Frustrating relapsing...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Turin, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Turin

    Turin Fapstronaut

    This is actually destroying me. I've been with this horrible problem for 2 and a half years. You might think that's not bad enough, but i'm really frustated... This is destroying me. I want to stop, but it seems like i automatically do it and i just forget about everything.

    For the first time, this month, I just passed 2 weeks without any PMO, (relapsing between them), and I think that was an huge step, because in this 2 years, I had been relapsing like almost every day. Before 2015 i had never passed more than 4 days without any PMO. It was a serious relapsing addictive cycle.

    The problem is... this relapsing seems to be returning, not in days, but in weeks. The beginning of 2015 was very good, 8 days withtout any PMO. Then another week passed, and i relapsed everyday. Once again, i passed one more week without any PMO. And... one more week relapsing almost everyday.

    And, here I am. I want to stop, and I know that, but it's really hard, as you might know. And i'm just 14 yers old. I know it is early and I can get rid of it without disturbing too much my life, because i've read that some people had this problem for more than 40 years.

    Sometimes, when I'm too hyped, I can get rid of it, but not today.. I miss the old times when I didn't know it. I was an extremly happy person. This just ruined me.
  2. ght5

    ght5 Fapstronaut

    Don't be too hard on yourself. I think part of your problem is that you are focusing too much on the problem/your failures. For a teenager to even know that he needs to stop is extraordinary in this day and age, feel good about yourself for that!

    Find something to distract yourself that will take up a lot of time. If you are in high school get involved in a sport. If you are not good at sports, join cross country team as they usually accept anyone. If that's not an option, join another club that will take a lot of your time.

    Main thing, do not be hard on yourself when you fail.
  3. stay_strong

    stay_strong Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I know what you mean. I'm 15 and so far my longest was at the beginning of the year when I decided to quit PMO forever. It was a huge resolution but I decided to make it and it was going great... until I relapsed.
    Sometimes I wish I was one of those rare people who grew up never having PMO'd. Apparently they exist.
    Anyway, in all seriousness, I think this is an addiction that CANNOT be ignored. If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend going to YBOP ( They tell you exactly what porn does to your brain and that sorta helped me in the beginning to keep my streak going.

    If you'd like we could be accountability partners and discuss further. Private message me if you're interested.
  4. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    Man, I wish I knew what I now know at your age. In fact, I am exactly in the spot you are in, constantly relapsing. However, this time I am so fed up with it that I made a commitment to keep it. What's really important is to stay in the moment, and no matter what you do, don't touch yourself! Even if it kills you, never touch yourself. This is where I failed. I would think, "Oh, it's ok that I do a little touching." Then before I knew it, I relapsed, never again. Stay strong. Trust me, you're going to need nofap for the upcoming years. Maybe only my teenage years were miserable.