Post the best quote from a nofapper here

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by need4realchg, Sep 25, 2019.

  1. You guys have inspired me a lot. And I wanted to have a place to share the quote and thank you.

    Hros likes this.
  2. " Restoration with your SO is going to require a level of honesty that feels like you are losing control.”


    This was the first guy I identified with when I got to nofap. His advice and journal was inspirational. Not because he killed it, but because he didn’t try to impress his readers with his cool he was. And he like me, was codependent.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  3. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    "Life isn't determined by the cards you were dealt but how you play your hand"
    This isn't by @Tiger uppercut! but he posted it once on his status and it really struck a chord.
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  4. safa61947

    safa61947 Fapstronaut

    Everything @IGY said. Nothing special but he makes you feel respected.
  5. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

  6. "The key to success with nofap is in making a decision and then sticking with it.. no matter what."

    It was said by Retro Girl and i liked it so much i made it my signature. Its a simple truth, but it struck a cord with me. Sadly, i have yet to put it into practice, but i will
    need4realchg likes this.
  7. ''All you have in this World is your Balls and your Nofap Streak!'' - @locomia (Jun 1, 2019)

    By far the best one i read, i will never forget it!
    need4realchg likes this.
  8. This one put a smile on my face because it's so motivating:

    "Broken crayons still color"
    @Tiger uppercut!
  9. Abstention alone won't do. There is something called "ego fatigue" that's why pure willpower is not gonna suffice to break addiction cycle. You need to set yourself small goals you LIKE (dopamine) and want to achieve and focus on them rather than just focusing on abstaining from porn. “

    @Fenix Rising

    This guy was one of top 3 that helped me kick pmo by breaking recovery into scientific Steps and studies. Thanks man. When I am ready to pen a success story you will be there.
    Fenix Rising and Hros like this.
  10. Well, one of the lies the addiction tells us--you, me, and everyone else--is that true fulfillment and satisfaction is just one encounter away. It's like, "yes, I know none of these past encounters have made me feel the way I wanted ... but if I just find the right partner / fulfill this particular fantasy, then I'll be happy."

    In my addiction, happiness has always been somewhere other than where I'm standing. When I was single, Iwanted to be married. When I was married, I wanted to be single. When I was working, I wanted to be off. When I had time off work, I wanted to be working. I've always struggled with contentment. I'm working on trying to enjoy each moment that God gives me, by paying attention both to the details of life as well as the bigger picture.”

    I could put endless quotes here by @SuperFan. His is my favorite journal on nofap and i identified with him. He Is one of the few guys who was SA not Just a compulsive PA . He’s the only guy i read here who has attended a treatment center. Most important His Sexual resume feels so close to mine in terms of idealism, # partners, codependency, a love for awesome cocktails, and of course in Texas like me. I sincerely look up to this writer and life story. Thanks bro. Love you man.
    johnnybgoode and SuperFan like this.
  11. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    You're a kind man. Thanks for the great and edifying comments. Keep up the fight!
    need4realchg likes this.
  12. GigglingTrout

    GigglingTrout Fapstronaut

  13. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

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