Accountability for a broken man

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Pyramid, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Pyramid

    Pyramid Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I fucked up.

    This forum is one of the only consistent sources of strength I go to when I can't find the strength within myself. I had a really rough day yesterday, but I'm planning on moving forward today. I know that a lot of you count on me, and I know that I count on a lot of you.

    When you go through the struggle that we call life, you are humbled.

    Yesterday, I was humbled.

    If anyone wants to be my accountability partner, please let me know. I am an incredibly deep thinker, an intellectual, and slightly a jock. I get a lot of strength from empowering others. I need to know that I'm not alone. Even though there are thousands of you out there, I still feel my relationship is with this computer screen that I type to.

    I want a wife, a couple of dogs, a solid career, and to feel at the top of the mountain. I need a friend to help me there.
  2. PornNevermore

    PornNevermore Fapstronaut

    Shoot me a PM. I'll be glad to talk to you man.
  3. Philip1990

    Philip1990 Fapstronaut

    Add me on Facebook / skype i will gladly help you :)
  4. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    You can Message me too.... I see some of the stuff you're going through.
  5. Sick

    Sick Fapstronaut

    don't worry, springtime is hardest, first few warm days. Bigger gains though.

    It is all relative to intensity of desire. no pain, no gain.

    all living things burst forth in spring with vitality, growth. Putting forth their blossoms, all animals loins burst forth with semen.

    This is the esoteric reason for Lent, the war against Satan because Satanic witches use this time of year to breed who they want together and ruin their lives. I am not kidding. They take advantage of spring to breed people they hate with horrible partners to ruin their lives. That is how evil they are.

    Every civilization has known about these evil spirits, every advanced civilization had names for them.
  6. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Would one of ours be temptation?
    Stop talking in riddles. This is 2015. Enough harm has been caused by people not saying what they mean and hiding lies under an extra layer of confusion.
  7. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    That is giving entirely too much power over to something that doesn't exist and even if it did we all have free will and can still make our own choices.
  8. yes, feel free to shoot me a PM also. I am at day 50 and yesterday was very difficult. What has been helpful to me is noticing the psychological and emotional changes I have been going through. It's clearer to me now that I have used this as a drug all these years, used it to deaden feelings, just as I did with alcohol years ago. So while it is NOT easy, I get the definite feeling that I can rediscover those areas in myself that I have been hiding from. Add me to your support network. FapMonk
  9. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Accountability helps. I see it as training wheels. Everyone here has something to offer. Recovery should eventually become more than no PMO or how many days one abstains. It's as if the fog rises at some point and you are able to see this for what it really is. But time away from pmo is not the solution. You have to dig deep and work for this. There is a lot of deprogramming required. This isn't about accomplishments. It's about experiences. Abstaining for months is not an accomplishment if you're still miserable.
  10. Bjourn

    Bjourn Fapstronaut

    I need one. Really. I think I'm in deep trouble.
  11. PornNevermore

    PornNevermore Fapstronaut

    Bjourn, if you are referring to an accountability partner, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm trying to reach out to as many people I can on NoFAP
  12. king12321

    king12321 Fapstronaut

    So true my father had worked to free witches from demonic powers and its insane but one needs to stand strong and if you believe pray for all those who need it.