Guys help please!!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TheGroth, May 31, 2018.

  1. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    I abstained from PMO for 40 days and I didn't felt any benefit exept maybe a little bit more motivation and morning woods. I'm not sure. As I was reading for porn addiction on yourbrainonporn i find a test who determines if you have a problem and if you need nofap. The test is fap without porn and fap with porn. If you can fap normally with porn but you have ED without porn that means you have porn addiction. So I forced myself to relapse just to do the test. I'm fapping for two days now. This morning I tried to fap without porn and I can say that I didn't have any problem my erection was similar to when i fap with porn but i was bored and didn't wait to until I climax I was fapping for 15 mins and then watch some porn to finish the job. I'm very confused right now I don't know if I should stick to nofap because it seems I don't have porn addiction. Also I don't have many porn addiction symptoms. Maybe because I didn't have internet at my house. I was just downloading porn to my smartphone. A lot of porn. I filled 2 sd cards I was switching from scene to scene until I climax. For about two years now I have internet and fapping a little bit more than before also I noticed that I'm spending a lot of time searching for porn and I'm into gentres that I didn't like before like role playing interracial creampie black male and white female cuckold and a litle bit midget porn only if the male is midget and the girl normal. But I didn't escalate to anything extreme like other users. Also since I relapsed 2 days ago the increased motivation didn't change a lot but I lost the hardness of the morning woods. I want to start nofap again but I think I'm not addicted to porn and I feel like it's not worth it to resist the cravings. I don't know what to do right now I'm very confused. Anyone with similar experience? Any advice? Your opinion?
  2. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    Some help Anyone?

    JSCHINA Fapstronaut

    I think one key thing we have to remind ourselves about our NOFAP journey is that the "rewards" we are looking for DO exist, but it is not easy to get there. This is the reason why so many people quit and just think it is ok to watch porn. I would recommend you to reflect what you want to get the most out of porn. And then keep going on your journey to see on what day changes will come. I've relapsed 2 days ago, but I had a 176 day streak where I really did see many changes around me. So my advice is basically staying patient and try to really foucs on what kind of benefits you want.
  4. Mohammed the one

    Mohammed the one Fapstronaut

    When do you PMO? Is it rapid? I mean like every week or around week for example? If it was rapid then even if you are not addicted , you have a problem. You will get addicted if you keep going that way.

    Sorry for my Bad English skills.
  5. ControlMyLife

    ControlMyLife Fapstronaut

    i dont know it seems like you are cherry picking things that good for you, you defined addiction in a way that suits your porn focused brain. but addiction is "a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. It is characterized by the inability to control behavior, it creates a dysfunctional emotional response, and it affects the users ability to abstain from the substance or behavior consistently." if you cant abstain from porn you have compulsive thoughts and u keep relapsing, you are addicted and your place is here with us. just like any other guy that sick of being captive of his desires and emotions.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    On my first try to do nofap I reached 7 days. Then I relapsed for 2 days and again give it a try and reached 40 days. Maybe it was just on my mind but I felt my confidence rising and more motivation. Then I relapsed again and I still watch porn for a week now. I can't say it was very difficult for me. I mean of course I had strong cravings and flashbacks and I even dream that I watch my favourite porn and relapse. It was so vivid that I had to check the history to assure that it was a dream. But still second try and reach 40 days? I mean I read stories of guys to try more than a year to even reach 40 days. Maybe the fact that I quit smoking 1 year ago and I understand how addiction works pretty much explains that. Anyway the reason I relapsed was that I read somewhere about a porn addiction test I mentioned above and wanted to assure that I'm addicted. I'm trying daily to fap without porn and my erections are fine but after 15 to 20 minutes of fap I get bored and watch porn to finish the job anyway. I have ed without porn but very minimum. I lose my erection for a few seconds but then again it goes normal again. With porn it's a different story I finish the job in less than a minute maybe two. Let me get clear that I didn't finish without porn even one time but I watch porn every time because it's boring. I'm very confused I want to stop this stuff again and never look back but something holds me from do that. The idea that I'm not going to experience any benefits and that the rest of my life I will think that I don't need this. But that 40 day journey changed the way that I watch porn and the way I think about girls and sex. Now I know that porn is a complete fake picture of the real world and that intimacy and relationships is of course a complete different think. What do you think? Do I have a problem or Not? I'm hoping that guys with more experience on nofap will enlight me about that...
  7. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    I didn't fap or watch any porn on my 40 day journey. Then I relapsed to porn and fap 5 times overnight. I'm testing myself for a week now and: without porn I have normal erections and very minimum ED my erection fall to 60% for a second every 1 minute or 2 and then it goes normal again after 15 minutes I get bored but my erection is fine and I watch porn to finish the job anyway. With porn it's a different story I finish the job in less than 1 minutes when I look at my favourite part of a porn scene. Its rapid my mouth waters and I feel in some cases my whole body and face burning. I'm sorry if my discription is disturbing to anyone who reads this.
    Mohammed the one likes this.
  8. Mohammed the one

    Mohammed the one Fapstronaut

    Body and face burning? that must hurt... wish you the best of luck man..
    TheGroth likes this.
  9. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    During my 40 day journey the benefits I got was mostly mental. I can't watch porn the same way again. Before I didn't realise that it was fake and sad and that actually I was lonely guy fapping in his bedroom and spend 1 or 2 or even 3 hours to find the best possible scene of a guy impregnate a dream girl. Now I watch it and searching for my porn to satisfy my fetishes again but I know it's a lie and that real world intimacy and relationships it's a very different think. You have to approach a girl talk to her flirt with her and TRY. On my 40th day before I relapse I even cried thinking that I'm 21 and Im too shy to talk to a girl that I like and that I have poor social skills and that instead of actually communicate with a girl and show her my feelings I just act tough and manly and Im too shy to even say more than 2 or 3 words. I looked at life very different for a moment. Of who I am and how I destroyed my life and end up a 21 year old virgin with very small social cycle and work as a waiter and have very few money because of poor chooses of the past. Where I am now there is no space to grow for me. Then I relapsed and I watch this shit for a week now trying to realise if I need this or I don't. I feel like the benefits I get and the motivation are gradually reducing. Maybe you know what I mean. Do you think that after more than 40 day streak or 100 day streak this "benefits" will increase?
    Mohammed the one likes this.
  10. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys for any help. It really helps me.
  11. Mohammed the one

    Mohammed the one Fapstronaut

    yes i think they will increase as i read that in success stories...even if you don't see the benefits they are talking about it might be another thing than PMO that makes you feel bad... for me it was gaming...I mean PMO affects all life sections and all of them change so you have to think about what changed and get it back and also doing nofap.
    TheGroth likes this.
  12. TheGroth

    TheGroth Fapstronaut

    No no you missunderstood i mean like burning from hornyness kinda thing. Thank you very much man!!
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018