
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by rizmatter, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. rizmatter

    rizmatter Fapstronaut

    Have any of you ever considered using it?

    Because i highly recommend that you get some if your having trouble with ED.

    Without viagra, i wouldn't have lost my virginity 3 weeks ago (at 21) - something i couldn't have dreamed of happening any time soon. Since losing my virginity, my sexual anxieties have decreased massively and have been on an upward curve ever since.

    If your in the UK like me, your able to get an online prescription after answering a few easy questions from legitimate pharmacies and have it sent straight to your door, no hassle of seeing a doctor.
  2. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I guess a lot of people have negative views on drugs, but hey, I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon.

    I actually think drugs can help and it doesn't have to be all 'natural.' In fact a lot of scientific research has proven viagra to be good for sex obviously, but it also boosts the body's natural testosterone levels. One of my mates would take a pill before going on a night out and he was noticeably more confident and assertive. So, if guys are really suffering with ED I don't see the harm in taking a pill now and again, maybe don't make it a habit though.

    I hear you can go for ages and women can't complain. Women are mostly about performance so your first time would be an advantage to take a pill. It's a cheat but after that with a good reboot policy. I don't see the downsides.

    Thanks for sharing.
  3. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Are you using viagra for porn-induced ED? If you are, I wouldn't suggest using prescription drugs to mask the problem. If you abstain from porn and masturbation for long enough, your erections will come roaring back, I can assure you. But taking viagra at 21? Come on man.
  4. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    PIED is a brain issue. Viagra only deals with ED if you have physical problems.
  5. GayRomeo

    GayRomeo Fapstronaut

    The healthcare professional in me is warning you guys to avoid buying these drugs online without seeing your doc. Erectile dysfunction predates cardiovascular disease by 10 years on average. It's inconvenient to go to your doctor, but he really does know more than your NoFap bros.
  6. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    If you need V at 21, what you really need is to complete your reboot. V will work for a while, but it won't fix PIED. Getting off P will fix it. In 40 years, when arteries are harder, and you aren't, V will help give you more of the hardness you had at 20.
  7. Sebastrue

    Sebastrue New Fapstronaut

    If you're experiencing some problems with erection or self-confidence, why not. It's not a bad thing. I would say that it's a very useful thing, that has helped many men. Did you know that more than 150 million men in the world are suffering from erectile dysfunction ? This stimulation drug is the only way to have sex for them. Of course, if are totally healthy there is no point in taking it. But if you suffer from some sex-related problems, it's a must. I am using it myself, I am buying it from, and everything is fine.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020
  8. Dov

    Dov Fapstronaut

    I use it for fun some times, like when me and my girl go out to a hotel for the holiday, and i want to have a LONG ASS SEXY ACT i use V or cyalis, its a recreational thing and i don't do it often...

    I will however advise against taking V to watch porn, this will enforce you ED problems.