How to create a thread on NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Young Werther, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Young Werther

    Young Werther New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,
    personally, I abstain from POM for 3 days. And I almost reach the state of orgasm just now. But I rethink about what I was doing, for one purpose I am quitting masturbation to make a better life, healthier body, more sanity, and more free time. But is it really worth doing so?

    I searched on the internet skimming billions of replies upon this question. Some say that masturbation is a common biological need, since not harmful at all, reversely, if you quit it, you even will feel more pain! Others like old fapstronauts use the effects on them of quitting POM to support some of the advantages of quitting masturbation as they repeatedly emphasize and reinforce. Ted Talks give me some insights as well....

    But the more diverse the answers I get, the more confused I get with myself. To understand how should I do to let my body, my mind, my soul run in the most harmonious pace, I need to find the answer out by myself!

    I do not even engender my own shot, so it would mean nothing at all had I stood by the side of any of the answers online. It is time to do an experiment of myself. And for all these years, I already took a journey on masturbation in unconsciousness and since cannot know more exactly how this habit makes me feel in my daily life. I could not say it is "awful" at least until recently, cuz I have no comparison to demonstrate what an "awful" feeling accurately means. So I will quit masturbation for 30 days, to see if this experiment would indeed bring me more positive emotions than masturbation. If not, I would rather live on with POM. For the sake of assurance.
    WeaknTired likes this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome, I'm glad you're here.

    Here's what I think. There is no "need" to masturbate. Think of it in terms of evolution, or if you prefer, God's design. Either way, it's obvious what our sexual organs are "for": they are designed for reproduction. Yes, it's pleasurable, but that serves to encourage...reproduction! So even from that point of view, masturbation is entirely useless, as it in no way fosters procreation. If anything, it works against it.

    While there is a true need for the species to reproduce, there is no need for any one person to reproduce. But notice how the body works; if a woman doesn't conceive, her body periodically flushes the system, so to speak: this is called menstruation. Similarly, if a man doesn't ejaculate regularly, the body will similarly "flush" the system -- he will either have a wet dream, or else the semen will be absorbed into the body.

    All this shows that the body has, over countless generations, developed systems for dealing with non-use of sexual organs. Which proves that that body isn't "harmed" by that non-use.

    Please note, I'm not arguing that sex is bad; rather, I'm simply countering the notion that we "need" any kind of sexual stimulation.
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  4. Xuraseboy

    Xuraseboy Fapstronaut

    Hey , I am new here. I don't know what's wrong but I relapse. I have managed two times to cross the 90 days streak and regained my sexual health but somehow I fall back and give in to urges and get back to square one. It's like I am running in circles without going anywhere. It's really frustrating. When I relapse it seems that I have no control.
  5. Xuraseboy

    Xuraseboy Fapstronaut

    But I wanted to post it here that I am gonna be strong now and hopefully leave this useless habbit for good. Wish me luck.
  6. Asyhadu Alla ilaha illaAllah

    Asyhadu Alla ilaha illaAllah New Fapstronaut

  7. VictorTheOne

    VictorTheOne New Fapstronaut

  8. Lilitre

    Lilitre Fapstronaut

    Fisrt of all im a black African i live in South Africa English is not my language but ill do my best for you to understand.

    I masturbated for 7 years i started in 2016 at the age of 17 years i was doing grade 8
    Then started nofap in 2022 September

    I started masturbating on people i have seen o tv shows ,or hot girls in news papers ,hot girls passing in the road next to where i lived i would rush in the window and watch her or them as they pass and masturbate, i would even Masturbate whenever im in the toilet or washing myself.

    Someone i knew had many porns in his phone so when i had a phone i shared all of his porn and masturbated on them that is when the addiction started started to damage me.i even Masturbated in School and in the i failed my grade 8 and i knew i would so i changed School and place.

    I was almost got caught by one of my family members in the toilet then i said to myself im done with this as if that was trueso i continued masturbating as i failed on my i met a girl we really loved each other i even tried to stop this addiction for her and because of knewing that this was wrong because i cant feel guilty if it is not . But i failed what less changed was that i didint masturbate a lot when i met her.

    Since i knew masturbation was wrong nd because i heard that it decreases a penis size so i wanted more information so i went on Google then i met nofap.i was so happy with the benefits and wanted to experience this myself many said its placebo but i told myself that ill see that for myself.

    So i experienced vivid dreams they were scary a lot.

    Benefits i experienced : 1.waking up feeling more rested even if i slept for 4 hours nd wake up early at 8 or 7 and do my chores that gives more time for the day
    Before i always woke up tired even if en i slept 12 hours nd i would always wake up between 11 or 12:00

    2.energetic : i was so energetic that when i work i dont even worry about how much is the load of work nd i would always work listening to music singing with a smile while working .

    2.wounds healing fast : i experienced this it was so strange and i would question myself if wounds didint hurt that much and i'd forgert about them. responses or replies :honestly i love this benefit u give fast smart answers anywhere to whoever it works well for me when speaking to girls.

    4.female attraction :i noticed more girls noticing me me more and more especially old women but i dont give them much attention as i dont like to date old people some smile for me at my presence or blush they acted like little girls flirting.

    5.stamina and sex duration:i dated nd slept with 4 girls in my life i slept with 3 before nofap the sex during nofap with the other one it was like its my first time doing sex it was so good i lasted longer i was very surprised i think we did it for 30 minutes i was not focusing on the ogarsm it was like im forcusing on satisfying her nd we did one round she was tired nd had enough just like me .wow i felt more like a man that was the best sex i have ever had in my life.

    5.started to dres well and look good nd wanted to see people more and more.

    6.voice started to be deep which made me to love talking since i know girls love deep voices.

    7.didint have fear of rejection by girls my approach was even shocking me when approaching girls whenever i approached a girl i would not live without making her smile id make a girl smile or laugh without planning to nd i would go to a girl without thinking what to say everything would just flow when im there .

    Thank u for reading i very very happy to find nofap community we are all lucky to be here.
  9. Lilitre

    Lilitre Fapstronaut

    Fisrt of all im a black African i live in South Africa English is not my language but ill do my best for you to understand.

    I masturbated for 7 years i started in 2016 at the age of 17 years i was doing grade 8
    Then started nofap in 2022 September

    I started masturbating on people i have seen o tv shows ,or hot girls in news papers ,hot girls passing in the road next to where i lived i would rush in the window and watch her or them as they pass and masturbate, i would even Masturbate whenever im in the toilet or washing myself.

    Someone i knew had many porns in his phone so when i had a phone i shared all of his porn and masturbated on them that is when the addiction started started to damage me.i even Masturbated in School and in the i failed my grade 8 and i knew i would so i changed School and place.

    I was almost got caught by one of my family members in the toilet then i said to myself im done with this as if that was trueso i continued masturbating as i failed on my i met a girl we really loved each other i even tried to stop this addiction for her and because of knewing that this was wrong because i cant feel guilty if it is not . But i failed what less changed was that i didint masturbate a lot when i met her.

    Since i knew masturbation was wrong nd because i heard that it decreases a penis size so i wanted more information so i went on Google then i met nofap.i was so happy with the benefits and wanted to experience this myself many said its placebo but i told myself that ill see that for myself.

    So i experienced vivid dreams they were scary a lot.

    Benefits i experienced : 1.waking up feeling more rested even if i slept for 4 hours nd wake up early at 8 or 7 and do my chores that gives more time for the day
    Before i always woke up tired even if en i slept 12 hours nd i would always wake up between 11 or 12:00

    2.energetic : i was so energetic that when i work i dont even worry about how much is the load of work nd i would always work listening to music singing with a smile while working .

    2.wounds healing fast : i experienced this it was so strange and i would question myself if wounds didint hurt that much and i'd forgert about them. responses or replies :honestly i love this benefit u give fast smart answers anywhere to whoever it works well for me when speaking to girls.

    4.female attraction :i noticed more girls noticing me me more and more especially old women but i dont give them much attention as i dont like to date old people some smile for me at my presence or blush they acted like little girls flirting.

    5.stamina and sex duration:i dated nd slept with 4 girls in my life i slept with 3 before nofap the sex during nofap with the other one it was like its my first time doing sex it was so good i lasted longer i was very surprised i think we did it for 30 minutes i was not focusing on the ogarsm it was like im forcusing on satisfying her nd we did one round she was tired nd had enough just like me .wow i felt more like a man that was the best sex i have ever had in my life.

    5.started to dres well and look good nd wanted to see people more and more.

    6.voice started to be deep which made me to love talking since i know girls love deep voices.

    7.didint have fear of rejection by girls my approach was even shocking me when approaching girls whenever i approached a girl i would not live without making her smile id make a girl smile or laugh without planning to nd i would go to a girl without thinking what to say everything would just flow when im there .

    Thank u for reading i very very happy to find nofap community we are all lucky to be here.