Turned on by this site?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by letgolive, May 13, 2019.

  1. letgolive

    letgolive Fapstronaut

    day two here logged in for some inspiration and this site and the stories turned me on even started touching. I stopped what the hell?! Anyone else have this happen ?
    My god am I that addicted simple talk about not being addicted gets me going?
    Flyhigh likes this.
  2. Amidamaru

    Amidamaru Fapstronaut

    Try to fight it dude. You can't do anything else. It's just you vs you. Block this imagination, and try to help others.
  3. synchros

    synchros Fapstronaut

    I haven't personally been triggered by this site, but I can see how you could be. I still get triggered just reading certain words. The other day as I was driving, a certain ZZ Top song started playing on the radio. I had to turn it off.

    I'm sure that hypersensitivity gets better with time away from P, but it's impossible to live a life free from temptation. Just do what you can do avoid as much as you can, especially in situations when you're "vulnerable" (e.g. alone in front of a computer).
  4. letgolive

    letgolive Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys this is the hardest thing I’ve had to manage. I thought quitting smoking was hard? Not even close
  5. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Only focus on the lessons boy. Not the stories. The less you think the better
  6. synchros

    synchros Fapstronaut

    Hehe, quitting nicotine is like, what - 3 days of abstinence? Then some intermittent cravings for a month or so. (Ok - not starting again is another story...)

    I agree.
    letgolive likes this.
  7. letgolive

    letgolive Fapstronaut

    Spot on!