Approaching 1 year ...

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Scram2016, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. Scram2016

    Scram2016 Fapstronaut

    All rights guys I found this site over a year ago and became interested but never posted , after some relapses I am 13 days out from 1 year sober from porn, masturbation , ejaculation and sex . I thought I could share my story in hopes of helping some of the newer guys . I am just going to share the benefits I have gotten from doing this , the beginning days were not easy had a lot of sexual thoughts and temptations . Not sure if this was easier for me being older at 41 but I think if you really see how this is negatively effecting your life you become willing to change .

    So here are the benefits ..

    1. Improved focus and concentration .

    As the sexual thoughts and obsessions
    Diminished I found myself better able to concentrate on whatever I was doing in the moment . Work , socializing , exercise . I just seemed to be more present .

    2. Virtually elimated all anxiety and depression.

    At this point I am pretty much cured of social anxiety . It’s like I intuitively know how to socially interact now without even thinking twice about it.
    It just comes natural .

    3. More attractive women are noticing me more often .

    I get a lot more looks from attractive females flashed my way nowadays . They definitely aren’t chasing me down and begging for my number or anything but I’m getting noticed a lot more

    4. Stronger body language

    My posture has improved immensely over the past year , I am standing up straighter , not slouching in my chair , when I speak using more hand gestures , shoulders are back , head up , speaking with a stronger voice and able to look people in the eye with no fear .

    5. Improved motivation and athletic performance .

    I used to dread going to the gym . Now I look forward to it, not really into pushing weights but I can stay on the treadmill for longer periods of time with a higher incline and at faster speeds then ever before .

    6. Better decision making

    I used be so indecisive, never being able to figure out what to do and when
    That has been virtually eliminated

    7. Better spiritual connection

    The past and future used to own me when I faped . Stoping has made me able to better live in the moment and be present . Just feel more connected to other people and the universe .

    8. More respect

    Just noticed that people are treating me with more respect , could be attributed to the fact that my body language is improved.

    9. See everyone as equal

    Before when I was faping I would judge women solely on their looks , and was either too good for them or not good enough . I was so isolated and separate . Now I don’t really judge by outer appearances .

    10. Increased willpower

    I feel incredible willpower to be able to eat properly and exercise and just improve myself in anyway I can think of.

    Off the top of my head this is what I can think of at this moment . Anyway I think quitting porn and masturbation can radically change anyone’s life who is willing to commit to it. It definitely transformed me into a completely different person. Best of luck on all your journeys. Any questions or comments let me know .

  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Wow, awesome job!
  3. free the balls

    free the balls Fapstronaut

    First of all, congratulations!

    I took up the NoFap challenge just yesterday, I really want to be in control of my life. I lack motivation. I'm only hoping that I too can, one day, be sober like you.
  4. Congratulations!
    I really feel happy when i see my brothers accomplishing success.
    Mohammadmalekpoor and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  5. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

  6. KeepGoingStayStrong!

    KeepGoingStayStrong! Fapstronaut

    Yo brother,
    Frist of all well done, i have a question at what time did your anxiety went away?
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  7. Scram2016

    Scram2016 Fapstronaut

    It kind of was a slow process to be honest , it just subsided over time
    I think after about 60 or 90 days I started to notice a difference and it seemed to just keep getting better over the course of the year . For me diet and exercise is crucial for my mental state as well, also abstaining from pmo also brought to my awareness other addictions like food and alcohol which also, for me at least contribute to my anxiety and depression.
    Freeddom_Taker and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  8. Super post. Thank you!
  9. New_born

    New_born Fapstronaut

    Good to know that you are free from this Satan...and amazing benefits you got after leaving this bad habit.
    Just keep it up.
  10. Hamil

    Hamil New Fapstronaut

    Congratulations brother. Keep it up!
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  11. That was an excellent write up and congrats on your success
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  12. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Did you have withdrawal symptoms? Suicidal thoughts?

    How long did they last?
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  13. Scram2016

    Scram2016 Fapstronaut

    I had a bit of anxiety when I first tried to quit, that’s why I relapsed a bunch of times ...I guess there was mild withdrawal symptoms that are talked about on the forum, brain fog , anxiety ...but it is totally worth going thru to make it to the other side ..otherwise it will just be a vicious cycle of ups and downs until you get into enough pain to permanently quit .
    AVictory and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  14. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    When did it stop?

    I'm 148 days in and i'm at the worst...
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  15. Scram2016

    Scram2016 Fapstronaut

    Just keep plugging away it will get better , make sure you’re totally abstinent from pmo, maybe take a look at diet and exercise. Push yourself in the gym , get a good sweat that always helps my anxiety .
    Also take a look at other addictions you might have media , alcohol , drugs anything that messes with your dopamine levels ...
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  16. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    I'm all day in front of a computer, and i surely watch too much youtube...
    Future role model and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  17. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, bro! Never want that "zen" feeling to disappear!
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  18. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    Hi, and welcome! That's literally how I viewed indulgence in PMO. As the devil.
    Freeddom_Taker and Dr. Jekyll like this.