Probably use the law of attraction in sex transmutation

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by neutraltransmute, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. neutraltransmute

    neutraltransmute Fapstronaut

    Correct me if I am wrong. I felt that this might be a good trick for sex transmutation. If you have an urge for masturbation or porn, imagine and feel what you want to be. Auto-suggestion works to a great extent in attracting riches. In fact, in the 11th chapter of Napoleon Hill, Auto-suggestion is mentioned as a stimuli for you to act upon something productive. He also mentions desire of sex as a stimuli for mind. This "desire of sex" could be replaced by the stimuli called "Auto-suggestion''. So why wasting energy in masturbation. keep saying "I am abundant". Feel in your present that you are abundant. Feel that your bank account has excess money. We become what we think, moreover we become what we feel (emotions are often entangled with thoughts). Bring that emotion of joy and abundance. Your sexual energy could be transmuted into making yourself a genius and thus you might attract riches.But never use 'I will", then it implies that you are longing and you don't have what you want. It will create anxiety. Stop complaining about things. Hold the practice of gratitude. Anger on another will only punish you. Understand the effect of stimuli.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
    Deleted Account and MrMurk like this.
  2. Holy sh¡t you just described my childhood. Where can i find more of this?
  3. neutraltransmute

    neutraltransmute Fapstronaut

    Please read, the eleventh chapter of Think and grow rich by Napoleon hill. However, there's is a lot of suppression in that book. So do a research with whatever you find interesting. I regret to say that I can't help you gather things regarding it. I did some stupid things today and I am feeling exhausted. I will get back to you on 7th feb. I can share my whatsapp number too, If you're interested. I will text to your profile.