My daily routine

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Deleted Account, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. 1.Wake up

    2.Cold Shower


    4.Cold Shower

    5.Practice Bass


    7.Practice Bass


    I literally only do these things evey day since Noevember and I still get wet dreams. Fuck.

    And it seems like the moe I disclpipine my conscious mind the weaker my subconschious gets. I legit pass out when I go to bed. Why is my prefrontal cortex so weak?
    ? ? ? likes this.
  2. MusicMakingMonk

    MusicMakingMonk Fapstronaut

    Consider practicing meditation friend, it will strengthen the prefrontal cortex (wether a weak prefrontal cortex causes wet dreams or causing you to pass out idk).
    Also think about exploring the subconscious. All humans on this planet have things inside their psyche that they have buried, and if you want to be free of that you must explore these things, shine a light on them and transcend them.
  3. i dont have time for that

    > All humans on this planet have things inside their psyche that they have buried, and if you want to be free of that you must explore these things, shine a light on them and transcend them.

    i already have. my subconcsious goes like this "You will never get laid so allow me to rid you of this excess semen. You wont get laid so nothing else matters.". My subconsious is purely sex based and it has been like that since puberty. Being a celibate monk in my consious life has caused all my sexual opression to become my sibconsious. I can't balance these two cause im an incel so the only way it to somehow get rid of my subconsious which is pretty destructive
  4. MusicMakingMonk

    MusicMakingMonk Fapstronaut

    So you have suppressed your sexuality instead of transcending it? And if it bothers you why not do something about that?

    Also you're asking questions, and pretty much just complaining and then when you get an answer that may help you say you don't have time for it.
    Truly ask yourself where your motivations lie in what you're doing. And what it is you truly value.

    Are you motivated to do so many things, being pretty much a work-a-holic (not an inherently bad thing btw) because you're running away from something you do not wish to confront?
    You seem to have a great deal of confusion and negative emotions surrounding your sexuality, isn't that something worth taking the time for to find peace in?

    Also "You will never get laid so allow me to rid you of this excess semen. You wont get laid so nothing else matters." doesn't sound like the subconscious speaking to you, sounds more like the ego telling lies.

    Why do you think you'll never get laid, why do you think nothing else matters since you won't get laid (what does that even mean)?
    Why do you care so much about getting wet dreams in the first place?