
  1. GrinnyQ


    Hey, what's up? I originally posted this on the august challenge thread because I didn't read the welcome message upon signing up, so this is just a copy, paste of that post: I'm Qua. I've been struggling with PMO addiction for about a decade and some years of my life and I can't seem to find...
  2. D

    Walking forward

    Hello everyone, I am new on here. Just as many others I started as a way of self improvement. An addiction like any other, driven by routine and fueled by negative emotion. No different from drugs, the euphoria we chase to the grave. As a young man I look around and feel increasingly lost...
  3. Smeggo

    Of failures, beginnings and (most importantly) hope

    Hi. I'm a 48 year old guy from Germany. I'm a porn addict. I fap since as long as I can remember, long before I began ejaculating. Maybe with 6 or so. As a kid it was my regular thing to do before sleeping. It still is. Then one day I needed to take a sock or something. Lingerie pages in...
  4. Velox X

    I start today: Day Zero - Lets go

    Hello, I am new to this community, I just joined. I have been addicted to porn since I was 11. I am now in a relationship with my partner, we are married, and Porn has taken a tole on our relationship. My partner used to normalize porn, like many of us have. Until, they did more research and...
  5. T

    How do I even start?

    I'm twenty years old. This has been a problem for me my whole life. I can't go a single day. Not even one. I live at school, and when I'm at school It's not so bad. But whenever I go home I fall apart. I have 0 clue how to resist. I've got most porn websites blocked but it doesn't matter. How...
  6. D

    New beginning

    Hello tribe! I am so proud of taking this decision and calling to action. I am a 20 years old student-entrepeneur who is struggling with productivity. I have got my issue with porn since I was 14. From then I feel that a part of my life and my potential wasted. And yeaah, it affects my social...
  7. C

    Beginning in NoFap

    Hello, i am 20 i was a virgin until my late 19's. I started masturbating realy early in my life, i think when i was 10 or even earlier but in my 15's i started masturbating every single day. Masturbation never disturbed my daily life and i used to use this as a mean of getting serotonin and...
  8. S

    It all started in the Age of 14....

    Beginning (2004-2008) It was in my 10th grade, Age: 14(2004) I started with Fashion TV, images of bikinis in the browsing cafes, then slowly diverted to Porn on CD& DVD's (until then fapping was not a part of the game). Everything changed when I got my first desktop computer with an internet...
  9. green lion eating the sun

    Was he trying to date me? Opinions by guys

    I am girl. we mostly had s., we used to be coworkers then started having s. after we bumped into each other randomly so btw once after s. in his room from the previous night, it was already around 3pm and he said he wanted to watch a football match. i said i would have waited for him in his...
  10. TambourineNThyme

    Confession and commitment

    Hey there everyone, I wanted to share my story in order to be completely transparent about the extent of my addiction. I had a very hard time writing all this, I hope you won't hate me. This is gonna be an unwieldy post. Around age 9 or saw a victoria's secret ad, and got the bright idea of...
  11. D

    I want to change

    I think I can achieve this, so I joined this forum just to get a little bit of help. I just don't know anything about this addiction and what to do so it would be great if someone could tell me about it.
  12. P

    Starting again

    Hey. Its my first time to share something about my nofap situation socially. Literally there is no one i ever talked to about nofap. So here it is. I'm 23 , I've been fapping since 13-14yrs of my age. I never got to know about nofap before , it's benefits & PMO's dark side. So I continued to do...
  13. M


    Hi this is Mystery, i am new to this place so I hope you guys are gonna stay with me and help me out of this shit. I never wanted to masturbate but have been masturbating since i-don't-know-when. I wanna live a normal life. I know porn and orgasm are becoming a barrier in it. So thats all...
  14. Chris Aurelius Denver

    The beginning of the End

    Hello dear Readers, My name is Chris Aurelius Denver. I am currently a nineteen year old young man and I live in the Netherlands. My masturbation habit started at the age of twelve, and the inevitable porn habit followed a year later. So that would make me thirteen years old when it started...
  15. D

    INTRODUCTION: My Story/Journey Day 1 - Enough putting off, time to take excessive action!!!

    Hello fellow Fapstronauts this is Believeit (just call me E) signing in to my first official day journaling about my NoFap journey I have very recently began! I have absolutely no idea where to begin. There is so much to explain. I will start with introducing myself and my life, getting a...
  16. TheSlyFly


    This is the start of my journey starting at 7/14/19 on Sunday, I wanted to start at the beginning of the week. Today is the day, the beginning of the end..... Just for some backstory on myself: Over the past 15 years(currently 21 turning 22 in February) I've been a consistent procrastinator...
  17. A

    My battle

    Hi everyone. I'm 19 and it's been about 6 days since I quit PMO. To be honest, this is not the first time I've tried to do this. The history of masturbation goes back several years prior to my conscious attempts to get rid of it. Interestingly, I've been involved in these affairs since 12 or 11...
  18. A

    Start of something good? (Some stronger words used)

    Hello, (I apologize in advance if the terms aren't necessarily correct, this is just an attempt to explain my life) I am a 20 year old former Pornography addict who is looking to reboot and stay clean from MO. Since i was around 12-13 masturbation had been a regular part of my life, even before...
  19. D

    New fapstronaut aboard

    Hello everyone! 22 yo man joining NoFap here. I knew about this community in 2018, after I tried getting rid of PMO by my own and searched about it. I did a great progress last year, alone, nevertheless not having people to talk seriously about it was frustrating. So I decided that, using the...
  20. GoPhonix

    patterns of beauty, trigger and diverted interest this real – I got awareness today

    Day of visual torture I think now I entering hypersensitivity on watching at any good locking women – its not even imagining anything graphic that I would do with her, it is the pure recognition of hip small hands cute noses soft skin… picture processed bang M urge but no perspective to act on...
  21. I'm dying

    Let the journey begin...

    OK so, I've been thinking about creating an account for a while now but I always seemed to believe that I wouldn't need it in order to quit PMO for good... After relapsing more times than I can even count I think the time has come for me to become a new fapstronaut and chase my goals with the...
  22. QuezAU

    Introduction to me and my short journey so far

    Hey Everyone, My name is Ben, I'm 22 and I'm from Australia, I've been meaning to do a NoFap reboot for quite a while now, as I find I have low energy levels, low self-confidence and just a general laziness and apathy to a lot of aspects of my life. I've never been very good at starting and...
  23. Koltec

    In pursuit of a clear mind - 90 days of no sexual activity.

    Came across this site a week or so ago and after reading about the benefits and success stories, I reflected on my own PMO habits and realised that it was in no way healthy. My tale isn't an interesting one, 6 years of daily porn and masturbation and I always told myself it was normal, and no...
  24. Marethyu

    3 Days and Counting

    Im Marethyu, 21 male, christian virgin, and i have struggled with porn and excessive masturbation for quite a long time, probably since i was 13, sometimes i quit but pick it back up, its gotten so bad that now i cam with other people to get off (and i dont care who straight). Im...
  25. W

    New to the forum - Actively trying to quit for last 7 years.

    Hey everyone, I'm new and figured I'd introduce myself and where I'm at in my struggles. I was hoping, really hoping, that putting it into words and joining a community might help me recover from my addiction, so please feel free to suggest subgroups or articles or whatever you think might...
  26. MidnightPenguin

    It begins

    Hello everyone here! I've decided today to make a change. A change that I've been wanting to make for a long time. I am going to quit this habbit of mine. I will do it, and it starts today. I've been alone for a long time now. I decided that I was not going to have sex until marriage. I am now...
  27. V


    I am here to improve myself . My life is going down , so i am here to change this . I often suffer from procrastination , so i have no motivasion to do/learn something new . Pornography make me lazy and angry person . I dont enjoy of my life . There are many reasons to stop porn addiction , so i...
  28. G

    Small Steps, Big Outcomes!

    Hey fellas, This is the inception of my journey to eradicate porn from my life forever. So, I am taking my first challenge to stop watching pornography for 3 days. I will update here regularly on my progress. But I need your support. Is there anyone willing to be my accountability partner?
  29. I

    Game on

    Hello NoFap community Who am I ? Call me Itsgonnabeok, I am 24, French and one day a successful artist with a clean body and mind. I've heard of NoFap before and I discovered my porn addiction. So far I didn't know it was a thing until I tried my first NoFap challenge on my own and relapsed...
  30. FerrariFree

    End this suffering. Help me win this war against PMO.

    Hi, I'm Mike Ferrari from Indonesia I'm a PMO-addict and I want to change this status as quick as possible. So. Of course. The story. When did it all started? Well, It goes back to when I was 4th grader, I was naive happy with my life. I have a lot of friends, boys girls no problem at all. I...
  31. ChooseGreatness

    Done With Average

    What's going on, my name's ChooseGreatness. I'm a 14 year old kid who is done being normal. I'm pissed at where I am in life right now; I'm nowhere near where I want to be. It kills me to know this, and yet I never take action. Well, it's about damn time I do. Here's my backstory: I've been...
  32. S


    Hey everyone! I've been relapsing on and off for the past year, with my longest streak being ten days. I'm pretty much getting sick of it at this point and I want to start anew. I'm hoping to go as far as ten years without looking at hardcore porn or masturbating. thanks to a lot of new...
  33. Armentrout


    Hi, im a 30 year old male that has struggle with porn and masterbation for the last 11 years. I'm new to this but so optimistic to what i see on the Nofap website. I stumbled upon Nofap after years of trying to stop porn and masturbation. I see this as an answer to my prayers. I have started a...
  34. Armentrout


    Hi, im a 30 year old male that has struggle with porn and masterbation for the last 11 years. I'm new to this but so optimistic to what i see on the Nofap website. I just stumbled upon Nofap after years of trying to stop porn and masturbation. I see this as an answer to my prayers. I have...
  35. The final step

    The last step

    Hi there! I guess i'm supposed to tell you about my sad and horrific story that lead me to start nofap. Honestly, i don't have one. That's probably a good thing though. I'm basically stopping myself from ending up with a sad reason to start nofap. The reason that I'm doing this is because I feel...
  36. A

    Finally home

    I came across NoFap approximately 2 weeks ago and thought it seemed like a pretty interesting site, but I wasn't sure if joining it was the right approach for me. Then after an all night PM session last night I decided that now is the time for me to start taking this addiction seriously. I have...
  37. bohisboh

    My Lame Intro

    Who am I? I am a person with ups and downs, like everyone else. Why am I here? To stamp out both masturbation and pornography from my life. I was diagnosed with severe depression a while back, and started down the road of addiction at about age 13. I am now 19, religious, and have a significant...
  38. R

    Greetings Everyone ! :)

    Hey, This the inception of my journey towards competency. I chose the community because I read a lot about it and decided to give it a try. Recently, I developed self-control independently to watch porn once a week. However, in my opinion, even once a week makes you waste an enormous amount of...
  39. C

    I Guess This Is The Beginning

    Howdy y'all, I'm an 18 yo college student with a porn problem, so I'll start from the beginning. I learned about porn sometime when I was 11/12, before I knew what mastrubation was, I was addicted. Back then it was cheat codes to add tits to online games, and then it just kept growing. I found...
  40. P

    Embarking on the journey.

    I have been addicted to PMO for quite a long time, few years back tried to quit but read thing like "its good for health", "it prevents prostate cancer" etc. on the internet and lost the interest. So, I will try to quit this time with a clear and focused effort. I am writing this at the end of...
  41. hp97truthfinder

    Day 6 of my journey hopefully many more to come

    Hello all today marks day 6 of my journey and the first day that I am using NoFap I have had enough of PMO it has ruined my life has made me less confident. It is such a shame I used to have so much energy but since I have started masturbation which started when I was 13 I have been feeling...
  42. Dahalag

    Joyful to be in this community.

    Hello Fapstronausts, I'm a brazilian New Fapstrounaut and i'm happy to join here. I'm addicted to fap since i was 12 and this haven't been good to me. I realised this when i was 18 when i become a christian, but before this i already had been suffered the consequences of this addiction, the...