New to NoFap/PMO feeling nothing but depression?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by A.Phoenix, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. A.Phoenix

    A.Phoenix New Fapstronaut

    I just recently found nofap, been going through a lot lately, hit 30, jobless, back at home with my mother, in debt, gained 100 lbs, single... ect.. So lots of reasons to feel like a fat fucking failure... That, and the fact that i have no idea where i'm going with my life.
    I used to be a ''party'' guy, lots of booze, drugs, sex... not motley crew levels, but pretty heavy, until about 2 weeks before my 26th birthday (i od'd) I dropped everything and i've been doing nothing but watching porn, jerking it, and stuffing my face since. Anyways, i think i hit a point of utter disgust, hopelessness and self loathing about three weeks ago. Everything came crashing down, i was forced to leave my shady comfort zone when it was announced on short notice we'd be moving to a different apartment... in a completely different city. This being the obvious ''smack in the head'' got me to thinking how far behind i've fallen (allowed myself to fall.) All my friends (the one's who aren't total skids) are moving on, having babies, finding their careers/profession...
    Needless to say, i'm nowhere even remotely close to the success/personal development these people have created for themselves. I feel like a fucking idiot.
    So, anyways in a dramatic act of desperation i scrolled my way through the internet searching for something other than T&A, a solution!
    I wasn't sure what i'd come up with, maybe some self help book? seminar? a course on how to develop a personal action plan? I read and watched, and tbh most of the crap i found seemed a little scammy, upbeat, and peptalk-ish to me.
    But then there was nofap, i don't necessarily believe all of the ''super powers'' but i thought any benefits would be good.
    I liked the idea of the dopamine neurogenisis, and the cerebral androgen receptors re-connection with testosterone leading to a boost in mood, energy, mental clarity, and creativity (Maybe that would help me sort my sht out). I read that i would feel urges for the first few weeks, then hit some flatline, then all of a sudden begin to feel amazing... I don't, and here's the problem.
    I'm currently on day 20 and i haven't had a single urge, not one boner, my mind is sludge, i'm completely unmotivated (more than fapping everyday) and i'm having the darkest depressive thoughts i've ever experienced. I've never been a ''suicidal'' type of person, but the last few days it keeps coming up, And it's been like this since day 1.
    So my question is, should i just stop? I can barely think clearly enough to piece this together semi-coherently.
    Is there something horribly wrong with me?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, i don't want to give up on nofap, but i'm lost as to what is going on.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  2. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    Don't stop now buddy. You'll only make things worse.
    After years of partying on drugs and also now doing nofap this is totally normal. Go start up a good routine if your body is able. Hit the gym, eat healthy, get a dog and go outside, take up a simple job with nice colleagues.

    Look for stories like the one of "crawlingordie" on nofap reddit and on here. This crawlingordie guy is doing very well right now, he didn't know what he was getting into doing nofap. After 14 days he fell into a deep dark depression for months and has been suicidal etc. It's because of the dopamine. Try to not engage in this process with drugs or dopamine supplements. Your brain has started the healing process. You need to feel this for your brain to get into action and make new neurons.

    If you go back to fapping you create an effect called "kindling". Look it up, it's not something you want your brain to become involved in

    If your going through hell, keep going. It might take some time but there is light at the end of this
    Freeddom_Taker and A.Phoenix like this.
  3. A.Phoenix

    A.Phoenix New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, i appreciate the time you took to answer my question. I guess i will continue on, although i have to say the return on this investment doesnt seem very appealing. Are there any actual benefits to this besides not wasting time fapping? Or are all the claims of higher intellect, clear thought, creativity just bullshit?
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  4. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    You will feel better than before Nofap for sure. But your body and nervous system will decide in what way/area. Most people report feeling better in almost every way though
  5. Hey man,

    I like you have had severe depression/anxiety since abstaining. This is (in a bad way) normal. It shows you rewired your nervous system to operate on stress hormones. Then when you abstain your brain is going to freak out since all of the stress hormones will have affected levels of your natural anti-depressant hormone called serotonin.

    The truth is you are probably in something called withdrawal. This can take years and it can get worse before it gets better. The tricky part is, you have to go through it without relapsing. I know, the word years seems bad enough, and to get to that point without relapsing will require a different kind of motivation than the 90 day challenge or whatever. Basically it will require a rebirth on your part, a determination you will have to find like never before.
    Please rest assured porn and masturbation are incredibly harmful and could easily be the cause of what you are feeling and going through. This is coming from someone who's had kidney stones after relapses and who all of the sudden has had dreams returning after years of not remembering any, all because of nofap. There are benefits that may be subtle at first, in the first few months, but that don't leave any doubts as to how incredibly harmful porn is. My withdrawal induced kidney stones, and believe me when I say I had many, no longer were a problem once I managed to go hard mode, for just a couple of months. Your anxiety or depression will sublty improve over the course of months. This is reality. The real world. Nofap isn't magic but it's necessary.
    I know from experience how poisonous porn really is. It totally screws over the chemicals in your body and simply put is why you are feeling miserable. Don't expect things to get better for you in a matter of weeks or even months. It can take years to get to where you want to be. It's extremely stressful to conquer this addiction but what is the alternative, a life addicted to porn? We're the first generations to battle this addiction so who knows what the real long term effects, say 50+ years of addiction would be. Serious liver damage, kidney damage, grey matter loss in the brain, things like that if you ask me. You don't want to go there.
    It takes a man to put an end to this addiction, even if it means going through hell, for however long it may take. It can be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life, since like most of us you probably rewired your entire body to live on this thing, but it's going to be worth it in the long run. Some day you are going to look back on the beta you were and thank yourself for taking that step. Staying addicted is the easy way out, once you're in withdrawal it shouldn't even be an option because you'll stay depressed for life should you choose this route.
    Today can be that first day of turning things around in your life. Just like you chose to masturbate away your happiness, you can choose to make a better choice from now on. Remember to not think days or weeks, the reality of it is, it can take much longer if you've been doing this for a decade or so. You will need to respect that. Your body has suffered a lot because of this habit and it has no magical energy reserve switch it can flip on for you.
    Also, look into your diet, withdrawal is pretty hard on the digestion.
    I can only hope it helps. Always remember the more pleasure you seek, the more unhappy you will get. That means pleasure from overeating too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2019