SCIENCE!!! (of lengths of fapstainence)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by borborygmos, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    A section of the nofap FAQ reads,
    "... the scientific establishment has not yet had the opportunity to study us in detail. We firmly hope that one day -- hopefully soon -- it will."

    This community needs science about fapstainence. I can't do good science, but I can make a google form and post it here. The data is available for anyone to analyze and google makes some nice charts on its own. If this seems like a good idea to you, please feel free to RESPOND TO THIS POST SO IT DOESN'T GET SWEPT AWAY before a decent number of people fill out the survey.

    This survey is open to anyone participating in the nofap challenge, please answer truthfully, and exactly once for each streak you have records of. Here's the link:

    WARNING: this data might be extremely skewed to my habits, as I have been saving a lot of my own data.

    I was also wondering if anyone would be interested in the designing or participating in some type of more scientific study pertaining to the nofap challenge. These could test the effectiveness of some strategy, or effects of fapstainence on something or other, or really anything else.
  2. SelfImprover

    SelfImprover Fapstronaut

    I don't know if this is enough data to draw any kind of conclusions from, but I filled it out anyway.
  3. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    Many thanks, SelfImprover, with time and good luck, more will come.
  4. Eric Forman

    Eric Forman Fapstronaut

    I'm still on my streak and I'm not planning to break it, so I didn't fill it in. I must say that it is a good idea to research nofap, or hold surveys though.

    But, what do you want to research? I don't think we can get much from this, only the length of your streak, that you broke and how you failed. Isn't it more useful for us to do research about people that succees in the challenge, for example after 90 days ask how their energy, confidence etc is now different than before, rate the confidence before and the confidence after it. Just an idea.
  5. jatar

    jatar Fapstronaut

    Filled in the form.

    If I can suggest something, I think that the question in the form could be a bit clearer. I understand it asks about my last streak before the current one? When I read the question first it wasn't clear for me whether I should give the length of my longest streak to date or just the last one.
  6. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    This survey will be able to tell us the average length of a streak and how likely we are to surpass that after having lasted a given number of days. Also it can help us figure out the roles of porn and masturbation in the nofap challenge. Like you said, not much, but it is something.

    A study of people's confidence after a certain number of days is a fantastic idea. Having people rate their confidence and energy before and after 90 days of fapstainence would take at least 90 days and a lot of people; more ambitious than I'm willing to get. How about a survey that asks what day they're on and their confidence and energy? Perhaps also their libido. Is there anything else that should be included, or is there yet another way?
  7. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    That's correct, I'm looking for stats about average, run-of-the-mill streaks, not the best of the best.
    I see what you mean about the question being unclear, I'm not really sure how to phrase it.
  8. jatar

    jatar Fapstronaut

    Hmm... maybe "How long was your streak when you last relapsed?". I'm not a native English speaker so I don't really know if this the best and most concise way to phrase the question. Then again, maybe the question is OK as it is and it's just me having trouble understanding :D.
  9. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    Lol, jatar, that makes so much more sense, I'm ashamed I couldn't come up with it. Thanks a million.
  10. Eric Forman

    Eric Forman Fapstronaut

    Well yeah that's a good idea as well! Health, skin, anxiety, a BIG one is enjoying life again.
  11. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    RESULTS!!! (although not the most complete)
    The above is subject to change, as the survey is still open, and on that note, feel free to fill it out, more input is always appreciated. Below is a collection of the interesting parts of both of the above as of this morning.

    First, the effect of nofap on a person's mood or feeling; their happiness, energy, confidence, and temptation. The graphs are bigger if you click on them.
    image(2).jpg image(3).jpg image(4).jpg image(5).jpg
    these graphs were being difficult; the bars from left to right represent the feeling after the following amount of time since last relapse:
    earlier today
    1 day ago
    2 days ago
    3 days ago
    4 days ago
    5 days ago
    6 days ago
    7 days ago
    within 15
    within 30
    within 60
    within 90
    within 365
    Over a year

    All of the graphs have a bit too little data, which is obvious by looking at them, they are by no means smooth lines. That being said, a few things can be supposed. On day 5, there seems to be a jump in temptation, accompanied by lower happiness. Before that, as we are all aware, confidence, happiness, and energy are low the day of a relapse, but the graphs also imply that that low returns (slightly less) after three days. Temptation is low at that point, though, at least compared to days 4 and 5, when the other three are back up to norm. I'd like to point out, only one person had relapsed between 60 and 90 days ago (the within 90 section), so it's probably better that we hope that person has survived their irregularly high temptation, but has sustained their euphoria and energy. I will also point out that there is likely bias in these results. The survey was posted here, in the nofap forums, the nofap subreddit, and the nofap facebook page. To what degree people's involvement with those correlates to these things I have no idea.

    These graphs can be found starting up and to the right of G45. If you start at the end of row 45, then press (ctrl + left arrow), it will bring you to the next graph. Moving right is harder as the curser jumps to the left of the graph, you'll have to ctrl+right twice, then go left.

    I also recommend the first few charts of the summary. They refused to upload to this post, but they're interesting.

    Attached Files:

  12. crushurcravings

    crushurcravings Fapstronaut

    I filled out the form as well. :)
  13. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    Much obliged, crushurcravings.

    I've started a group for this:
    At this point this survey is the only thing there, but my hope is that it will keep the results accessible, and it will be a place where people can conduct more, better science on nofappers.
    I'd also like to look at other science about porn and addiction and compile it into an easily digestible form over there with the power of crowdsourcing.