Are these problems related to porn or masturbation?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by EnslaveTheSperm, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, i am a boy, i am 17. I have always experienced loneliness and social anxiety because of traumas related to my younger age, the thing is that i am a positive person and want to go towards a better mentality and a better future.
    I had depression a few months ago and could beat it but some things still remain in my mind. Basically my ex tortured and destroyed me mentally and made my self estime go lower and lower so when i am around women or a group of people of a large number i will most of the time feel really uncomfortable and think of all of my actions like if everyone was judging me. I also suffered bullying when i was little which made me think that i was inferior to most of the kids i was with. Since that i kind of developed a "self protective ego" which makes me feel more confident in some situations but i feel like its not really me. The only time that i really and truly feel at peace is in my house alone but i can sometimes start to overthink .
    I also feel really bad sometimes and think of my ex girlfriend ( she was the first real relationship i had, i lost my virginity with her ) but only when i remember sexual things that i experienced with her, we broke up two years ago but since her i had sex two times and it was nothing fulfilling like with her. I haven't had sex in a year or even more and sometimes feel the need to have sex but not that extreme thought, i just feel bad for not having a connection with a girl.
    I would like to overcome those problems, live more freely and stop feeling bad and paranoid in many social situations, do you guys think that abstaining from masturbating orgasm and porn is somewhat helpful? Your should know that i don't expect it to be a miracle remedy for that, just something that would push me towards a better mentality and way of thinking, eliminating bad thoughts that just won't go away even after all this time. I have a pretty good and healthy lifestyle, i eat good, drink a lot of water, manage my sleep schedule correctly, workout, work decently at school. But the thing is i still feel bad enough sometimes to worry that i am doing something wrong, thats why i am here.
    Thank you all in advance for your advice.
  2. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Hey! This website is filled with people that keep saying they will help, most of them do not know what you mean and just go with their experience. I've literally had your life, just still virgin and one year younger. I'm feeling really bad myself for the same problems, the deal is that i don't feel fitting in a lot of spots because depression, overthinking, bullying, loneliness and stuff make you grow a shitton, and that is very sad. Right now i'm in what they call to be the Flatline of nofap and so all this stuff is coming back up. I have a big issue, i have nobody that i can relate with as a brother, practically have 0 REAL friends that i would spend time in, I feel a lot like the solution for me could be to get a girl but it just feels like running away from this problems is not going to make me feel better. You must accept that you're not normal anymore, and don't get me wrong, you're a guy that has lived too much of his life too early. If you want, since i feel like we're in the same situation and we have the same ego we can chat a bit when you want to or need it. But a big chunk of what you're passing is because of porn. Practically with porn, games, instagram and short term emotions you're stimulating your dopamine and practically feeling like you're always right on something of what you're doing wrong; don't keep messing your existance and try to have fun, when you feel like you could fap just go out even with your parents if needed or start studying, for me studying excercising and meditating work a lot but i still feel alone. I've had a friend that I practically had been using just to do things that i wanted to do with girls and so i was slowly turning to the other side aswell. Listen to me, the more stuff you starting from nofap, the more stuff will get fixed. Do not force yourself too much, it's not worth, just force yourself when you're trying to improve
  3. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    Let go of all the psycho-babble stuff, it's holding you back, you're making yourself a victim. Forgive the people who hurt you and move on. Yes, PMO will ruin your life let it go, start rebooting.
  4. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    Hey man, honnestly thanks.
    Just by ready your answer i feel like we relate to many things, i did grew up a lot mentally because of these problems i had to overcome ( some of them i still try to ) but i think that this growth is one of my strenghts and that i should use it to my advantage, thats why im here trying nofap.
    I meditate sometimes and find studying a good way to discipline my mind to do things i dont like or want for long term benefits.
    It would be nice to chat so we can know each other better and i would like you to tell me about your benefits of nofap since you seem to have more experience than me.
    I have a few friends that i can consider great ones but i dont see them that often because i moved place recently and sometimes when i see them i feel like my relationship with them starts to fade away and that we dont connect like we used to. I think its just how life goes but it is still hard to accept deep inside.
    I share the feeling of “maybe having a girlfriend will help” but i know the right person wont come by searching. I do keep looking for one but dont seem to find the right candidate and the cicle of overthinking goes on.
  5. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    I do as much as possible to restrain these feeling and right know they dont really appear but what will happen is that my social anxiety will randomly trigger and will find myself in the incapacity to do something about it, its almost like my core has been marked by past encounters.
    You are right that its holding me back, thank you for your reply, you have given me more motivation to keep my streek of abstinence going. I hope it will help me become a better person for what i am determined
  6. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    Well here's the thing, social anxiety is painful and hard to deal with but do you really think PMO will make it better? It will only amplify it and make you more withdrawn and unable to cope. What specifically are you afraid of that causes you to become anxious? How do you know that PMO is the solution to this social anxiety in any way?
  7. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    I believe that after a reboot i will feel more confident with social interactions, i dont think ill eliminate it completely but i think it will help
  8. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    I would think your social anxiety and PMO are intimately linked -- the longer you reboot and abstain the better you will get as your confidence increases and you begin engage with people again in a normal fashion.
  9. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    Great, thats what im looking for, i will see in the future. Thank you for your advice
  10. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Just some days ago I sadly lost connection with one of my oldest friends, the problem is that when you have so much stuff inside you, feeling good with somebody would mean telling them everything or a lot about your past but people's ego is way too big to stand it. The other problem is that you could fall into complaining and that would mean making people go around you or just try and dodge conversations; finding friends is also a lost of balance so somebody, like me, could accidentaly make the connection too "deep" if you get what I mean.
    I've found that for me, to find confort, i must face unconfort and hatred. Obviusly the easy way out is just to fill up your days so much that you don't have to think, and surely you can do that but I think that you can't understand the weight of something until you actually think about it. We are young and also have those funny ormonal crisis that i think could be the reason behind a lot of stuff. I got cyberbullied, i was only 10 and made friends with people around 16 but also 22yo guys, they bullied me all day long and made fun of me, but since sometimes they gave me back satisfaction i stayed with them. I probably have passed this but i think that most of my attitudes, like hating people younger than me, come from there.
    What I would reccomend you is to try and stop using instagram, playing videogames bla bla. I'm from Italy, where are you from?
  11. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    You come off in your posts as very arrogant and condescending. You act like PMO is the cause of everyone's issues and simply quitting the PMO will fix everything without having a shred of evidence to base that on. Folks that have never had a PMO issue suffer from social anxiety. This isn't a PMO caused condition. But your posts makes it seem as if that's the way you think things work.
  12. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    That was a very condescending thing to say, I think you are projecting. In what way is PMO helping his social anxiety? It certainly can't be helping it and how will he know if it's not making it worse if he doesn't quit? You may not like what I'm about to start saying because I've declared war on this issue - you may want to go find a safe and happy place.
  13. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    BTW I'm from Alabama - so you may just want to back off because you got to come to T-town this year and it's gonna get out of hand quick if you catch my drift.
  14. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I never said PMO was helping his situation. But even if he stops and gets rid of PMO he's not just going to magically not have social anxiety. It doesn't work like that. That's not the way the brain works. And I'm perfectly fine. I just don't appreciate folks jumping to assumptions the way you did with him and with me in a different thread.
  15. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Personal threats of violence on a message board? Feel better now? I wasn't trying to start anything with you, just trying to let you know how you come off in your posts in a rather nice way.
  16. hsinghal55

    hsinghal55 New Fapstronaut

    Try Vipassana Meditation. It really helped me deal with just being okay with being alone.
  17. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the information, i will try it as i already experienced some meditation techniques. The thing is that sometimes this bad feeling comes when i am alone, i feel sad and dont want to do much except go through the day. But some other days ill be totally fine and really happy to have time for myself, i find it kinda relaxing you know. Music, getting homework done and weed helps me feel better.
  18. EnslaveTheSperm

    EnslaveTheSperm Fapstronaut

    Thank you for adding a different point of view to the conversation.
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