How do you guys get trough weekends?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Hi! I have stayed clean since monday. I have barely noticed any urges at all. I am busy more or less all the time monday-Friday. Having hobbies, doing my homework etc. But the weekend are approaching fast and I do usually have a hard time on saturday and sunday. It looks like I wont have anything going for me this weekend neither. I was wasting my last weekend in my appartement being depressed. It ended up in a binge fiest from saturday to late sunday.

    So my question is: How do you guys get trough the weekends?
  2. jo5hbt

    jo5hbt Guest

    One thing I am going to start trying is keeping with my regular week routine. Get up, get ready for the day, and then leave the house. I'm not sure where I'll go, maybe just downtown or to a mall but doing something to keep myself occupied. I'll probably go on a bike ride since I just got it serviced. Anything to pass the time productively.
  3. Bullet47

    Bullet47 New Fapstronaut

    I would say just get out of the house being alone in your house/apartment is the worst thing.
  4. ilovetyrannosaurusrex

    ilovetyrannosaurusrex Fapstronaut

    I just make sure I am busy, if you can try to arrange something with friends or take up some hobbies and stay away from the computer.
  5. No more nuts

    No more nuts Fapstronaut

    Imo the best time is when you are by yourself.
    You cant be busy 24/7, when you have nothing to do it really tests your willpower and makes you more disciplined in the future.

    Im just chilling right now i want to watch porn after breaking my streak last night.
    Just remember how bad you'll feel after PMOing choice is yours man.
  6. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    When you are sitting around doing nothing, or whatever feels good right now (aka. drifting), then you are just asking your brain to push you to PMO.
    That doesn't mean you can't relax. When you plan one hour lying in the sun then you are doing something in that hour. Real trouble is only when you don't know what to do with yourself, or lack the courage to do what you want to.
  7. Transient

    Transient Fapstronaut

    Something that works for me is aiming to make plans for at least three things during the weekend - at least one each day - that get you out of the house, and making sure at least one of them is social and one of them involves physical activity. If I manage to do that, I generally feel very happy with my weekend at the end of it. Give yourself things to look forward to that will give you something else to focus on.

    If you can, join a gym and/or a yoga class (I found doing one or both of these each weekend extremely helpful), or if you don't have money go for a run or take a walk. Go to the cinema, join a language/dance/cooking/whatever class, check out an exhibition, explore somewhere you've never been before, get out of town for the day, go to a concert, whatever works with your interests and gets you out of the house. Arrange to go out with your friends and say yes to any opportunities people give to go out. If you have work to do or things to do on your computer, don't stay at home to do it - get up early, get out of the house by 10am and drag your laptop to a cafe to get your work done. You won't be so tempted to relapse in the middle of a public place.

    I find that scheduling something on Sunday afternoons really works well for combating the Sunday depression - I always look forward to my 4pm Sunday yoga class, it gives me a feeling that I've done something with a day that otherwise is easily wasted. If yoga isn't your thing you could replace it with any kind of physical activity - Sundays are good days to get a bit of fitness in IMO.
  8. Thanks for answers :) It really helps. I am going to focus on tommorrow at first. I was working as a doorman for my University tonight and right now I am feeling optimistic. I am considering buying myself some logs tommorrow and spend some time in nature With a bonfire and hopefully a friend or two.
  9. psy001

    psy001 Fapstronaut

    man i feel you 100% weekends are tough for me also,,, i got no many things to do and i am stuck in front of my pc trying to avoid thoughts and urges,,,,shiteee that is painful ,,,, through the week from Monday til Thursday i am busy but afterwards hellll
  10. LookNoHands!

    LookNoHands! Fapstronaut

    You have to replace the time you used to spend on porn with something else that's useful. What about an exercise routine? Hanging out with friends? Volunteer work? Even cleaning your living space up takes your mind off PMO for the moment.
  11. M123

    M123 Fapstronaut

    Play computer game right jornal exerice or get talk psycoloist(to help porn addiction)
  12. Pellaeon

    Pellaeon Fapstronaut

    What are your larger life goals?

    I used to have difficulty with weekends - often sitting around doing nothing all day. As my dedication to losing 70 pounds became more and more solid, however, I found my weekends filling up: I signed up to see a personal trainer three times a week - twice during weekdays, and once on the weekend. In order to actually lose fat, however, I need to actually cook my food. So I spend a few hours Sunday cooking meals for the entire week.

    We don't have a dishwasher though, so that means I have to spend a few hours washing the dishes as well. Then laundry and shaving comes into play - between all these chores, that can take up the entire weekend just by itself. If I decide to do any kind of shopping for clothes, or visiting the tailor - that also takes it up.

    So to make a long story short - use this time to spur yourself on to other self-improvement projects, and replace your porn habits with that. When you are busy, it is much easier to pass through the day without being tempted too much. You'll still get the strong urges from time to time, but it won't be something you are constantly battling as much.