Beating the compulsion

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rebooting321!, May 2, 2019.

  1. Rebooting321!

    Rebooting321! New Fapstronaut

    I am new to this site and the idea of “No Fap”. After I found this site I decide to partake in a NoFap challenge. I made it 13 days and decided to make my first post after some realizations. The compulsion to look at porn and masturbate are extremely strong in those of us that are addicted. Biologically I feel as men, it is innate in us but some of us posses an addictive compulsion to porn and masturbation. While the reasons vary I have come to the conclusion that beating the compulsion is key! During my 13 days of no PMO, I was able to recognize the subtle urges and desires to look at porn and masturbate. On day 10 I had amazing sex with my GF and the urges were less, but when they came, more intense. Today, on day 13 I relapsed 3 times in one day. 13 days with no PMO is a record for me. I have been keeping a small journal of each day I went without PMO and that helps recognize the thoughts and compulsions you face each day. Moving forward, I don't think there is need to feel shame or guilt about the addiction but instead recognize the compulsion in and of itself and work to beat that. This compulsion should not run nor ruin any of our lives. I am hitting the reset today and will work to beat my record of 13 days. Who is with me?
  2. nextONE

    nextONE Fapstronaut

    First of all congratulations on those 13 days! Honestly, I am struggling myself and have managed only 12 days. As you wrote, it is exactly those compulsions that causes me to relapse. It is completely normal to have urges, the question is how you deal with them and not give in. This is the No.1 reason I have failed so far! Giving in to small compulstions / urges! For me it starts with small thoughts of P or girls (it can get triggered by some random stuff), then I start looking up non-P pictures, and then continue to more adult stuff until I relapse. For this reason I have now installed a browser adult-content blocker and also use the Android app Reboot. This helps me when I have urges; I go either to the nofap forum and engage in discussions like this and read success stories or use the Reboot app to check the daily content. So far it has worked, as my mind is occupied the urges then go away. What I would like to know is what strategies do you have? Keep up the good stuff. Don't let yourself be discouraged. We all can do it!
  3. Magic Mikee

    Magic Mikee Fapstronaut

    im always asleep when my roomates fucking his gf but tonight i was awake due to sleep trouble and i noticed my brain getting a dopamine hit from his girlfriends moans. I got worried and tried to listen to music so i wouldnt hear but that didnt work. Im getting really sensetive to shit like hearing the moans was defenitly giving me a dopamine hit i hope this doesnt hurt my reboot. I didnt pmo though. You guys think this can be as damaging as whatching porn if it stimulates my brain?
  4. Rebooting321!

    Rebooting321! New Fapstronaut

    I don't think getting aroused or stimulated is bad or wrong. Its natural. Sounds like you were self aware recognized the compulsion and resisted. Thats awesome and a small victory! Thats what I'm really making an effort to do, be aware and resist the compulsion. I don't want to be controlled by it anymore.
  5. Rebooting321!

    Rebooting321! New Fapstronaut

    Honestly keeping the journal on my phone helped. I would do a check in each day and log my success or say if I noticed an urge. It helped not give into the compulsion. Being self aware is key. When you lose your self awareness the compulsion wins every time. Back to the starting point for me but I am determined to make it longer and longer each time.
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