Have anybody on this forum quit facebook and social media ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ReSweep, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. ReSweep

    ReSweep New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys !
    Have anybody on this forum quit facebook and social media ?

    For me, ever since i started this NoFap i have also started to use facebook only as a communication tool rather than using it as a source of entertainment.

    Anybody else doing the same ?
    SuperLulox likes this.
  2. seventyniner

    seventyniner Fapstronaut

    I took a time-out from facebook when I started NoFap. It was a coincidence, really, but I'm sticking with it now. I need as little distraction as possible during reboot.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I seldom use Facebook. In fact, when I came to this site and heard tell of porn on Facebook and relapses being triggered by content there I was puzzled. I have never seen anything remotely pornographic on Facebook so I don't know where these other ones were going. I occasionally message a handful of friends there. That's it really, so Facebook holds no fears for me.
  4. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    I have never had any social media accounts. I don't feel I missed anything and I can tell you that you can survive without a single one of them.
    alexistaf likes this.
  5. When you really think about it, social media is probably the stupidest thing technology has ever produced. It's dangerous. It's addictive. And it's a time sink. If you're an ugly or average-looking person, you're pretty much safe from predators. But I can tell you as a guy that used to stalk hot chicks on Facebook, any maniac can zero in on your location by using your school or address or finding a common geographical link amongst your friends. Serial killers used to have to do some research to find victims. Now all you need is an internet connection.

    We have something that allows you to communicate with friends, without compromising your safety. It's called a fucking phone!
  6. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    I should have done the same because social media is what caused my relapse last night. Now I have to reset my counter to "0". Dang. I am bummed.
  7. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    The problem with Facebook is that is it very addictive and holds many triggers. Think about all the girls on there taking selfies and wearing skimpy outfits. It's no good to the one who is trying to end PMO. Trust me. I failed my last reboot because of it. Don't do the same.
  8. Ics2000

    Ics2000 Fapstronaut

    Interesting, as I've been focusing on this part of my current reboot. So far I unfriended all those people who cause me to get angry, annoyed, or that I generally obsess about. I've also blocked girls who are promiscuous in their photos - even ones not on my list!

    I recommend a good clear out - a big help. The temptation of facebook in general remains, but so far I can use it and manage my urges and triggers.
  9. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    I deleted all my social site accounts and I would again if I had one. In fact I want to make 10 accounts now and delete all of them just so I would feel as good as I did when I deleted my earlier ones. Perhaps I'm going just a bit too far but you get the point!
  10. makouda

    makouda New Fapstronaut

    I don't understand how social media make you relapse, you can control what you see on Facebook. for me Facebook helped me to stop PMO by folowing pages like this forun
  11. xagell

    xagell Fapstronaut

    I've quit facebook as well. It's was just another little poison drip that you can easily do without.

    Like some guys have said here, even if you scroll through your timeline for just a couple of minutes, it's hard not to start comparing yourself to others.

    For me it was mostly a negative influence, so reason enough to delete my account.
  12. nebulous

    nebulous Fapstronaut

    I hate facebook. Seems so superficially silly to me. Although i do see its uses in communicating sometimes.
  13. SenorCanuck

    SenorCanuck Fapstronaut

    I tried to give up Facebook completely but then I found it harder to get in touch with people when I travel (I try to catch up with people when I'm visiting their hometown). So I did the following:

    1) Completely signed out of Facebook in my primary browser session on my computer. That way I'd have to make the effort to sign in, which deters me from going on in the first place.
    2) Removed the Facebook app from both my phone and my tablet. Only installed Facebook Messenger on my phone so that I can still IM/message people.

    This allows me to continue to communicate with people easily (useful if I don't have their email address or phone number), while eliminating the useless news feed junk.
  14. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    Yup, I had it deactivated for several months. I now keep it up to have as an option of communication better never go on. Only for school related groups and that kind of thing.

    Yea I just find social media to be a detrimental thing in my life. Almost like a horcrux from Harry Potter not to sound to crazy. I just feel like there is a disconnect from the profile online and myself as a person. Facebook is forum were I got caught up wasting time, comparing myself to others, and manicuring this self concept of myself.

    I have come to realize that I don't need to saturate myself in a social feed of over a thousand people that for most, I rarely communicate with. I'm a freshmen in college, theres all these people from highschool I really don't care to be updated on their lives. Everyone is just posting pictures of the "highs" of their lives, deleting pictures that look, and cultivating a profile of themselves.

    For me, I just don't need that. I wasted so much time scrolling and shit I don't care about. All the relationships in my life that truly matter, I can call them or talk to them.

    I see the value in facebook. Part of me wants to have one. I feel like it would be a good way to begin networking new friends here at a new school, but fuck it. I'm just going to go the old fashioned way and be content. Sometimes it feels like I'm missing out, but then I just remind myself of the artificialness, and that real life is right in front of me. Kinda how I view porn in some aspects too.
    Fapsman likes this.
  15. I use facebook and other social media only as a tool to communicate. It can be used positively in your life and like anything else can have it's negative side. I have family and friends spread all over the world and several group interests that are again using facebook for the main communication. It helps with my social life and has brought me new experiences and taken me to new places. So from my point of view, it has been a positive experience using it.
    sir fappanot likes this.
  16. Kye001

    Kye001 Fapstronaut

    Having deleted facebook since I joined this site almost a year ago, Ive never looked back. Removing social media from my life has made me more aware of connecting to the most important people such as my family and close friends, in a real and honest way. Simplicity without social media is simply the way forward for me!
  17. dc10_2013

    dc10_2013 Guest

    I too, deleted my social media accounts. It definitely has triggers. For me, it's just my addictive brain. I have too much work to do internally and externally to be setting around looking at people's timelines or scrolling up and down instagram...Maybe in a year or so I could come back to FB or Instagram (it is a convenient tool to stay connected, but I find it has me leaving in the pass too much). Here's living in the NOW.
  18. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    I quit fb and instagram shortly after I found this site. I had been tired of fb for a while, but the final straw was when I clicked on my profile page and saw a Google maps image of not only the street, but the exact location of my residence. I searched on Bing (because fuck you, Google) for info on how to delete fb, and then went through the process. It took those buttholes nearly a month, but I'm proud to say that I no longer have a profile on there. Instagram was just a pain to look at most days. That, and I found that I was holding on to the past too much. I moved to a new town, yet I was still trying to maintain contact with old friends. I knew deep down that they had moved on, and I had to do the same.

    After being away from social media for a while, I find that I am more eager to speak to people. I found that I really didn't hate people. Of course, old habits die hard. I still have a cynical mindset. I'm still very emotionally guarded. I'm getting better at letting all that go, but I think that it's only a matter of time before I can honestly say I'm at peace with myself.
  19. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    I was just thinking...if you plan on leaving social media be prepared for a giant relational void in your life..only because a lot of people are so addicted to social media and crave those 'likes' and 'retweets' so much that they fail to understand the dire need of mankind..and that's love..especially from human to human, face to face, phone call to phone call, interaction and communication. I'm just sayin..be prepared for the phone to never ring unless you pick it up yourself and make a call. I did that today and no one answered...lol..seems to me nobody really ever talks on the phone anymore instead we text or DM everybody.
  20. MR. A

    MR. A Fapstronaut

    I have quitted facebook for about 1 YEAR now and I do not miss it at all.Like some of you I found myself wasting time on it and comparing my sorry life to the sorry life of other who want to make their life seem like its the best life out there.Facebook became a journal for the stupid who feel like they have to be posting every little dumb thing they do.