30 days and NoFap.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Frank201$, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Frank201$

    Frank201$ Fapstronaut

    I never thought I could do it but here I am at 30 days and NoFap. It was touch and go on some days but just distracted myself and kept going. I am an artist and I have been creating instead of looking at porn for hours on end. I'm still not out of the woods yet, sometimes I still get flashbacks of all nasty stuff I used to look at, and I still get triggered occasionally but I remind myself how much better my life is compared to a month ago. All the benefits are true.
    Looking forward to 2 month. Hang in there guys.
  2. Keep working on it. It will get more difficult but focus on building the new version of yourself. You can do it.
    SirErnest likes this.
  3. Frank201$

    Frank201$ Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  4. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    Awesome man! Be proud of yourself and it's pretty good that you manage to put that energy on your art! Keep going!
    Tonytone and SirErnest like this.
  5. A great post. To-the-point and honest. Thanks.
    Tonytone likes this.
  6. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    I'm close to your age. Been off and on with this nofap over 3.5 yrs. It does work! Slipped some today. Got all worked up and looked at some soft porn. M'ing is my big problem. Did not M. My production in everything goes up dramatically once I get some time away from PMO. Little scared right now. My biggest slip in a while. Don't do it and thanks for the posting.
    SirErnest likes this.
  7. Hey man, congratulations! The 1st month is never easy. But you pushed through it and that is a big deal! Keep working on your art. BTW what are you creating? Just curious to know.
    SirErnest likes this.
  8. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Congrats and continued good luck
  9. Porn No More

    Porn No More Fapstronaut

    Keep up the good work and never let your guard down!