I have become a pussy

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Coolbreeze, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. Coolbreeze

    Coolbreeze Fapstronaut

    Yes, you read that correctly. I have become a pussy!

    My self-confidence has dropped below the ground and I have no power to do my own thing or disagree with people. In reality, if one is not challenged enough he or she becomes weak. At my home environment I am also not being challenged because the environment supports people to become and stay a pussy! Now you probably are thinking: Huh, what do you mean with that? Well, let me give you an example.

    Whenever we are having dinner, there are for example 8 meatball to divide in the 5 of us. My mom has always had really low self-esteem and ALWAYS says: you guys can have what is left because I'm not hungry, when we know that she wants to eat more. It goes to a point where she is not just being kind but she is degrading her own self-confidence.

    That story aside, now let's get to the point. I have felt like I needed some more aggression in myself in order to know how to deal with such situations. I took a kickboxing lesson and will take a subscription to continue training with this. After coming home from a session of kickboxing I feel like I can take on the world and powerful. It gives me energy to pursue my workour goals too. Perhaps most importantly it also teaches the mind. I look forward to my next session in the upcoming week and might even upgrade to twice a week.

    - Kickboxing every weak to learn self-defense techniques (ANTI PUSSY METHOD to counter genetical impulses)
    - Continue pursueing body building goals.
    - Eat healthy
    - NOFAP Reboot
  2. Rowan of Dolina

    Rowan of Dolina Fapstronaut

    Hang in there, man. It's rough out there when the world wants no man to act masculine. Porn is a secret weapon that is used to keep men docile as well. Keep up with kickboxing, that sounds like a great way to keep your fire lit. cheers!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. InnerFaith

    InnerFaith Fapstronaut

    i dont think you are "pussy", and if you are, then probably not more pussy than most people..
    a man can walk high and might all day long, but reality humbles all the big mouths of the world.
    dont get caught in this teenage narrow paradigma of "alpha vs beta" "man vs pussy"
    the world dosent work like that, there are times to be loud, there are times to be quiet. get real brother, and dont give up the real fight, to avoid the moral damages of pornography, and preserve the real important organ..... the heart.
    CH3RRY likes this.
  4. You are not pussy, because you have the courage to write there. You do not need to be an aggressive guy, but if you feel that you need to work out on your self-confidence, then I think you are in a good place. Hope you will succeed!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I love the accountability in this post! I wouldn't go as far as to say you're a pussy, you're just struggling with something that can be changed and you want to which is awesome! I really believe the world would be a better place with more real men, good men who are strong enough to protect the weak. Tough times create strong men. The men that feel the weakest are the strongest and the ones that feel the strongest are the weakest. If you honestly believe that you're a pussy, then you must be really strong!
    Rowan of Dolina likes this.
  6. Coolbreeze

    Coolbreeze Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. Today there was another dinner with my family but today my father wasn't there. He is always the neutral factor and because he wasn't there things got kinda much different. The atmosphere, once again, was complete pussy style. I ask a polite question, people don't answer, so I look them in the eye and tell them why they're not answering. I guess it is awkward taking on such an aggressive body language but I do not control it and neither do I want to. I know that at this time it is difficult for me to be positive but on the other hand I am trying my best and if people ignore me or don't look me in the eye it will not enable for real connection which means even more depressive shit. Lately there have been a lot of activities which have given me strenght and I have realized that in depression: usually the things that are feared most, have the best effect.

    To give you some examples, today I confidently sent a message to my best friend (I have neglected my relationship with him lately, last 1.5 years) and I invited him to have a drink at my home because we got some fancy upgrades in the garden and the atmosphere in the terrace is pretty relaxed. However, after I sent him the message and he accepted my invitation, I felt an incredible fear and I don't even know why. My self confidence during our meeting was crappy but I guess he knows Im trying to find my way back to the light because I told him im having a rough time lately. Anyway, after he left it gave me like a powerful feeling because the fear actually was not needed at all and everything was pretty chill. So my mind is telling me to isolate myself and lock the room like a bitch. And actually this is what I did mostly, which is why things got so bad. So in the end it is about just doing whatever you fear most and you will realize that this fear is fake. Although this should not be taken to extremes of course. I am all the time overthinking this bullshit but I need to get a rhythm where I dont have these mental barriers and I know I can do it. The only way this will come is by eliminating the fears. Anyway, I dont wanna overthink it too much..

    Meanwhile, happily continueing NOFAP LIKE A BOSS!
  7. Wow. Powerful post. I agree with you in spirit about being a pussy. Another way of saying it is feminization.

    Here’s what it sounds like in my house (married/separated):

    Guy—What do you want to eat?
    Girl—-Just get something for you and the kids.
    Guy—But what would you eat if you were hungry?
    Girl-/Whatever you get them, get extra for me. What are you going to have ?
    Guy—Me? I was gonna get whatever you wanted.

    It’s a fucking nightmare. Actually. Pmo fuels indecision. I used to be super decisive and determined but now with pmo I’m just decisive and determined to get pmo or get laid, doesn’t matter who I have to step on or what it costs.

    I have spent 2,000 just to meet a girl on tinder and get laid for a few days at the beach.

    Yeah. Coward pussy, lame ass. Whatever word you want but we are kicking this thug out of our heads. Got to go.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Thank you, this made me feel better.
  9. Bombadil

    Bombadil Fapstronaut

    Also, don't get hung up on the stereotype that men have to be "manly " (whatever the fuck that means). You're a human being. Don't feel that you have to be aggressive just to be a man, some of the most impressive men in history have been explicitly non-violent, or poets, or artists, or engineers, scientists, spiritual leaders, diplomats... I could go on. The point is, you don't need to be an uncivilized boorish thug to be a man.