Should porn be illegal and near impossible for the average population to access?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Wolves, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    In my opinion, yes. Why? It destroys lifes. It destroyed my brain from the young age of 11 and by the time I was 16 my brain was severely damaged, as damaged as a person who has had 10 concussions. Its only starting to heal now because of not using porn. It also destroys marriages. I've got really bad RSI from playing too many video games last year, I'd like to type heaps more, but I'm trying to get over this RSI, so I'll let you guys discuss and ill read
  2. Yaa, it must be. It snaches our identity and makes us slave. Would that it is banned everywhere from the world. Just a single clip and you are ruined.
    This is the reality of porn
    control your life and Fixmybrain like this.
  3. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Fapstronaut

    You can say exactly the same thing about anything.
    Alcohol causes to violence and in some cases to injuries and deaths,
    smoking gives you cancer and Coca-Cola isn't healthy for your teeth and your liver.
    I see porn as a "getaway" from reality.
    (If you watch it in moderation of course and it doesn't become the main thing in your life)
    Surprise and Deleted Account like this.
  4. It is problem to me. I'm being judgemental. This is my personal opinion.
    Is it possible to watch in moderation? Why addiction?
    And how is it possible
  5. Becoming Jasmine

    Becoming Jasmine Fapstronaut

    Well personally, I’m all for banning cigarettes and sugary drinks. They give people diseases and get people addicted to chemicals. It doesn’t matter how much you moderate them, they are still harmful to your body.

    Alcohol is a bit different since it can actually have certain health benefits, and is possible to use responsibly. That and it’s super easy to make, so it would be very difficult to enforce that kind of law.

    I’m not sure about porn. On one hand, it’s very addictive, often exploits women, and causes sexual health problems in young people. But on the other, I really really don’t like the idea of censorship. I’d say maybe try to have stricter laws about keeping minors away from it before outright banning it entirely.
    CH3RRY and LATOT like this.
  6. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Fapstronaut

    It's possible by putting limits to yourself. like; to masturbate / watch porn once a week / once a month and etc..
    I'm afraid that I might trigger some people here to relapse and that's not my intention so I'll just leave it that way.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I can't go for moderations. Whenever i start whether to watch of fap even in a sigle day. It becomes my habbit and i do it upto extreme level. And after that only guilt, same and fell disgusted.
    So, i don't wanna it anymore even a single one
  8. Before i started realising porn may be a cause of a lot of problems i would have said no, it shouldn't be censored. I would have been annoyed if governments were trying to control what we can and can't enjoy. Now I say that It serves no benefits and should be made unavailable. I doubt it would ever be possible though so we can only learn to control ourselves.
  9. LATOT

    LATOT Fapstronaut

    I can understand why OP says that it should be illegal, it destroys the user's life. I agree with the latter part. I don't agree with it being illegal for the reason that the world is filled with bad and good things, from murder to prayer/meditation/self-reflection. My point is that no matter what happens in life there is always a choice and it is up to the person to decide what route they take. Making porn illegal does not solve anything, even banning it does nothing. That is what makes us human; the ability to choose.
    CH3RRY likes this.
  10. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I don't agree with censorship, but I don't think that pornography falls under 'freedom of speech'. Neither does America, strictly speaking, since P is highly regulated and some kinds are illegal. Same throughout Europe. I would like to see restrictions on internet P, as it's so widespread now as to be ridiculous. It's unusual for teenagers, even young teenagers, to have not seen highly explicit material. Most are regular users, even underage. I don't know the best way to restrict this kind of material to minors, the very nature of the internet and social media etc. makes this a very difficult thing to achieve.
  11. every porn site is blocked in my country, even 95% of VPNs are blocked :) so u can just imagine
  12. Captain 9-Hats

    Captain 9-Hats New Fapstronaut

    A couple thoughts on personal moderation.

    I agree that society would probably be better off without porn, and here's what I think the problem with trying to moderate is.

    The way in which porn triggers your brain makes it a slippery slope.

    When you use porn, a minimal amount of effort triggers your reward system and floods it with dopamine. Dopamine doesn't just make you feel good. It literally tells your brain that this is a good behavior that should be done more often. The problem with that? You think with your brain, and you're basically telling yourself that you want to do it more just by doing it once. That's what makes things addictive.

    Now because you conditioned your brain telling it that this was a good thing to do, the willpower required to resist doing it has actually gone up, and the actual reward for doing it is lessened. This causes you to want to do it sooner and/or in a more intense way because again, because human beings are incredibly adaptable, you have adapted and conditioned yourself to do it more often.

    Now theoretically, it would be able to schedule and manage it; but every time you would do it, it would become harder and harder to wait for the next time AND it would be less rewarding. Unfortunately, because willpower isn't definitely measurable, (as far as I am aware) one cannot calculate the required willpower to expend each time and one wouldn't expect to have to increase it exponentially until it was too late.

    All that said as far as banning it I can't see that happening. Porn is everywhere because it makes money. Money controls a lot of legislation so if big legislative moves were made against it porn and its produces would probably be able to indirectly influence enough people to stop it.
  13. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    No, if you make it illegal, people will look for it harder.
    Nugget9 and Coffee Candy like this.
  14. true in some cases :) i live were its illegal
  15. When someone tries to spy on women in locker rooms or something like that, society locks up the offender. But for some reason it's okay to watch it online. How hypocritical is that?

    Kids should be taught that the human hand is either a gift from God or an evolutionary marvel, and was never meant to replace a vagina! Just take a look at the little birds in the sky, how their little bodies seem to have been designed to be able to fly, their little feet clearly designed to firmly grip branches. Then look at your hands, and tell me that life is no wonder... Life's a miracle man, and people are out there, taking it for granted, replacing vaginas with the most vital, ingenious tool the world has ever seen. This is what happens when you stop looking at porn. You stop taking things for granted and you start realizing that you can't abuse your own body for selfish little pleasures. Life's a gift, porn is poison, it is anti-life. Why because it encourages people to waste and spill the very thing all life depends upon. So yes, human kind owes it to its creator to ban all porn and send it back to hell where it belongs.
  16. People do not look back on history and do not look further than tomorrow I guess, if its bad - lets just make it illegal! As if making something illegal did massive good with anything in the past.

    Lets say, your wish was granted, and porn became illegal, that would mean that ultimately you are going to start putting people in jail for use, production and distribution of porn, massive numbers of people.
    You will tie up massive amount of resources to enforce, destroy millions of peoples lives and you will still be ineffective. Aside from completely mowing down any notions of freedom of choice.
    Making something illegal does not stop it, it just makes people that do it criminals, people stop talking it issue is no longer addressed. You are then focused on enforcing the ban not dealing with the issue

    "Lets just ban it for everyone" has proven to be ineffective so many times in history, that I do not understand why we are even talking about it.

    If you are at a point where you want to help others with this issue then educate. Sexually transmitted diseases were a massive problem, but we did not ban sex did we? We educated kids about safe sex and rates of sexually transmitted deceases and unwanted pregnancies are many times lower now than they have ever been.

    Like drugs, alcohol, smoking or anything else, good parental education(not school education) is what makes kids in to smart and responsible adults.
    We just have very few parents that take full responsibility for their kids.
    Parent is responsible for teaching kids, about sexuality, drugs, porn etc. But none wants to, "lets hope they learn that in school". Kids are abandoned, in our society, many never learn the skills needed to have good health, be effective, plan, build healthy relationship or have healthy sex life.
    Nugget9 likes this.
  17. AxBlaim

    AxBlaim Fapstronaut

    People should face their problems head on not run away from it. This would only prolong the inevitable and people would therefore use pictures and fantasies to masturbate it to
  18. StarvingSparrow

    StarvingSparrow Fapstronaut

    No, and for a couple of reasons... one, it won't fix the problem. Those of us that can't get off on porn try to get off on images of random people because we're desperate for that feeling. I remember when I used to find non nude magazines when I was younger and try to get off on that. People think porn addiction is something new and few people know how New York used to be full of porn and sex stores back in the 70s and how much prostitution there used to be. The other thing is that you would have to define what qualifies as porn and that's dangerous in itself. Are lingerie magazines porn? No. Are nude models porn? No. Is a girl who posts provocative images of herself on social media porn? No. We shouldn't blame the porn for our problems. We can only blame ourselves. And lastly, I think sex workers have every right to do what they do and we shouldn't control what they do with their body and how they share it.
    AxBlaim likes this.
  19. #TimeToChange19

    #TimeToChange19 Fapstronaut

    In the UK, the only power that will put forth a ban on porn are Parliamentery persons. But they won't for the same reason that they won't ban tobacco - they also watch porn.
  20. SoberSquirrel

    SoberSquirrel Fapstronaut

    We can't get rid of porn, a billion dollar industry. We will always be a way to access it. If it gets banned in one country, it will still be available in another. You can use a VPN (virtual private network) with an IP address from a country that didn't ban porn.
    control your life likes this.