and grits of consciousness and reality. It's NOT easy, it can make some people go insane because it shatters their world view.

    The fact is you know absolutely nothing about existence and reality. I believe in science as much as I believe in spiritually. It's just I was blatently shown in my face what reality can be under certain circumstances (mediation, psychedelics)

    • You can talk to animals
    • You can change matter by focusing
    • You can teleport
    • You can change reality by focusing hard enough

    You are your own god in your own shell, I think these shells can interact with one another. And hey look I don't have all the answers I know almost nothing, I'm not some shaman or guro.
    I just know that when die or are ready you go to another dimension or pure imagination and peace and love. You can still have fun on Earth too though.
    I know Earth has it's ups and downs but...
    It will be fine in the end. The true source loves everything, that's all I know.
  13. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    It's definitely your inner god awakening and nothing to do with the drugs. People that can't accept this FACT.... isn't taking enough drugs.
    Gotham Outlaw and sev94 like this.
  14. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    The only reason the people of this world hasn't raised it's vibrational frequency to the point of godhood is because you haven't overdosed and foamed out of your lifeless corpse's mouth yet.
    Gotham Outlaw and sev94 like this.
  15. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Ok. I accepted that people would call me insane, a drugs user, a looney, etc. I would too, but the thing is when it happened to me I could not deny it. There where time where I wish I was crazy, but I'm actually very smart whether you accept that or not. I'm a logical person and what I experienced first hand is undeniable to me.

    I actually don't care about your insults or jokes. Many people are taking this seriously. You sound like a child in denial of him growing up. It's time to grow up my spiritual brother/sis.

    I mean if you want proof just smoke DMT lol. If that's too intense or overwhelming. I recommend shrooms. But you seem closeminded and stuck in societies brainwashing mainstream media that you believe as fact Everytime.

    There's more than meets the eye.
    Last edited: May 13, 2018
    HatePorn likes this.
  16. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Yup. I'm a child and you're a god. Congratulations. You solved all the problems that you listed earlier by escaping reality completely. The global elite can't touch you if you aren't even sober enough to comprehend what's going on. Good plan.
    SanSolo, Gotham Outlaw and sev94 like this.
  17. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Who knew our savior would show up in a forum for porn addicts? Who knew he was a criminal that does sopranos type of shit? Who knew the correct spelling of god is actually goo?

    I have to question everything now.

    Thanks for opening my eyes. People talk about 3rd eyes.... but you opened up my 57th eye.
  18. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Here’s a great start to the thesis of your entire thread.
    Gotham Outlaw, SanSolo and elevate like this.
  19. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    I challenge anybody here to headbutt a wall and read the dictionary. You'll see that the words in this reality aren't the same as the words in the reality that you transcend towards after headbutting the wall.
    sev94 likes this.
  20. Goo

    Goo Fapstronaut

    Have a good life