Is porn and kink all bad?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. I am wondering. Morally I or many judge. But maybe there are good elements? For example it takes much longer sich a session. The whole body is worked intensively like in a intense massage. Or maybe a massage can’t even go so deep? My body feeling afterwards is very good as it all flows pulsates and each inch got intense attebtion. Is that maybe a good thing?
  2. I firmly believe with all my heart that porn is nothing but a destructive thing. Absolutely no benefits from it.
  3. Amen to that.
  4. There have been studies and they show only negative side affects with use, even if a person somehow isn't addicted. It perpetuates the idea that women are just nothing more than sex objects, and that's just one thing out of a lot.

    Porn was obviously made just to make money since sex sells, and unfortunately the folks who watch it end with tons of problems. There honestly isn't one thing about it that's good.
  5. Sorry. I am just questioning a lot in lifecin general and trying to get to bottom of things. I could in various things in my life.
    Here are a couple links that suggest that porn has good effects and is not all bad. Especially the kink I am convinced of. It’s so much more letting out what’s inside. Unleashing all there is relations of Bdsm people are better. They are healthier!

    I am not here to advocate porn!!! Not at all. I obviously have a problem that I work on. But I wan to have the right views. I think I am the problem. Not porn. Maybe the right use has to be developed and ways for people like us to get off the addiction. But I am convinced that the addiction too is a different problem. So it’s not about combat porn. Bu combat addiction. I think this distinction is very important.

    I just recognize I can copy links here
  6. All addictions stem from the person using that thing, whether it be from overuse, having lack of control, emotional/physical abuse, mental disorders or whatever the case may be, porn just like drugs are used as an escape or crutch in life.

    Except the difference is things like exercise and wine are fine or even good for you in normal amounts, porn on the other hand has no benefits or anything positive going for it. Trust me, there is no such thing as healthy or normal amount when it comes to porn.
  7. So well said!
  8. Well I see this different. I think there are judgements and there are good points. I can’t send the articles that confirm that. Also kink I know is a plus
  9. A intense kink session is like a very very deep massage including all!while I don’t agree to the practice always it does have this effect. I am sure that is good
  10. You're confusing something *feeling* good with something *being* good. You know what else feels real good? Doing a shit ton of cocaine. Doesnt mean its healthy for you.
  11. Y
    es u r right. Smart man. But that’s different. I did therapies and body work. I got deep long massage sessions. You agree that’s healthy and good. It balances your body unblocks blockages and makes energy flow and vitalizes. So no doubt.

    Kink does the same. But to be honest way way deeper. My whole body afterwards feels amazing. Also I read that kink is healthy for the mind which makes sense to me. If you live it freely. Let out all hidden in you it is good. Studies show they have better relations are more healthy.
  12. Again. I am not advocating this in a porn abstinence community here. But I want to get to bottom and conquer what’s wrong and where it’s rooted vs having opinions that don’t fit.
  13. Yes, because those things have absolutely no negative effects.

    First off, you're going to have to be more specific on what you mean by kink. Because some kinks are unhealthy and some are probably fine, for the most part.

    But again, you're still just believing that because it feels good, it is good and healthy. You say there are studies that show that it's good, but there are probably also studies that show that it's bad. And you're probably experiencing a bit of confirmation bias here, in which youre searching for someone to tell you it's good so you can justify doing it.

    Also, dont believe everything you read on the internet. There are also tons of article out there about how healthy porn is in a relationship, and that's a blatant lie if you look at the science. It's just not true. People say it because they want to justify their own wrong actions by pretending that it's actually a good thing when its clearly not.
  14. I should clarify: you dont NEED to be specific about what you mean by "kink" if you're not comfortable sharing. I'm just saying, it's hard to answer your question with no specifics.
  15. No
    no. I take the article just to underline what I notice and explored and found myself.
    I know about energy flows. No doubt and what I described. I am convinced it’s good. Bad is moral. Especially dead one not rooted in nothing. The one from old generation. I am convinced in thirty years none of that exists anymore.

    I am also convinced that the judgement about porn and kink. I mean Bdsm bondage and these extreme forms, are are more harmful then porn and Bdsm itsself. This 1000% I am convinced. The morale and the dead people inside is really bad. It’s the use of the mind only that’s wrong. And I am convinced it’s that mind that only needs to be approached healed and corrected.
  16. Sounds like you've made up your mind, then.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. You see that differently yet you're on this site. Okay, please explain to me how in any shape or form porn is helpful, healthy, or a good thing for people to do with their time.

    And as for "kinks" there's good and bad but right now I'm talking strictly porn, you say you're not an advocate yet that's not what I see from what you're saying.
  18. It itsnt making up my mind rather exploring observing and drawing conclusions. It’s not so much a opinion thing
  19. Yes because I hit your morals. You need to read closer. I am saying that it’s not porn that needs to be attached. It’s our mind and the individual shortcoming disturbances in it that led to using it wrong and using sex and desire wrong that led is to the problem. Including myself I am also convinced that if one judges the porn for it one is far far away from the problem. The problem is much closer. Inside your head.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. I think most people here recognize that it's both. We are by no means blaming ONLY porn for all our problems, but that doesnt mean that porn is healthy or good in any way.

    But again, it seems like you've already started youre 100% convinced that you're right, so I'm not sure what the point in conversation is. I am also 100% sure that I'm right about porn being unhealthy and bad for you, period, no matter what, and there are tons of unbiased studies on the subject. Whereas studies that say that porn is good for you could be extremely biased, because the porn industry makes a ton of money. Of course they don't want people waking up to realize that porn is bad for you. They have a LOT to gain from you believing that porn is somehow good for you. But what do the other researchers who condemn porn have to gain from you believing that porn is bad for you? Nothing. Theres no selfish intention or conflict of interest there. They just want to see people have healthy lives.