In pursuit of a clear mind - 90 days of no sexual activity.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Koltec, Jul 31, 2018.

  1. Koltec

    Koltec Fapstronaut

    Came across this site a week or so ago and after reading about the benefits and success stories, I reflected on my own PMO habits and realised that it was in no way healthy.

    My tale isn't an interesting one, 6 years of daily porn and masturbation and I always told myself it was normal, and no harm would come of it.
    Despite this I always knew one day it would have to stop, and it wasn't until I realised that my constant brain fog, headaches and lack of social charm could possibly be caused by my constant masturbation.
    The more I thought about my masturbation habits, the more I realised it was potentially harming me, having browsed and ejaculated over almost all manner of content available on the web (no matter how grim) and spent countless hours watching and browsing, only to eventually feel ashamed for what I'd just spent my time doing.
    It was only upon starting my road to rebooting that I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm suffering what feels like an addiction. Relapses are constantly round the bend and complete abstenance from porn feels like I've remove an integral part of my life. As I come to terms with myself and my position I realise more and more that nofap is a solution to many of my problems.

    Despite the urges and the nagging temptation, the success and motivation of others, and the fact my mind may finally be completely clear to enjoy life to it's fullest, is inspiring me to make this journey of complete abstenance for 90 days or more, in the hope I can improve my total health.
    All of your stories, both of success, struggles, and the stories of others beginning this journey with me are inspiring and strengthening, and after too long spent dependant on that daily orgasm for feeling, I will overcome this and become a better person.
    Thank you for reading, and good luck with your own journey!
    LakeMichigan and Jason_Tesla_19 like this.
  2. ClassyKing

    ClassyKing Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing man! I also recently started to get nasty headaches from PMO'ing often. I stopped to give my body time to recover and kick the porn for good. Now I'm trying to reboot and reach short goals, starting at 2 weeks and than working my way up to 90 days. Just wondering what your goals are and how many days you want to reach in your rebooting?
  3. Koltec

    Koltec Fapstronaut

    Hey there! Despite the temptation to just start PMO'ing again at the next milestone (20, 30 days etc.) I just plan on completely abstaining for the full 90 days, in order to just completely reboot. And after that who knows? If and hopefully when I reach 90 days, I might return to masturbation but not to what I was before, if I feel strong enough I might just retain from PMO completely, in favor of sexual interaction, because at the end of the day there's been way too many times where masturbation just left me feeling nothing, disapointed, or guilty, and if that's the case I'd rather just avoid it.
    ClassyKing likes this.
  4. Goingtodothis21

    Goingtodothis21 Fapstronaut

    I hope you hit 90 man, I really really do. But be vary wary if and when you do it...don't ever think that it'll be ok to watch a bit of porn every now and then. It will only cause relapse, trust me. Whatever about M, no more P...forever! It's crucial to understand this..
    Row236 likes this.
  5. Koltec

    Koltec Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, I agree porn can cause a relapse and can easily ruin things; you don't realise how much porn changes the way you see things until you just decide to quit it, best to just stay safe and avoid it all together when going for a reboot.
  6. ClassyKing

    ClassyKing Fapstronaut

    That's awsome! Thanks for sharing man. Did you start a journal yet? Would love to follow your progress.
    Koltec likes this.
  7. Koltec

    Koltec Fapstronaut

    Started one today, and plan on keeping it up to date as I move through this toward my destination, would love to have someone following me through it!