A failed fapstronaut pledging to end this to pursue dream career.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by cubkleo, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. cubkleo

    cubkleo Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm a 19-y/o college student. I've been masturbating since pretty much the age of 9.

    The addiction really occurred during high school, especially during senior year. I masturbated once a day. The frequency gradually went up to 3 times a day and now it's 4 times. There's literally no passing day without me wanting to masturbate. I began to feel the negativity is building up. I feel tired, lifeless, depressed, yawn too frequently. Masturbation has affected severely to my routine. I waste hours watching porn and being unproductive. After every climax I feel horrible about my pathetic self.

    Acknowledging the negative impacts, I desperately tried to find a solution. And somehow I came across NoFap on reddit. Reading all the beginner essential posts and others' inspiring success stories, I decided to partake in the reboot challenge in November 2018. But... it didn't go so well. I went back on a relapse and continued masturbating ever since.

    I am furiously disappointed about myself. I've wasted so much time on porn my masturbation I find out there's barely any time left for me to practice drawing to develop essential skills for my dream career. I wanna be a character designer, a concept artist, a thriving designer in the creative industry. And masturbation is playing as a huge obstacle for me to reach those goals.

    I feel like it's high time I took action or else this will be a lifetime regret. I've come to realization that masturbation brings me no happiness but just temporary pleasure and more negativity.

    So I decided to take the NoFap program once more and this time I will do this with absolute commitment.

    I must do this for the sake of my future, my dreams and my mental well-being
  2. your story is a lot like mine, i started masturbating at the age of 12, abnormally high sex drive i would say, i am 20 now and still an addict, but i will not fail again God gave me the spark i needed and i will succeed this time, listen there are a couple things i will suggest that will make your life 10x better.
    1. cold showers - builds discipline and boosts the immune system by creating more white blood cells, also is super healthy for your skin and hair, but most importantly it kills urges on the spot.
    2. healthy eating - besides abstaining from pmo this is equally just as important, when i was on my long streaks of no pmo i felt great, but there was something missing, healthy eating, you are what you eat, if you eat junk you will feel like junk and look like i, i cut out all processed foods, no junk food, very little sugar. And if you combine this with no pmo you will feel better than you every have in your life i promise you that, i have euphoria all day everyday, my depression is halved and if you combine the two will be totally gone, i never get sick, and man i feel great and look it.
    3. meditation - this centers your mind, lowers stress and anxiety, really gives you time to figure things out in your head and it gives you a clear focused mind for the future.
  3. cubkleo

    cubkleo Fapstronaut

    About cold showers, can you elaborate more on that? Like, when should I take a cold shower, do I always have to take cold showers and abstain from hot showers? (which is kinda challenging in this freaking cold weather lol)
  4. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    This is a wonderful and - in my experience - essential insight. Remind yourself of this daily. Take some time to quiet yourself, ground yourself, centre yourself at the start of each day, perhaps. Then revisit this understanding. Remind yourself of everything that lead you to this moment of clarity. Remember the moment of clarity itself. Then decide what the first healthy thing you will do to start your day.

    All the best...
  5. cubkleo

    cubkleo Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I do really hope the moment I decide to be fully committed to quit PMO is the life-changing moment from now on.
  6. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    And I hope this moment happens again and again and agin for you...
  7. BuiltOdd

    BuiltOdd Fapstronaut

    You have a similar story to my own, except that now I am 41. When I started PM it was finding someone's playboy magazines or the occasional late night movie with breasts on cinemax. The constant access you young people are subjected to today is pure brainwashing. How can any expectations you develop ever possibly come to be reality? ED and social anxiety is almost guaranteed.
    It's difficult for my generation to communicate things to yours, but you should pay attention to this as a cautionary tale. I was PMO from probably 8 or 9 all the way until I was 39. For that 30 years I have been stuck in dead end jobs, scrawny, pale, poor hygiene, bad social skills, no prospects and addicted to anything that made me feel temporarily better. I could go on and on but I don't want to lose the message.
    In the 2 years since I've started attempting Nofap I have yet to hit more than 18 days. Regardless of my failures, just identifying the problem and abstaining as much as I have has made differences. I know what I'm up against now that I've identified Nofap. I make better life choices. I go to the gym, I quit smoking, I'm going back to college (doing far better at focusing than I did in school before), and I put more effort into being around friends. No improvements to my brain fog, social anxiety or eye contact, but like I said, very limited success. I relapsed today, but I reset my day counter and I'm right back to it. Disappointed, not discouraged.
    Do this while you're young. Your life will be a thousand times better, and that is an absolute fact. Don't be discouraged by your day counter while its low or by relapses. Recognize that for the first time in your life that you are very much in this fight, that you will not stand alone, and that your enemy is at your mercy.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2019
    cubkleo likes this.
  8. i stopped taking hot showers because it dried my skin out, i personally dont feel the need to take hot ones, when you take cold ones you are benefiting yourself, you can take cold shower any time you want.
  9. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    I find this inspiring in it's honesty, realism and ordinariness.

    Thanks for thepost, @BuiltOdd
    BuiltOdd likes this.