New to NoFap - porn addict years before the Internet was a thing

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by OysterBoy, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. OysterBoy

    OysterBoy Fapstronaut

    Great that you have a supportive wife, too. I've never fantasized about other men, but have my own fantasies about anal play with my wife. She's more into connection, cuddling, and that's another reason I have to break the porn habit. It does not align with what she needs.
  2. Breadman

    Breadman Fapstronaut

    So your struggle is with straight porn and M? Lucky guy. Mine is gay and straight and M. Trifecta of trouble. :)
  3. OysterBoy

    OysterBoy Fapstronaut

    Yes, straight porn and M - to the point of waking up and thinking about which performer I would search out, what type of sex scenes, and then working on the work PC and watching porn on my phone or personal laptop, literally consuming hours. And a really sore woody by the end, hoping my wife is not interested in sex on those binge days.
    Breadman likes this.
  4. Breadman

    Breadman Fapstronaut

    I remember wasting entire days on porn. I seem to have that in check but I never say never. I’m an artist so fantasies and visualizations are easy. Also just the physical feelings get me going. I don’t even need images. At least they don’t take up entire days anymore.
    I just have to be sure I don’t spend all day on Nofap.
    OysterBoy likes this.
  5. OysterBoy

    OysterBoy Fapstronaut

    I'll make this my last comment to you for today - for sure I can see getting sucked into this forum. All I need is a word - like my daughter saying "do we have a tire gauge" and then I'm off to the races, let me Google the actress Gauge and watch her on video.
    Breadman likes this.