Anand's NoFab Daily Journal

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Anand, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    I am hurting myself
    I am not accepting myself
    I constantly putting myself down not accepitng who I am
    not like who I am
    self identity was not healthy
    I compare myself with other why I don like going out
  2. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Life seems meaningless
    I hate myself
    I hate everyone
    God wish to lose myself in porn and masturbation to
    get out of the hell I am having right now.
  3. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Life seems like paused, came to halt
    sad, lonely, lazy, pity
    in fact I prefer to be pity than untrue dis honesty happiness
    it seems I am there for myself
    I know no one will be there
    everyone tells you they will be
    but no ask them to take action, 99.99% disappears
    coz it is easier to talk than act
    in fact I don care others, I know no will be there
    I don count on them, even my parents they themselves not there when I wanted
    relatives LOL friends hilarious
    the only people who can count on is when you paid for the people
    without any selfish inclination no one will be there for you to support or care.

    It is fine
    I feel safe in self pity than raising the hope that someone could accept you unconditionally
    everyone is selfish

    I know the porn and masturbation will save by immediately from the low life I am going now
    but I am a man in a mission
    I don want to give up
    I wont
    Importantly I am happy no one is there to support
    I like that feeling
    sad or pathetic
    I don care
    coz I cant trust people I don trust I don count them unless until
    I pay them, then I can question

    As long as you are loving good
    if you expect love shut your mouth if not expect to be slapped by reality
    no one can tolerate you if you are expressing your darkest unhealed crying part of you
    they get scared they get offended they beat you to death if they powerful if not they move away from you to protect themselves, including your mom, dad, wife if you have.

    you alone have to go through your journey
    I am going all alone
    I prefer that way

    surprisingly, my urge is came to balance from very high, when I begin to draw
    though I can draw when I was child
    no one encouraged coz I had some lousy parents and got no real friends (actual few friend supported me, but before developing the trust in me I have to move to different location lose the friendships)
    anyway I not consider myself as an artist
    I restrict I can draw only through seeing something else
    for the first time I was sketching... from my imagination
    I could not believe I can draw decent from my imagination lol

    but it is mainly a naked woman with big boobs and curves
    hope it is better than jerking seeing the porn
    coz I am creating something so I have to patience here :)
    rather than raping myself in anger and desperation

    Update my struggles more ...
  4. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    depressed sad lonely
    triggering my masturbation and pornography addictions
    I really don know what to do
    but somehow surviving
    by sleeping watching movies, youtube pranks, drawing, star gaze
    nothing helping me much
    feeling guilt
    massively confused
    I don know
    but I better die than raping myself
  5. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    business is not going well
    also triggering
    financially broke
    business going in loss
    hmm... funny can only smile in sarcasm.
  6. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    I think I am doing wrong missing the point

    Porn is the symptom.

    You watch porn to escape reality. You watch porn to manage your emotions. You watch porn because you're bored, lonely, stressed, depressed, angry, isolated. You watch porn to feel good for a moment, to replace uncomfortable emotions and situations in your life.

    Porn addiction is not the cause of your shitty life.
    This mentality of "life awaits me after recovery" is destructive.

    You don't focus on quitting porn so you can finally get to live life after you're recovered.

    You focus on learning how to live, how to manage your emotions, how to change the way you think and view the world.

    You put all your energy into building the life you want.

    This will naturally lead your mind away from porn.

    I am doing opposite to that... continuing my shitty life
    waiting some miracle going to happen

    I am not yet ready to comeout of the shit
    something hold me strong in the shitty life
  7. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    I am hopeless
    any time I can go to porn
  8. I cannot always understand your words in posts Anand but you have excellent thought process. Read you every day.

    Hope that you can see some positive reactions to body or mind in coming weeks.

    Ithink you can try to measure body and mind as seperate from work and other emotional encounters in life.

    Hope this makes sense.
  9. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Thank you Al

    I am just writing what is going on in my mind
    why it is unclear I think
    anyway thank you for the wishes brother
    my wishes for your success.
  10. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Failed yet again
    lots of anger insecurity fear hatred judgement
    have to start again
    can only last 12 days this time
    last 2 days I lost control actually bcoz of some stupid moves
    letting my girl friend into my space is big fucking mistake
    if you want to succeed no weakness should be allowed
    girl embrace your weakness
    so you will be vulnerable, when you vulnerable you cant win
    may be I am wrong may be I am not
    but the mistake is allowing a girl who doesn't know what you going through
    what you want to achieve how much it is important for you
    I am blaming the girl I know it
    but I cant help
    why I want to get out of this prison
    plz girl let us be a Man, I know you like our vulnerable child, your mother side wants a child part, but when we are child we are fucked up,
    I have to kill the inner child (the wussy) to be a Man
    so no girl (how much fucking drama she puts to be with you )
  11. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Failed again
    Indulge all day on self raping
  12. What time of day (where you live) did this happen Anand?

    I have started to make a promise before i go to bed of 2 or 3 things that i will do when i wake up in the morning. This helps me a little at that time of day.
  13. Johnisawe

    Johnisawe Fapstronaut

    Where did you get those bar things?
  14. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    I committed myself
    1. not to touch my brother / masturbate for any reason
    2. not to see any porn, or any woman in this matter sexually
    no matter what

    challenging times is where
    1. I am negative in mind
    2. low in energy physically
    3. emotionally drained

    But I take this challenge

    1. I am a man enough to handle them
    2. If I cant I am man enough to surrender to God
    3. I propel this sexual energy for my business success and grow more balls (courage)

    Started date 29/7/15
    2/100 day challenge
  15. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    I commit my sexual energy to consistency in business success, patience and courage in my daily life
    I have to change my sleeping patterns as I am going to sleep early morning
    I do it. I can do it. I surrender to God.
  16. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Day by day
    I am getting more patient emotionally mature especially when external condition is not favorable
    Also I noted my sexual energy is getting stronger and sharper
    But it is getting utilized for being a man.
  17. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Sensing urge
    Urge because of feeling inadequate, negative, boredom
    two choice
    1. to forget these feelings sink in self sabotage and self rape (dis respect) but instant gratifying
    2. to do what is harder now and feeling great about myself but it is instantly not gratifying now takes little bit of will power

    I choose second choice now
    I surrender to God's force to help me and stay with me, in doing that gives me permanent pleasure
    I do the work that I postponing

    I postpone because it seems big and hard
    but instead of doing zero
    I do small things consistently

    I hear what my feelings saying and doing necessary
    now its a time to feel good by doing the work
  18. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    As I am professional trader
    profit and losses are part of our business
    yesterday, It was kind of strings of losses
    usually I go to porn to forget the pain of losses

    This time I take initiative to accept
    coz one tyre of car get flat
    it is foolishness to make other three tyres flat

    I take time to cool off
    by remaining silent
    gather my energy back

    Did what I have to do, rather than indulge myself in
    escape behaviours (making other tyres flat)
    I understand doing the pain first pleasure second tasks
    when I am negative will not be easy

    So I stop being hard on myself
    I usually seek perfection in my task
    that precisely what makes me to procrastinate
    this time I told myself to start, no goal how much how long to work

    I begin to enjoy when mind not forced to do
    if forced it keep on looking clock to take break or percentage of work done
    it will not 100% in task,
    I want me 100% on my side
    it happens only when I support me not sabotage me

    So I stopped expecting big things from me
    just start doing like reading about my business
    watch videos about my business etc
    I have to say I enjoy doing that is what matter

    As long as I enjoy finishing big task is just a breeze
    so I focused on not forcing me and having fun in doing
    so I take breaks when I am losing focus

    I did pretty well, to be honest
    I did what I want to postpone like reviewing my losses
    I did it with neutral mind and was happy
    it was a business losses. Not against my business plan.

    I am proud I was discipline and consistent in my business execution
    the string of losses is normal when market is not conducive to my strategy.

    Today to make sure I recover 100%
    I take leave from working.
    Not forcing myself is a key for my productivity
    focusing on enjoying the task
    focusing on just start (a little will power to start a work)
    remaining things work take care of itself.

    Yes I feel horny that time
    but I promised myself
    you deserve 1000x more pleasure than this
    Let surrender to God and
    focused on Nofab for 100 days

    Seeing other woman as my sister and mother
    definitely helping me

    When I am super hornier,
    I focus on bringing love and giving
    to spread my lust around my genitals to loving energy
    all over my body
    I visualize moving energy from my manhood
    to my head and circulate that energy from head to toe
    It helps, again I don force doing it as a regime or doing it perfect
    even if I visualize for 10 seconds I do it with full involvement

    Thanks to God
    for such a love and support on me
  19. Anand

    Anand Fapstronaut

    Out of boredom
    overwhelming negativity
    I exhausted

    To change the mood
    went to porn

    Overwhelming negativity is me purposefully hanged on
    I could have accept and moved on

    May be clinging to negativity and feeling pity satisfies something in me I think