Hi 29 y/o newbie here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Hadocken, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. Hadocken

    Hadocken Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. Nice to meet you all.
    I'm 29 years old and I started viewing porn before I was 9. I don't remember exactly the age but I remember being very young. This has been a great Problem all my life. Although I managed to recover temporarily in special circumstance ( where I would not have access to Internet and television) I have never managed to recover fully. I'm married and I have a 1 year baby so I really need to overcome this addiction Wich is the stupidest of all, sincerely.
    I've been for the last 9 years trying to stop porn addiction. I made several 10 day vipassana meditation courses, I made a 90 days isolated retreat and in this circunstances was more easy to stop PMO. I already "tasted" the glory of it. But this makes even worse the fact that every time the urge comes it's only a matter of time until I go back to the PMO habit. Usually I stay a couple of weeks "clean" before I engage in this heavy burden habit again. It's just a matter of time.
    Because I have been fighting with this for the last 9 years, I developed some toleration for not being "hard" on me to really stop PMO. My biggest obstacle is the desire/lust for women, wich I really don't think it's mine, but something that the society inflicted on me.
    Of course lust it's like the kryptonite for Superman, and porn her naughty daughter. That's what I feel, if you know what I mean.
    I'm going for a 90 days challenge and I hope I can make it while being in contact with the Internet.
    I am really happy that finally there is a platform like noFap to help all the "lost soldiers" of this battle. Now there is hope, because together we can make it.
  2. It's an excellent idea to dive in and start encouraging other people on their journey. I think you will find it will help you more than anything! Welcome, and don't give up! You can also start a reboot log: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php#reboot-logs.8
    Hadocken likes this.
  3. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    Chris_Cactusblossom and Hadocken like this.
  4. Hi @Hadocken, all the best to you! If you want to join 'The Matrix' challenge click here ---> 'The Matrix' <---
    Hadocken likes this.
  5. Welcome, man. 7 days in already - you can do it!

    I've found signing up for the challenge games helpful. It breaks the time up in to stages, and everybody's very supportive and positive on the threads. Maybe find one you like and see if it helps?
    Hadocken likes this.
  6. Hadocken

    Hadocken Fapstronaut

    Sure brother. I'm on it. Let's do this!