Quitting Facebook and other social media

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Darth_Vader421, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. Darth_Vader421

    Darth_Vader421 New Fapstronaut

    I did a lot of research on the impact of social media apps like Facebook and Instagram on a teenage mind. Isolating oneself from the real world is just the tip of the iceberg. The real danger is that it causes depression and urge for more and more content that suits one's interest. Everytime we are in a bad mood, we turn to social media instead of a real person. Believe me guys, social media is a double edged sword. I have been into the habit of scrolling through my Facebook wall all day long. I am with friends physically but indulged in my phone checking out memes and what others have been upto. This kind of life seems great at first then it just becomes a habit that you prefer over the real world. I have uninstalled every social media app on my phone. I have been clean for a week now. But even today i go to my search bar to type Facebook and realise it isn't there. It shows i am an addict. I am not asking you to quit cold turkey. I just want to advice you to limit it to a level that it does not hurt you personal life, be it with your friends, partner or family.
    I would love to know what do you guys think.
  2. user10111

    user10111 Fapstronaut

    Definitely true.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. MountainGiant

    MountainGiant Fapstronaut

    You're obviously right, in order to limit yourself from social media I recommend you to:
    - limit time spent on social media if you can't manage to completely erase them at first (install browser extensions like LeechBlock and give let's say 15 min/day max time spent on social domains like facebook; you can do the same on your smartphone with StayFocusd app)
    - turn your facebook status to constantly invisible/offline
    - unfollow all friends/pages/groups from fb so nothing will appear and catch your attention on the main page
    Those simple steps will make you realize you have nothing to do on those social media sites or at least it's not worth your time really. The same thing goes for other addictive websites such as YouTube (there is great extension named YouTube UnHooked, check it out!).

    I applied those simple steps myself and it works great for me. But remember, the first days won't be easy because your brain is accustomed to certain things. although as the time goes by it will get better.
    FX-05 likes this.
  4. user10111

    user10111 Fapstronaut

    I personally deactivated Facebook in 2017, haven't used it since then. I don't have any other social media apps on my phone besides Whatsapp but it's has its disadvantages too.. There's an app called Digital well-being made by Google, i use it to monitor the time i spent on my apps,it closes automatically after i have reached the time limit i have set. I highly recommend it
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I'm a fan of taking as social media fast when we feel like we are consuming it obsessively/compulsively and it's use is bringing no benefit to our lives. I canceled my FB and Twitter account years ago and, with rare exception, haven't missed them at all. Instead, the lack of them has made me more present in the "here and now" and given me far more time to engage in healthier activities.
  6. vowed

    vowed Fapstronaut

    The virtual world has the potential to create a false reality and a false perception of our reality. It's very healthy to shed it. Not to say that it cannot be used for good, since it's, strictly speaking, something neutral. But again, given that it's not necessary for life, even for someone with a social life, no danger in looking for other ways to stay connected.
    Hold it in likes this.
  7. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Just quit it. The only social media I'm on is NoFap. I feel this site really doesnt put so much resources to keep me addicted. In fact this site lets you break down your problems, and let you Express them, which can only help in my opinion. Rather facebook, instagram serves to show the best of peoples lives, which are generally not true. NoFap Is based on truth. FB/Insta. based on falsity.
    ItsSeal and vowed like this.
  8. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    It's so healthy. Like taking a massive dump and feeling like you lost 20 pounds.
  9. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Yes, social media is indeed cancer. However, normalfags will disagree.
  10. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    lmao lad, I agree, but the only people who talk about normalfags are actually normalfags (edgy reddit aka cuckchan is very popular, too popular). 4chan and 8chan are dead and suck ass, festering shitholes full of dumb and dumber degenerates.
    The whole concept of "normalfags" is corn shucking fuck retarded anyhow, it used to make me feel better as a loser but really there is nothing wrong about being a functioning member of society, using social media a bit (yes, it is cancer) and having friends. Being a recluse like Varg Vikernes, breeding your autistic wife in the woods, larping in armor and practicing air kicks, is not a healthy way to live, even if modern society is the equivalent of jay masters vomit bucket at the local powerlifitng gym.
  11. vowed

    vowed Fapstronaut

    Language, gentlemen :D:D
  12. I recommend reading the book "Digital Minimalism" by Cal Newport if you want to know on the negative impacts ot digital technolgies especially social media.

    When I'm using Instagram, all I was doing was just scrolling through photos and spamming the Like button. Some photos like hot models gave me anxiety attack and sometimes depression due to their "Perfect" lives they displayed.

    Now that I've quited Instagram, I felt so much better. I learn from the detox that you don't need social media to live a happy life. I don't even need to check the person I followed latest posts. I don't miss anything from quiting it.
  13. Your right about everything you said. It will consume valuable time if you don't control it.
    Hold it in likes this.
  14. I don't post on Facebook all that much anymore. Don't have Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter etc.

    Only reason I still have my Facebook is because of my family and close friends I've made there. I've basically lost interest in it
  15. Oh Please God Help Me!

    Oh Please God Help Me! Fapstronaut

  16. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Absolutely true. These socials apps are designed to have no stopping calls, (as a example a book has different chapters where you can decide to stop or continue reading). How longer your scrolling on the app, how more money these company´s earn. They invest billions in the system so that you stay as long as possible on it. With social media, i believe your the product of the tech, instead that the tech is a product you use.
  17. TC6791

    TC6791 Fapstronaut

    I left Facebook on 2018. I deleted Twitter, because it is so easy to find porn in there, and I don't want any triggers. I only have instagram now, but I did decide to go on a social media fast. I think that social media has it's pros, i.e. keeping up with family and friends, etc...; but it also has many cons and addictive tendencies. So it's good to take a step back and limit or eliminate social media and worry more about real life, and not the virtual (fake) life that everyone portrays on social media.
  18. bobjames127

    bobjames127 Fapstronaut

    Yeah this is true. I was listening to a psychologist talk about this. Basically, he stated that you train your mind to information seek in manner that confirms your cognitive bias and affirms your ego. Eventually, you start to treat people like this. So, it's not wonder why people are having such a hard time in relationships of all sorts these days. I'm awaiting for my anxiety to pass, because being able to talk to someone on facebook when in the midst of an anxiety attack is quite helpful for me, to delete all my social media. Good luck man!
  19. user10111

    user10111 Fapstronaut

    The book is eye on opening, i am currently reading it. I like the quote where Sean Parker, ex president of Facebook says "The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, . . . was all about: “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever.
    TC6791 likes this.
  20. safa61947

    safa61947 Fapstronaut

    I own no social media as of yesterday too. Let's see what the future brings. Today I read 1000 pages of a book (yep, a thousand, easy book very interesting).
    TC6791 likes this.