Today is 31 on hard mode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by master90days, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. master90days

    master90days Fapstronaut

    I have done one month on hard mode. This is a quick summary:

    What I have learnt so far.

    0) Admit you have a problem, then lets begin the step to change.

    1) Get k9 blocker for bit of time. Once you hit the point of never needing porn again, get rid of it when you are fully recovered, because you can only beat the devil when you look it in the face. I am planning of getting rid of k9 for the last 30 days, to see how I do.

    2) get an accountability partner. Well get two of them and them the truth and just chat about life.

    3) find a higher purpose other than NoFap, do not spend all your time on here. Or for that matter watching tv, playing computer games. Hell go one week without, watching tv and news. Life still goes on.

    4) use your time more wisely, learn to play the gituar, piano etc.

    5) Go and be more social, during the weekends I go out and meet people and just talk to real people. That means not looking at women on dating sites, instagram, facebook, etc. If you can not touch her / him physically and it is arousing to you. Do not watch it, click it etc. I spend my weekends talking to women and men, find out interesting things about life from their perspective in bars, etc.

    6) wet dreams - they happen a lot during your first weeks or so. I had three wet dreams, days after each other. Annoying however everything is still working. LOL;) (Crazy things to try, sit facing your back against a tree and give your energy to it)

    7) Read a novel, that changes your life view. I read and still rereading "Why people fail" By Simmmon Reyonlds. It is a great book, everyone should read it. It explains how we can improve. It has changed my life a lot, my room is now cleaner, and I not a bum than much. LOL.

    8) Also be happy with who you are in the moment but think about skills you want to have. So challenge yourself. My brother has challenged me to read a book, a massive 600 book in 24 hours (small print book).

    9) Keep a diary, journal etc and start the day with a motivational quote. One of favorites quotes goes like this: "you did not beat all the sperms in here, just to wank with your hands...go and get some real women". That is a paraphrases.

    10) Change your mindset first, then everything else changes.

    11) Ask yourself these questions truthfully: Would I hang out with me as a person? Would I marry me as a person? Do my actions hurt anyone else? If you answered no to the first two, lets begin to change for the better.

    Sorry for the spelling mistakes etc.

    I wish everyone one the best of luck. Keep going, I'll see you in another 10 days time for short update. Then in months time.

    Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.
  2. carson

    carson Fapstronaut

    nice to know that you are on your way , it gives me strength to do the same . Stay strong.
  3. Rayon

    Rayon Guest

    Point number 11 has definitely got me thinking. I didn't think I would hang out with me at this moment in time. Maybe 30 days later after I complete my NoFap goal.
  4. orson

    orson Fapstronaut

    Woot, congratulations on your goal. Good job!

    Also, I agree with both of these two statements despite their inherent seeming contradiction. We can accept who we are now and still want to change. We can also ask ourselves if we're happy with who we are. Accepting the present for what it is and asking if we're happy with who we are are two different things. Great motivations.