Does not having a girlfriend in high school/university have repurcussions on your life

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by lonercub, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    For men, you can rarely be too old and there is no such thing as a wall unless you make up one yourself (i.e. becoming broke, negative, not taking care of yourself, becoming fat, etc) and keep in mind that your prime years will be in your 40's and 50's where the incline starts in your 30's. In other words, you can attract many younger, better and sweeter women in your 40's than you ever could dream of in your 20's.
    For women, it's the other way around and the older she is (without having settled down) the more likely will it be that she has issues that she will bring with into her future relationships. The people who are more likely to try shaming men for dating these younger women are other older bitter women, feminists and jealous younger (male) chumps with less life experience.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I disagree with that actually since I was such a broken person during my college years that no amount of sex with any girl(s) during my college years would have fixed me or the mental issues and lack of confidence I experienced back then. More likely, it would only have made my issues worse since a lot of doubt would have arisen as that quick fix would not give the desired effect. It was not until a few years later when I started in the other end and seriously started to tackle my issues and lack of confidence as I experienced changes to the better. It was not until I started the self-improvement journey for real as the desired results started to come my way.
    I know plenty of people who had their fare share of sex during their college years and many of them have become fat, miserable and stagnating in life overall.
    They thought they were invincible and that they didn't need to take care of themselves in order to progress through life successfully and that uphill battle becomes tougher for every single passing day not taking action.
    Blob95 and The Great Safecracker like this.
  3. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Look, dwelling in the past will not help you at all, you need to accept the time is now and looking back does nothing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I was in exactly the same situation as you back during my college days and as I said earlier: Having sex at the time would not have made me happier at the moment since I had some issues, lived in my own bubble, wasn't working a whole lot with myself at the time and didn't have as much life-experience or perspectives of life.
    Also, being in a serious/committed relationship involves a whole lot more than just some penetrative sex (which should be nothing more than the frosting on the cake if you are already living a meaningful, prosperous and purposeful life overall) and there are plenty of people who mix those two up and end up living in almost loveless relationships where only sex is involved. If you keep on dwelling on your past and just crave sex rather than a serious relationship, you will certainly block all good energy vibes, lay out more obstacles for yourself and make very little progress in the field.
    I dwelled on my past for almost my entire 20's (where I made very little progress during the time) and not until I released it my early 30's did things start to go in the right direction.

    What you should do instead is putting the past behind you, focus on self-improvement, getting comfortable in your own skin, find meaningful activities and a purpose in life. As you are doing it, all other things will align one after the other.
  5. Bombadil

    Bombadil Fapstronaut

    It is absolutely nothing to worry about. I can see the argument that it might make you a bit more susceptible to porn, but tbh, I think you're probably overestimating the amount of sex everybody else is having... I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 24, it used to really bother me, now I look back and realise just how destructive it would have been if I had. The thing is, relationships live or die by how much you are prepared to put yourself out for the other person. It is literally all about service and looking after each other. I don't think I've ever met anybody under the age of at least 20 who has been even close to understanding that. Certainly some of the poisonous rubbish I see on here written by the kind of guy who talk about wanting to be alpha male is just ridiculous. Honestly, the way to be in a good relationship is to make yourself a blessing to the other person, while making it clear you find them attractive. that is literally it. Don't be a dick, and don't be ashamed that you like a girl. The rest just flows from that.
    Strength And Light likes this.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Hong Kong's young top performance employees aren't allowed to see a woman in their break or something I think...

    That boyfriend girlfriend spirit is just an abomination rationalized and promotted by the evil debauchery of that pacified whoredom of the 'modern' west I guess. Medias and Medicines bringing more Money and Members.

    Sad. Silly. Pathetic.

    There's always hope though.

    Stay away from these "schools", go homeschooling or private..

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    And yeah I forgot to mention "free love" and sexual liberation which are a wicked product from Marx and Kinsey.
  8. Im taking the hard way too im 19 im considering saving my 1st kiss,hug (never hugged before) and virginity till marriage,i take pride in staying fresh and clean.
  9. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    As I said, focus on self-improvement first and foremost and the other things will unfold automatically after some time. Also, being completely comfortable on your own is one of the most essential criteria for building a great, fulfilling and prosperous life since that neediness for having someone in your life will be very small. Neediness is also a quite unattractive trait as that expresses desperation, impatience and devaluing yourself and your potential.
    You should always put yourself, your values and beliefs first and foremost, especially before any woman because in that way, you will never chase her approval (which is not only an attractive trait) but she will chase yours and relationship will more likely be successful.
  10. The short answer to this question is no. If you need proof of this then by all means visit the Rebooting in a Relationship section and it’s sub-forum Partner Support. Porn addiction touches (no pun intended) all types of people just like how drug addiction touches all types of people.
  11. lubash

    lubash New Fapstronaut

    I think it's normal
  12. Haddock0

    Haddock0 Fapstronaut

    Short answer: No.
    Long answer: Your life is unique and your circumstances are unique. Don't think you are broken in any fashion because you missed out on something. As someone who briefly had a girlfriend, there is no difference in the person, before, during, or after.
  13. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    But why?
  14. auzzy_mikey

    auzzy_mikey Fapstronaut

    The biggest mistake people make now a days is that they think by having a girlfriend will fix their issues. It is best to focus on yourself and create the best version of yourself. A woman being added to your life will restrict it and make it worse.
    Angus McGyver likes this.
  15. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I have several male-friends with this syndrome and a few of them became so needy and desperate after their last breakup that they immediately needed to find some other woman to fill in that void. That can be a disastrous decision that holds you back for years or decades as you won't be able to focus as much on your goals and purposes in life, unless you happen to find an amazing woman. One of these friends even married a single-mom, had another kid with her, engaged her and have literally ruined the next 2-3 decades of his life.
    Instead, he could have been patient, focused on self-improvement and built a legacy for himself with plenty of abundance further ahead. That is going to be very hard in his late 50's as he will spend his entire 30's and 40's providing for his current family which will leave him limited gaps for achieving the big goals in life.
    Deleted Account and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  16. Im young (19) im not jealous lol.I know when im 30 years old ill show preference for 18 year old women.And guess what?Ill court 18-20 year old women.This extra time in age 18-30 is an evolutionary advantage for men,according to me.
  17. auzzy_mikey

    auzzy_mikey Fapstronaut

    That's true man. Best is to focus on yourself and build to be the strongest version of yourself.
  18. Hey there..ur age?
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Although your 20's (especially your early 20's) is tough for most men, they just need to be aware that their SMV peaks later in life whereas for women, it starts to decline after 25 and especially after 30. It's definitely nothing to be ashamed of (wanting younger women as a man) as it's entirely in accordance with nature itself. The only ones trying to shame you are feministas and damaged women past their prime who have realized the laws of nature and therefore become bitter.
    I am 31 years of age and look primarily for women between 18-25 for serious relationships and would never ever settle for women above the age of 26 and especially not above 30.
    The latter are usually damaged goods (hence the reason why they aren't married or in a longterm relationship) and should be avoided at all costs. Not to mention single-moms which you should avoid as the plague. The latter will just dig a hole in your wallet, soul and will bring nothing of value to your life, only someone else's children, drama and conflicts.
  20. Im not settling for a woman older than 20