Can’t compete with the bantz

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by M-mcfly, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. M-mcfly

    M-mcfly Fapstronaut

    title says it all really. I work occasionally with two guys who are all about the Bantz. I’m not really into it and tbh their banter is Verging on bullying.

    I’m not sure how to reply to it. If they make banter/jokes about me then I try and ignore it but they carry on. When I try to banter back I usually get destroyed especially as there is two of them and one of me and I’m an introvert whereas they are extroverts.

    Advice pls
  2. NF10419

    NF10419 Fapstronaut

    The best thing you can do is laugh at yourself with them. If they are actually bullying you in order to make you feel bad about yourself, then laughing at their jokes with them and appearing to be unbothered by their comments would be the best way to get back at them. If they aren’t really bullying you but still shit talking I’d say your immediate reaction should still be to laugh at their jokes for several reasons: 1) if you are being overly sensitive, laughing at yourself might help you lighten up some. Sometimes we just need someone to keep it real with us. 2) laughing at yourself buys you some time to come up with a comeback on the spot rather than just standing their awkwardly and appearing offended.

    You should also know that in some communities, talking shit with one another is a clear sign of camaraderie and friendship. If my friends ever stopped talking shit to me, that would be a red flag that something is seriously wrong. Just something to think about. You know your friends and your situation better than anyone else.