Methods in approaching women

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by BeastGuy360, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. BeastGuy360

    BeastGuy360 Fapstronaut

    Hello members, been on the streak for 98 days. I only have one problem that is killing me.

    I am afraid of rejection.

    Women smile at me all the time and I feel comfortable talking to the women to where I work. Randoms, however, are people I would like to get to know and approach is there a more comforting method you can use in order to pursue your mindset into pursuing these opportunities as a man?

    Places on where I see happen to see women the most

    Walking on Campus

    Hitting the campus Gym

    Work when they ask for help. A big problem I also have with work is hesitation when pursuing to grab a girls number when clearly I could have just made the move.

    Am I going to have to do the trial in an era of comforting myself as a man or is there some specific simple pointers to this?
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  2. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Do not be afraid of rejection, it is part of the process and you become immune to it with time. It gets you out of your comfort zone and you become more confident. I have been rejected in the past but had success with women because I showed courage. And many times, those women I succeeded were way hotter than the ones who rejected me.

    Gyms, you have to be careful. Some women are just there to train and do not like being hit on. But if one sees you are a regular and she will glanced at you a few times, she is showing interest.

    If a woman shows interest, do not use pick up lines . Just be natural and talk as if you were talking to someone you are not attracted to. If you do have something spontaneous and inspired that is honest, tell her. Most of the time she will like it.

    Just be confident even though you might be a little shy. Women admire guys who have courage talking to them.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
    koolpal and BeastGuy360 like this.
  3. BeastGuy360

    BeastGuy360 Fapstronaut

    Awesome thanks for the advice man!
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  4. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    My pleasure. Let me know about your progress. Also I suggest you read Models by Mark Manson. It will help too.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  5. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    It's not approaching / interacting with women that you fear.

    It's the fact that you want a specific outcome and you're afraid that you won't get it. You don't believe that you can handle things not working in your favor and so you avoid it... which makes you even more outcome focused... which makes you hesitate even more because you're looking for a guarantee in a situation / risk that has no guarantees.

    Not everyone is going to like you and not everything in life works out in your favor. You can avoid taking that risk which means you never lose, but you also never win... you just stay comfortable and nothing ever happens... or you can experience and learn how to handle your emotions better when things don't go your way (emotional intelligence).

    The more risks you take, the more you'll fail / get rejected / make mistakes, but also the more you'll be accepted / grow as a person / succeed.

    The less risks you take, the less you'll fail, but also the less you'll succeed.

    If you avoid risks entirely, you won't ever lose, but you'll also never win in reality.

    So when you ask for "methods in approaching women", what you're really asking is "what is the perfect method to get the perfect outcome?"... and it doesn't exist. If you want to attain your desires in reality, you have to do things that might not work. You have to do things beyond your current competence, confidence, comfort, and experience level.

    A better question to ask yourself would be... "do I want to be someone that interacts with women on a regular basis despite the fact that things might not work out.... or do I want to become someone that avoids risk / growth / mistakes / rejection which are necessary to achieve all my desires because I don't want to learn how to handle my emotions better?"

    Success in reality is all about sacrificing short term emotions (comfort / safety) for long term outcomes (growth and the possibilities of increased success due to taking more risks). Most people have it backwards. They sacrifice long term outcomes for the sake of short term emotions ("I want to feel good now, so I don't want to take uncomfortable risks").