Nightfall is Serious!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by The Mad Titan, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Only correlation that I can think of is that both can be "psychological" in nature... Tying both together in your mind can act as a booster for "pe" problem.
    Just try to see Nightfall as Natural, It wont be easy but I am saying from experience, once you stop worrying about them, they Stop. (and may return afterwards occasionally)
    Do not drink water before sleeping
    Do not eat excessive Protein at night
    Do not engage into steamy thoughts before sleeping
    Do not worry about having a Nightfall (its the most trickiest one)
    Do not sleep in facing down position (well does not work for me, I sleep in this position from childhood)
    Most importantly "Do not worry, take it easy"
    Even if then they happen, then "enjoy the ride"
  2. You can set yourself up for wet dreams by thinking about sex during the day a lot, checking out women and things like that.

    The strange thing is, when I succeed in waking myself up before getting one, I will have one the morning after that. It's like there's no escaping them once your body made up its mind about getting one. It will just wait a day and continue where you managed to stop. Has anyone else experienced this? It's just weird, but interesting at the same time.
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  3. The Mad Titan

    The Mad Titan Fapstronaut

    It has been more than a month since I executed the strategy stated by some individuals in this thread and still the problem (nightfall) continues.

    I began to discern nightfall normal and countered negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Performed Qijong exercises for a month and additionally meditated and recited positive affirmations particularly for nightfall.

    There is a saying, "Fake it before you make it."

    Result: Failed (as nightfall continued happening)
    Short description: I pretended throughout the whole month as nightfall was normal and wouldn't talk or write or think about it.

    According to The Secret written by the Rhonda Bryne, "If you focus on your problem, it will grow. If you focus on solutions, more of them will come."

    Result: Failed (as nightfall continued happening)
    Short description: I took action and wanted to cure it naturally through meditation, exercises etc.

    Joseph Murphy who described the importance of affirmations in his book The Power of Subconscious Mind stated the same so I used affirmations sincerily for a whole month and visualized as I was treated and am healthy. Still the problem persists.

    Result: Failed Failed (as nightfall continued happening)

    Many of the so-called people say that nightfall is normal and it's okay and necessary to happen, but seriously guys it is a disease. It will slowly drain your energy. Nightfall will make you vulnerable to many social and personal problems causing Hypoglycemia.

    Hypoglycemia refers to low levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. All the body's cells, including the brain, need energy to function. Glucose supplies energy to the body. Insulin, a hormone, enables the cells to absorb and use it. Nightfall makes you vulnerable to Hypoglycemia that can lead you to

    Type 1 diabetes: Damage to the cells that normally produce insulin means that the body cannot produce insulin.
    Type 2 diabetes: The body's cells do not respond properly to insulin or the pancreas may not release enough insulin.

    I can go on explaining (scientifically) as how excessive nightfall is bad. Even 4 to 5 times in a month is bad for you in the long term.

    Before anyone replies to my comment, know that I have been free from PMO for more than 400 days. I reset it deliberately to test a strategy.

    It is just to let you all know that nightfall messes up with your NoFap benefits and if it happens excessively seek medical help. Do not try to cure it naturally through meditation or exercises as I did and wasted time or wait for the frequency to decrease as it didn't happen for me even though I waited for more than 400+ days.
    Sapiens likes this.
  4. The Mad Titan

    The Mad Titan Fapstronaut

    Still on day 1? Look I've crossed 30 days and followed some strategies to cure the disease and it is still in action. I am now gonna seek medical help. It's enough. I've tried medicines, but believe me those pills caused more tiredness. It's

    But if you suddenly stop taking it after a short period of time, it is gonna mess up with your body system. So stopped taking it after 9 days of usage as it would cause fatigue and promoted more sleep.
  5. The Mad Titan

    The Mad Titan Fapstronaut

    Wish I would have maintained the distance from the pornography and masturbation in my earlier years. Wish I had not reached to those two stupid friends who taught me all about this garbage which I am regretting till this day.
    Sapiens likes this.
  6. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Yes I am again on day 1. I fucked up again.
    Other than that.. give me genuine research on nightfall as a disease. I need the research paper and journals, not a website or anything else. I am interested.
    Also, how can you take help medically, if the medical community does not see it as a disease. What will happen is that they will treat you for Dhat syndrome.
    You keep talking about energy drain. I differ on that. I feel refreshed after a night fall on the otherhand after M I am tired many times.
    Also, Its true that you and your surroundings feed your subconscious all the things. But to how much extent... Do you have control over it? And if you do not have control then how are you even responsible? It's not like if you can control people around you or hypersexual media and world around you. So, how would you change yourself to not have a nightfall.
    You say you failed but can you really overturn all that crap you have been feeding your subconscious mind in just 2 to 3 months?
    I see you as a great success. 400+ days pmo free. But It seems like you are being overconcerned. Prove me wrong. I am happy to be...
  7. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    try kegel, reverse kegel (or yoga), and long-term masturbation (at least half an hour). visit the premature ejaculation forum of the "" site
  8. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    Do you mean that you actually did watch pornography on your 340 day streak?
  9. keepitreal-88

    keepitreal-88 Fapstronaut

    With how obsessed you are with it I'm not surprised it didn't fix itself in 30 days. I bet every time you woke up to an unconscious wet delight you couldn't help but hate yourself for it and felt a wave of anger and frustration. Wet dreams are going to happen, but less frequently once you've finally got your head sorted out. Next time it happens just laugh and playfully joke at the overactive fella and be glad you've got a sex drive, clean up and move on. Stop making it such a big deal.

    Semen retention is not a magical pill for success. No doubt it probably helps in some way, but are you suggesting that every successful person in history has permanently avoided ejaculation to achieve their success. Don't be ridiculous. So 4-5 nightfall's a month is bad for you? Perhaps, but I bet there are many things you do in your life that are far worse. Do you intentionally exercise for 20-30 minutes a day, 6 days a week? Do you avoid all processed food? Do you get enough sleep each night? Do you focus on where you can add value to other peoples lives? Do you take the time every day to centre yourself and get your priorities right? Not doing any one of the above things has more effect on the quality of your physical, emotional and mental health than ejaculating several times a month. How many of the biographies of successful people say that the main reason they got to where they are was by not ejaculating?

    400 days? You have incredible willpower, stop wasting that energy on what is obviously out of your control and focus it on what you can.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
  10. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Apt and beautiful
    RICARDO DIAZ likes this.
  11. The Mad Titan

    The Mad Titan Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much guys for being concerned about me. I have consulted with a doctor online and he holds the same theories and additionally I've ordered some medicines to cope up with this. I will take those medicines for 20-30 days straight to see if it trains my body and mind to live without nightfall afterwards.

    @keepitreal-88 - Yes my health is my top priority with studies being my second. I have only started being concerned about it from the day I have noticed a dramatic change (in a negative way) in my confidence and presentation skills and sometimes how I unintentionally ignore people when they come to talk.

    To all of you who have been relapsing once in a while, I suggest you to go outside when you feel to relapse or watch a prank video or 1 - 2 minute of music. Replace the habit with something else. I used to listen "Summer in the hills, those hazy days I do remember" on Youtube and pranks. Slowly you will start gaining control on yourself.
  12. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    What kind of doctor have you consulted? I mean to say which practice does the mentioned doctor belongs to: Allopathic Medicine,Osteopathic Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine or any other.
    Also, you have not provided with any sound research on the Correlation of Nightfalls and other diseases or that they are scientifically bad.
    I am concerned that this online doctor may be swindling you. What medicines are being prescribed to you? Are they safe or would they make you dependent or would have a negative effect upon you. We know medicines have side effects and should not be taken unnecessarily. This "online" doctor has the same views as you. Is not it just confirmation bias.
    Why donot you focus on natural ways to "treat" wet dreams such as some form of exercise or Meditation. Having said that I am not a medical professional or a expert on wet dreams. But the information that the scientific community or Allopathy has: deems wetdreams as not harmful. Doctors treat it as "Dhat Syndrome"

    Wig[4] coined the term “Dhat syndrome,” characterized by vague somatic symptoms of fatigue, weakness, anxiety, loss of appetite and guilt attributed to semen loss through nocturnal emissions, urine and masturbation though there is no evidence of loss of semen.
    This notion of seminal loss frightens the individual into developing a sense of doom if a single drop of semen is lost, thereby producing a series of somatic symptoms.[5]
    Thus, in this syndrome, hypochondriacal, anxiety and depressive symptoms become subsumed in the major visible “pathology” of semen loss.[6] Currently this syndrome lies with DSM IV- Appendix I- culture-bound syndromes[7] and under “other specific neurotic disorders” (F48.8) in ICD-10.

    This syndrome is more prevalent in the Indian subcontinent[5,911]; therefore, it is considered as “neurosis of the orient” but it showed global presence, like “shen-k'uei” in China.[12,13] There are enough historical evidences that similar kinds of syndromes were prevalent in Europe, USA and Australia in the 19th century, which disappeared in response to changes in social and economic factors.[14,15]
    Sapiens likes this.
  13. SaveTheSeedofLife

    SaveTheSeedofLife Fapstronaut

    Just like keepitreal says: YOU CAN NOT STOP WET DREAMS! its a normal body function since humans existed. You are obsessed from stopping something that you can't control. You need to think why this is so much a trauma for you? what really happened? did someone see you in your wet underwear? you don't want people to know you grew up and now you produce semen or you think semen is evil? I don't know. All of us had or have wet dreams. Are they annoying?- hell yes!, You got to clean up, your sticky, you smell a bit, you wet the bed, probably you at a friends house or relative and your embarrassed but you move on. Your a dude and that's what happens to dudes that Do not ejaculate. There is only one cure for that and that is Masturbating and ejaculating a lot and it will stop. Your only choice. So you need to figure this out bro. You either man up and embrace your wet dreams or then give up the challenge. There are few men that never get wet dreams but they are program that way in their DNA and most of those dudes wish they had wet dreams. I know a guy that never had them. Not even one and he wish many times he could at least experience one. Your body is program to be like the rest of us, accept it don't torture yourself and stop going to doctors that are not professional and that going to steal your money. I hope you come to your senses bro. You need to continue this NoFap way of life and embrace your wet dreams bro.They are a mark of your manhood and your strength of overcoming the mind. I myself wish I had many of them per month also I wish I did not masturbated like crazy in my teens, I wish I had someone tell me hey! embrace them! don't hate them. I hated nightfalls and used M to escape them, now I regret it and can't go back. Think about that, many guys here are giving you good advice and telling you to move on and embrace it. Let it go bro, leeeet iiit gooooo. If you can't, please seek a therapist that can help you to see whats really going on in your head but the doctor is stealing your money. I really feeling for you even though I do not know you but I can see you are having a really though battle in your head. Not sure you believe in God, but if you do, why would you think god put wet dreams in the first place? if they were bad, he wouldn't let it exist in the first place.
    RICARDO DIAZ likes this.
  14. How long you were addicted to pmo? Was your addiction considered Heavy?
  15. qmds

    qmds Fapstronaut

    One thing that I can tell you is that nightfalls are not a problem. This goes out to all the other readers as well. Nightfalls are not meant to be under your control.
    Normally the frequency stays around 1-2 nightfalls, and at max 3, per month.
    It's the frequency of your nightfalls that is alarming. If the frequency is anywhere near the number you claim, then it's a very serious issue that needs to be addressed. Good luck with your recovery.
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  16. Idontwanttotaste

    Idontwanttotaste New Fapstronaut

    Finally i found a similar story!! same happend with me some of my friends introduced me to this i still regret it till this date IM ON DAY 150 , I HAVE TRIED EVERY FUCKING THING I CANT GET RID OF NIGHTFALLS, iam getting weaker and weaker cant even think, please update here @Madtitan what happend next. Im so depressed right now. please help these are career years and i dont have the energy to do anything. i finally found this forum specially created account for this as i saw this as last hope. Somebody please help!!!!!!
  17. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    do edging (no porn, no fantasy, no girl), only sensation
  18. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

  19. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

  20. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut
